Added Info CANADIAN WORKSHOP Oct 1994 (v.18#1) pg. 4
Building the indestructible rural mailbox.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL May-Jun 1993 (v.77#3) pg. 54
Garden thyme tool shed. Wooden decoration for a rural-style mailbox is designed to look like a birdhouse. Using the mailbox as a small tool "shed" is suggested.
CRAFTS May 1996 (v.19#5) pg. 32, 41
Mailbox art. Flower pattern of Queen Anne's lace and Bachelor Buttons to paint on your mailbox.
DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS May 1982 (v.13#4) pg. 20
Mailbox makeover. Purchased mailbox is stenciled with shaded leaf motifs. Leaf pattern furnished.
DECORATIVE ARTIST'S WORKBOOK Mar-Apr 1995 (v.22#2) pg. 24, 33
Two Christmas motifs to paint on sign cloth to cover a mailbox during the Yule season. (1) Wrapped gifts and sprigs of evergreen and holly. (2) Trio of snowmen carolers with evergreens.
DECORATIVE ARTIST'S WORKBOOK Nov-Dec 1997 (v.24#6) pg. 60, 41
Front door mailbox has metal house numbers on its lid.
FAMILY CIRCLE Nov 1 1980 (v.93#15) pg. 60, 106
How to (1) cover an ordinary metal mail box with small ceramic tiles or (2) give it an unusual paint job.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #207 Mar 1980 (v.30#3) pg. 59
Mailbox stand and planter for rural mailbox.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #209 May-Jun 1980 (v.30#5) pg. 30
Eight eye-catching rural mailboxes are illustrated.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #239 May-Jun 1983 (v.33#5) pg. 40
Replacing a mailbox post.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #350 Jul-Aug 1994 (v.44#7) pg. 47
Cedar-shingle mailbox.
FLOWER & GARDEN Jan-Feb 1989 (v.33#1) pg. 96
Mailbox gardens. Four ideas for plantings to surround a rural mailbox post.
GARDEN GATE #29 Oct 1999 pg. 32
How to create a crushproof mailbox by placing a standard-size one inside a larger one and filling the void with ready-mix concrete.
HOME MECHANIX #805 May 1996 (v.92) pg. 10
Make a mailbox post from concrete-filled PVC pipe.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #672 May 1984 (v.80) pg. 117
Wooden cowbow sits atop your rural mailbox to "ride herd" on the mail. A rope in his hand is attached to the box.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Nov 1977 (v.8#4) pg. 18
A well-lit mailbox. Wooden mailbox post features a built-in mailbox, newspaper slot and a light. Est. cost: $82.
NEW SHELTER May-Jun 1982 (v.3#5) pg. 43
Rural mailbox post also has a small planter box for added decoration.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1978 (v.150#1) pg. 114
Pentagon mailbox is built from plywood or hardboard.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1979 (v.151#4) pg. 132
Tip: Make a high-security rural mailbox by placing an 8" box inside an 11" box and filling the void with concrete.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1980 (v.153#5) pg. 40
Mailbox overflow made from a cookie sheet. Useful for holding the extra mail received around holiday time.
POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1966 (v.189#6) pg. 170
First-class home for a mailbox. Rural mailbox enclosure (post) is made of vertical redwood strips, with a metal roof and a built-in light.
POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1967 (v.191#3) pg. 148
Two-in-one mailbox holds mail and newspaper in separate compartments.
POPULAR SCIENCE May 1974 (v.204#5) pg. 156
Post lamp and mail center. Wooden mailbox and newspaper box are supported by a decorative wooden post with a built-in lamp. Design has an oriental look.
POPULAR SCIENCE Nov 1980 (v.217#5) pg. 124
Wooden mailbox post is cut in half (on an angle) and held together with a pipe "pivot". Should the mailbox ever be hit by a car, snowplow, etc., the box will pivot out of the way and then return to it's correct position.
POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1986 (v.229#6) pg. 100
Rural delivery mailbox post features Victorian styling. Made from pressure-treated wood.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #55 Jul 1990 (v.10#1) pg. 32
Country mailbox is shaped like a Victorian cottage, complete with shake roof, bargeboard trim, shutters, etc.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #56 Sep 1990 (v.10#2) pg. 68
Victorian-style mailbox post made from 4"x4" and reinforced with decorative molding and gingerbread shapes.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #100 Jan 1998 (v.17#6) pg. 51, 49
Bungalow mailbox. Wooden mailbox is based on a design reminiscent of the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, a leader in the European Arts & Crafts movement (circa 1900). Overall dimensions: 13" tall, 8" wide, 5" deep.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #103 Jul 1998 (v.18#3) pg. 48, Insert
Easy outdoor accents. A mailbox that looks like a Victorian house.
PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER Jul-Aug 1989 (v.4#5) pg. 16
Photograph of a mailbox for an astronomer that simulates a telescope, but is acceptable to the post office.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1987 (v.73#1) pg. 90
How to build a mailbox post that is also a planter and a garden light.
SUNSET Jun 1977 (v.158#6) pg. 138
Redwood mailbox holder has a support and cross beam for hanging a large house number sign and a hanging basket of flowers. Unit is 10-ft. tall and built from 4x6 post with 2x6 crossbeams.
SUNSET Feb 1978 (v.160#2) pg. 90
Tip shows how to build a mailbox and address light with leaded glass inserts for the house number.
SUNSET Mar 1978 (v.160#3) pg. 154
Roomy, round rural mailbox and post is made from 12" heating duct. Est. cost: $50.
SUNSET Sep 1981 (v.167#3) pg. 100
Tip: Cover an ordinary rural-style mailbox and post with a tiered shell of redwood to transform it into a piece of "streetside sculpture".
SUNSET May 1982 (v.168#5) pg. 142
Tip: How to convert a standard galvanized mailbox into one that opens on each end.
SUNSET Mar 1985 (v.174#3) pg. 166
Folk-art mailbox is painted in acrylics with a "Mail bird and heart" motif. Intermediate painting level.
TOLE WORLD #105 Jul-Aug 1990 (v.14#4) pg. 26
Spruce up a plain metal mailbox with these easy-to-make decorations. (1) Covered bridge. (2) Gallant goose. (3) Roguish rooster.
WOMAN'S DAY Mar 8 1983 (v.46#7) pg. 46, 126
Tip: Decorate your rural-style mail box to resemble a parcel-post package.
WOMAN'S DAY Oct 25 1983 (v.47#2) pg. 66, 161
Cut-out wooden kitties adorn mailbox. Paint these cats with your feline's markings.
WOMAN'S DAY Jun 12 1984 (v.47#11) pg. 113, 146
First-class mailbox. Wooden box with a slanted lift-up top features the word "MAIL" scroll sawn into the front (to let you see inside) and decorative support brackets.
WOOD MAGAZINE #86 Feb 1996 (v.13#2) pg. 66, Insert
Elegant cedar post supports both a mailbox and a small planter box.
WOOD MAGAZINE #143 Sep 2002 (v.19#5) pg. 76, Insert
Wooden, wall-hung mailbox is designed with an inner bin that pivots out. The bin is sized to hold magazines and other oversized mail.
WOODSMITH #70 Aug 1990 pg. 24
Signed, sealed and delivered. Build a weatherproof wooden rural mailbox which incorporates the house name and an indicator that shows when the box has been opened.
WOODWORKER Jan 1991 (v.95#1) pg. 78
Wooden mailbox features a slopping top which raises up for depositing mail.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1983 (v.7#2) pg. 53
How to tole paint a mailbox with a bluebird and dogwood pattern.
WORKBASKET Mar 1980 (v.45#5) pg. 40
Giant mailbox with a window viewer. Box is built of wood and measures 15" tall, 14" wide and 5" deep. Mail is inserted through a slot in the top. The front of the box is a key locked door with a window to view the mail.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1979 (v.35#2) pg. 30
Rural mailbox support is made from 2x12 and 4x4 lumber.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1980 (v.36#3) pg. 114
Tips on building a wooden mailbox that looks like your own home.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1987 (v.43#4) pg. 59
Combination rural mailbox and newspaper post with upper and lower planters.
WORKBENCH Jun-Jul 1996 (v.52#3) pg. 18