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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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Tips on hunting for buried treasure with a metal detector.
BOYS' LIFE Oct 1981 (v.71#10) pg. 66

Metal detector uses a unique detection coil that is wound directly on top of a printed circuit board. A portable AM radio is used to amplify the tone shifts caused by buried metal. Est. cost: $6 (kit).

Electronic pipe and cable finder.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Nov 1963 (v.6#6) pg. 79

Battery-powered metal detector. A beginner's project.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Mar 1967 (v.10#2) pg. 119

Super-sensitive metal locator. Est. cost: $5.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED May 1968 (v.11#3) pg. 31

Circuit for a simple metal detector illustrates the principle. Used with a transistor radio to find metal.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1978 (v.18#5) pg. 68

Houndog. Build your own electronic metal detector. Can detect a penny buried 3" to 5". Will operate for up to a year on a 9-volt battery. Estimated cost: $25.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1980 (v.20#5) pg. 25

Tip: Locate studs (drywall screws) by using fine steel wool. This works if the screws were lightly magnetized by the magnetic tip of the drywall screwdriver during installation.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #33 Jun-Jul 1986 pg. 16

Dowsing for underground pipes or conduits made of ferrous metals.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #75 Jun-Jul 1992 pg. 26

Electronic stud finder detects the presence or proximity of magnetic (ferrous) metals.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Jul-Aug 1986 (v.3#4) pg. 51

Metal detecting for fun and profit. How modern metal detectors work. Tips on purchasing. Tips on treasure hunting. Part 1.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1985 (v.2#1) pg. 22

Metal detecting for fun and profit. Part 2. Includes a buying guide.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1985 (v.2#2) pg. 30

Experimenting with Hall-effect devices, the principal solid-state sensors of magnetic fields.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1987 (v.4#9) pg. 72

Tips on locating buried artifacts using a metal detector.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jun 1975 (v.3#6) pg. 6
Added Info OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jul 1975 (v.3#7) pg. 2

Tips on selecting and using a metal detector.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL May-Jun 1995 (v.23#3) pg. 62

IC-67 metal locator. High performance unit using integrated circuits deeply penetrates the earth to locate large metal objects. Battery-powered. Est. cost: $40.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1967 (v.26#1) pg. 41

Beachcomber. A simple, single-loop beat-frequency metal locator will detect objects at a depth of only about 2-ft. maximum (depending on size), powered with built-in speaker. Est. cost $15.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1967 (v.27#1) pg. 27
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1967 (v.27#2) pg. 104

Buried-metal locator uses the more efficient inductance bridge method of detection. Audio frequency coupling is used rather than radio frequency.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1969 (v.30#2) pg. 53

Metal locator will determine the exact location of ferrous or non-ferrous metals at a distance up to 2". Useful for locating hidden nails in walls, boats, etc. Est. cost: $10.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1969 (v.31#3) pg. 69

Underground survey meter and metal locator can locate such things as a water table 100 feet below the surface. Device uses the resistivity method.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1971 (v.35#2) pg. 63

Treasure detectors for land use. What's available and what to look for in selecting a metal detector.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1972 (v.2#3) pg. 52

A discussion of commercially available underwater treasure detectors and the unique problems of underwater work.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1972 (v.2#4) pg. 60

Low-cost metal locator detects objects at depths of 6". Heterdyne unit uses a portable AM broadcast band receiver to pick up signal.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1974 (v.6#1) pg. 47

Build a metal locator able to detect a nickel buried at a depth of 3". Estimated cost: $20.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1980 (v.17#1) pg. 70

"Coinshooter" metal detector reacts to coins and other precious metal objects while ignoring iron and steel. Will detect coins buried from 1" to 3" deep. Est. cost: $35.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1981 (v.19#8) pg. 55

Experimenter's metal detector. Use this student's model to learn how metal detectors work.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1989 (v.6#3) pg. 69

Closed-loop tracer is designed to follow a closed-loop wire or cable system. Can also be used to trace the path of a copper or metal pipe.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1989 (v.6#3) pg. 82

Simple metal detector (treasure finder) toy uses a portable AM radio as a receiver.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1989 (v.6#12) pg. 38

Metal detector circuit uses only standard components and a simple hand-wound coil.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1990 (v.7#5) pg. 22

Simple two-transistor metal detector circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1991 (v.8#3) pg. 92

Metal detector can locate coin-sized objects from a few inches, or larger objects at a distance of over two feet. The detector incorporates a VLF (very-low-frequency) transmitter and receiver.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1991 (v.8#6) pg. 73

Metal-detector circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1991 (v.8#8) pg. 73

Circuit to detect large metal objects (such as a car) can be used to activite driveway lights, etc.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1996 (v.13#1) pg. 63

Treasure hunting for fun and possible riches. Tips on using a metal detector, what is available and where to do your hunting.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1975 (v.144#4) pg. 54

Diagram shows how an older 23-ft. Chris-Craft was outfitted for underwater treasure locating and salvage. Installation of an underwater window, a winch to lower a metal detector and a simple hoist for raising small sunken objects.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1977 (v.147#2) pg. 101

Metal detector uses a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR). Locates objects as small as a tin can at depths up to 5 feet in average soil. Est. cost: $30.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1966 (v.189#1) pg. 110

Tricks the treasure hunters use. How to get the most from a metal detector.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1968 (v.193#1) pg. 94

Treasure hunter's guide to metal detectors.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1971 (v.198#6) pg. 82

All about metal detectors. What is available in commercial models and what are their capabilities.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1980 (v.51#11) pg. 52

Metal-sensing IC's are viewed. Includes a circuit for a pocket-size stud detector for locating studs and joists in building walls and ceilings by means of the nails or screws ordinarily found in studs.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1984 (v.55#2) pg. 98

Metal detector consists of a detection loop, an oscillator/amplifier, and earphones mounted on an aluminum and wood frame.
RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Aug-Sep 1968 (v.25#1) pg. 41

Metal detector (treasure finder) is a super-sensitive solid-state instrument.
SCIENCE & ELECTRONICS [1] Apr-May 1970 (v.28#2) pg. 39

Build this electronic metal detector. Can locate objects as small as a penny buried as deep as 3" to 5". Powered by a 9-volt battery.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS May-Jun 1982 pg. 77