Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #99 Mar-Apr 1993 pg. 8
Story poles and how to use them. Constructing and locating kitchen cabinets without a tape measure by using cabinet story poles and site story poles.
FINE WOODWORKING #105 Mar-Apr 1994 pg. 66
Tip on using a laser pointer as an accurate cutoff gauge when doing repetitive cutting of work pieces to the same length.
FINE WOODWORKING #112 May-Jun 1995 pg. 16
Adjustable-length feeler gauge for taking accurate inside measurements of cabinets.
FINE WOODWORKING #113 Jul-Aug 1995 pg. 16
Round tenon sizing gauge made from Baltic-birch plywood.
FINE WOODWORKING #134 Jan-Feb 1999 pg. 18
How to measure and mark your work accurately.
HANDY ANDY Mar 1980 (v.4#6) pg. 34
Make a telescoping measuring stick from a couple of pine lengths and some bolts and wing nuts. Use it to find the exact inside measurement of a cabinet or door jamb.
HOMEOWNER Jul-Aug 1984 (v.9#6) pg. 12
Layout techniques for the workshop. Some basic tips and ideas for jigs to simplify layouts for repeated jobs. (1) Template for frequently used circle sizes. (2) Simple way to locate lathe center points on the end of square stock. (3) Even division of circles. (4) Marking hidden edges. (5) Making ellipses. (6) Laying out a corner radius. (7) Locating the center of round stock. (8) Automatic layout for center punching. (9) Drawing compass-struck arcs at the edge of material. (10) Dividing odd-size pieces into equal widths. (11) Draw circles on material with the center cut out. (12) Scribe easy-to-see lines on metal. (13) Self-centering fixture for layout out and drilling rounds. (14) Automatic center-line scriber. (15) Angle layouts.
HOMEOWNER Sep 1985 (v.10#7) pg. 63
Tip: How to use two eight- to ten-foot 1x1s to measure large, overhead areas.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO May-Jun 1982 (v.7#3) pg. 96
Tools to help you measure and draw plans that will eliminate costly mistakes.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Mar-Apr 1983 (v.8#2) pg. 101
Tips on changing English scales to Metric scales on your woodworking machines.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION May-Jun 1978 (v.67#5) pg. 45
Overhead transparency master illustrates basic measuring tools used in woodworking, house construction, etc.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Oct 1982 (v.71#7) pg. 32
Overhead transparency master illustrates various precision measuring tools.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Dec 1982 (v.71#9) pg. 38
Tips on using your hands as measuring tools.
KITCHEN GARDEN #5 Oct-Nov 1996 pg. 10
Advice for kite flyers on quick and easy ways to estimate the angle of elevation without fancy equipment. Includes tip on how to make a simple quadrant from a flat stick, cardboard, a piece of cord, a weight and a protractor.
KITE LINES Spring 1991 (v.8#3) pg. 41
A guide to the basic tools for measuring in woodworking.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #608 Jan 1979 (v.75) pg. 82
Simple gauge quickly shows the thickness of wood up to 1" thick.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Aug 1977 (v.8#3) pg. 29
Tip: Adjustable jig for measuring treads for a staircase or fitted shelves for a bookcase or cabinet. Helps guarantee that the tread or shelf will fit exactly.
NEW SHELTER Jul-Aug 1983 (v.4#6) pg. 23
Tips on making construction measuring easier. Includes the use of a story pole for making duplicate cuts.
NEW SHELTER Mar 1985 (v.6#3) pg. 65
Measuring up. How to properly measure a room (or a houseful of rooms) in order to prepare a scaled drawing.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Oct 1984 (v.12#8) pg. 172
Tip on using slipsticks (instead of a ruler) to get an accurate measurement.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1994 (v.22#5) pg. 22
Using sound for detection and measurement. (1) Distance-measuring system acts like a simple radar system. (2) Motion detector is based on the Doppler effect.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1990 (v.7#9) pg. 82
A 4x magnifying thickness gauge measures in 64ths.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1963 (v.120#2) pg. 176
Inclinometer. A device to measure the angle or angular movement of your saw table, lathe chuck, or any other tilting surface.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1967 (v.128#6) pg. 176
Measuring instrument shows variations as small as 1/1000".
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1968 (v.129#1) pg. 196
How to use the fingers on your hands to accurately estimate various measurements.
POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1981 (v.156#3) pg. 170
Sheet steel tool. A pocket tool, which can double as a key ring, is suitable for checking several common measurements and can be used as an "emergency" screwdriver, wrench, thread chaser, etc.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1982 (v.158#2) pg. 87
Workshop minicourse. Measuring and marking.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1984 (v.161#7) pg. 106
36 woodworking tips. Includes tips on joinery, sanding, measuring, saws & saw blades, gluing, etc.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1984 (v.161#11) pg. 138
Measuring up. From rules and gauges to calipers and squares. A look at what's available in measuring and marking tools.
POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1986 (v.163#9) pg. 87
Tip on using a beverage can pull tab as a .015" feeler gauge to set auto ignition points.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1990 (v.167#10) pg. 106
Spotting tool for machinists allows the transfer of hole locations from one piece of stock to another.
POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1971 (v.199#6) pg. 90
Some tips on what impact metric measurements may have on your workshop.
POPULAR SCIENCE Nov 1973 (v.203#5) pg. 127
Precision is easy with these tips for shop accuracy. How to properly use measuring instruments, like rulers and squares, when laying out wood projects. How to true up your saws and learn to cut exactly along the line desired. How to assemble finished projects accurately using jigs and spacers.
POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1978 (v.213#6) pg. 108
If building goes metric, what will the switch mean to home improvement and construction. Tables give metric equivalent of common construction materials and supplies.
POPULAR SCIENCE Feb 1980 (v.216#2) pg. 57
How metric measurement makes construction (such as laying out floors and decks) easier, because the planning can be done on a calculator.
POPULAR SCIENCE May 1984 (v.224#5) pg. 129
Tip on marking a tube, pipe or round turning for cutting at an angle.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #53 Mar 1990 (v.9#5) pg. 9
Tips on accurate measuring and marking depending on the requirements of a woodworking project.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #62 Sep 1991 (v.11#2) pg. 16
Scrap wood corner gauges. Making templates for repetitious marking in production situations.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #63 Nov 1991 (v.11#3) pg. 74
Mistakes of the hand and mind. Tips on measuring and cutting in woodworking in order to eliminate mistakes.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #86 Sep 1995 (v.15#2) pg. 58
Measuring and marking tools for the woodworker. Details units of measure, straightedges and rules, methods for accurate long measurements, and folding rules. Shop-made straightedge, pinch rods and winding sticks described.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #90 May 1996 (v.16#2) pg. 18
Using the "Kaltek" RC-103 module, along with common components and a simple calculator, to build an instrument to measure resistance, capacitance, temperature, RPM, length, or angles. May also be used as part of a stopwatch or light meter.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1985 (v.56#1) pg. 79
Ten measuring rules every craftsman should know.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Jan 1964 (v.35#1) pg. 96
Building your mathematical tool box. (1) Measuring circumference of the earth. (2) Measuring land and laying out square corners with the 3,4,5 triangle. (3) Measuring height of tall objects using shadows. (4) Rules of probability. (5) Measuring the circumference of a circle. (6) Topology and the Mobius strip.
SCIENCE PROBE! Jul 1991 (v.1#3) pg. 20
Added Info SCIENCE PROBE! Apr 1992 (v.2#2) pg. 19
Added Info SCIENCE PROBE! Nov 1992 (v.2#4) pg. 6
Two procedures for measuring the radius of the earth. One method uses three stones, a line of string and a ruler. The second needs a clear view of the sunset from a beach overlooking a large calm lake and a stopwatch.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN May 1979 (v.240#5) pg. 172
The amateur scientist. How the sun's reflection from water offers a means of calculating the slopes of waves. By photographing the reflection, one can compute the maximum slope without having to go out on the water. Experiments with reflections from a tilted mirror help illustrate the concepts.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jun 1985 (v.252#6) pg. 130
Layout techniques. Simple tips to improve the measurement precision of your woodworking.
SHOPNOTES #10 Jul 1993 (v.2) pg. 22
Technique for getting perfectly even spacing between a series of holes.
SHOPNOTES #34 Jul 1997 (v.6) pg. 30
The understanding and use of precision measuring instruments as they apply in building and servicing engines.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #162 Jan 1990 (v.14#6) pg. 27
Precison measurements for the car restorer. Part 4. Small hole gauges, telescoping gauges, thickness (feeler) gauges, and vernier calipers.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #218 Sep 1994 (v.19#2) pg. 12
Added Info SKINNED KNUCKLES #219 Oct 1994 (v.19#3) pg. 32
Astronomical computing. Getting the most from a spherometer. Spherometer formulas explained. Includes a BASIC computer program to calculate the sagitta, radius of curvature, and spherometer span.
SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1986 (v.72#3) pg. 278
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1988 (v.76#2) pg. 203
How to make and use a "bulkhead stick" to draw a pattern for a large curved panel (bulkhead) to be cut from expensive plywood.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #48 Apr-May 1986 pg. 87
A few good measuring tips for use when constructing aircraft, or any other project which requires accuracy.
SPORT AVIATION Jul 1986 (v.35#7) pg. 27
Wing incidence tool is used to check the incidence, wash-in or wash-out of an airplane's wing.
SPORT AVIATION Jan 1987 (v.36#1) pg. 60
Secret measures. Tricks one carpenter uses.
TODAY'S HOMEOWNER #808 Sep 1996 (v.92) pg. 82
Added Info TODAY'S HOMEOWNER #812 Feb 1997 (v.93) pg. 8
Tip: Top 20 tools for accurate measuring and layout.
WOOD MAGAZINE #11 Jun 1986 (v.3#3) pg. 85
Tip on drawing straight, parallel lines along the axis of round stock.
WOOD MAGAZINE #16 Apr 1987 (v.4#2) pg. 16
Two ways to accurately measure the diameter of an object using ordinary measuring tools.
WOOD MAGAZINE #26 Dec 1988 (v.5#6) pg. 16
How to make a quick reference gauge for checking the diameter of a drill bit, dowel, bolt, etc.
WOOD MAGAZINE #41 Feb 1991 (v.8#2) pg. 17
How to use a combination square's centering head to transfer layout lines from the face of a board to an edge.
WOOD MAGAZINE #44 Aug 1991 (v.8#5) pg. 12
Tip for using a hex-headed bolt to lay out three or six equally spaced divisions around a wheel.
WOOD MAGAZINE #44 Aug 1991 (v.8#5) pg. 13
Five measuring and marking rules in order to avoid wasting wood and ensure quality results.
WOOD MAGAZINE #77 Feb 1995 (v.12#2) pg. 45
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #82 Oct 1995 (v.12#7) pg. 6
Set of hardwood thickness blocks is used to set position of saw fence, router bit, biscuit jointer, etc.
WOOD MAGAZINE #84 Dec 1995 (v.12#9) pg. 51
Tip on using "Post-It" paper to mark the location of studs or hidden nailers.
WOOD MAGAZINE #85 Jan 1996 (v.13#1) pg. 16
Modified plastic draftsman's triangle helps check the squareness of a leg-and-rail project.
WOOD MAGAZINE #98 Aug 1997 (v.14#5) pg. 22
Mark with precision. Top-quality joints depend on layout lines that are accurate, sharp, and easy to follow. Some tips.
WOOD MAGAZINE #141 Apr 2002 (v.19#3) pg. 22
Make your mark. Suggestions for marking the components of a woodworking project so that they are assembled correctly.
WOOD MAGAZINE #149 Jun-Jul 2003 (v.20#3) pg. 34
How to use a "jogglestick" to layout the curves and miters required when fitting a bulkhead to a boat hull.
WOODENBOAT #39 Mar-Apr 1981 pg. 106
Pattern for an articulated shipwright's curve is used for taking the shape of boat frames directly off the hull.
WOODENBOAT #74 Jan-Feb 1987 pg. 12
Tip: Turn a stair-step gauge for quick and accurate setting of outside calipers.
WOODSMITH #21 May 1982 pg. 3
Jig uses a "floating block" which rides in a sliding dovetail to set the exact height of a table saw blade, a bit on a router table, etc.
WOODSMITH #31 Jan-Feb 1984 pg. 3
Tip on making your own set-up gauges from scrap wood. This guarantees that you can repeatedly set the same angle between saw blade and miter gauge. Especially important when working with unusual angles.
WOODSMITH #56 Apr 1988 pg. 3
Tip on using two sliding sticks clamped together to get an exact measurement between two parallel panels.
WOODSMITH #91 Feb 1994 (v.16) pg. 17
Tip: Make a step-gauge for accurate setting of a marking gauge.
WOODWORKER #1065 Aug 1982 (v.86) pg. 529
Calibrated wedge is used to measure the size of a gap between two objects or to set a caliper to a particular opening.
WOODWORKER Jun 1990 (v.94#6) pg. 569
Sizes without rules. How to make and use measuring laths to get more accurate inside or diagonal measurements.
WOODWORKER Jul 1993 (v.97#7) pg. 84
Tools for measuring and marking.
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1970 (v.26#1) pg. 37
Tip shows an accurate and easy way to locate the exact center of a wall floor plate.
WORKBENCH Jun-Jul 1996 (v.52#3) pg. 15