Automotive exhaust emissions analyzer. Easy to build instrument measures carbon monoxide level. COMPUTERS & PROGRAMMING Jul-Aug 1981 (v.21#4) pg. 63
Simple electronic circuit will tell you if there is anything wrong with your car alternator by analyzing the whine. Est. cost: $1. CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Jan 1979 (v.35#1) pg. 101
An explanation of what electronic automobile tune-up analyzers tell you about your car's engine. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Mar-Apr 1973 (v.13#2) pg. 31
Alternator tester. A simple device to detect defective diodes, both open and shorted, in the three-phase full-wave rectifier circuit inside an automobile alternator. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS May-Jun 1977 (v.17#3) pg. 55
A basic guide to using autombile tune-up instruments. Covers tachometer, dwell meter, and timing light. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Mar-Apr 1980 (v.20#2) pg. 62
Tip shows how to make a lug wrench spinner from a length of PVC pipe. FAMILY HANDYMAN #314 Jan 1991 (v.41#1) pg. 84
Wordless Workshop suggests how to make an over-the-engine rack for holding tools and small parts when working on a car. FAMILY HANDYMAN #374 Dec 1996-Jan 1997 (v.47#1) pg. 104
Trouble testers you can use at home. A round-up of automotive testers that help you spot and correct auto problems faster, plus tips on their use. HOME MECHANIX #685 May 1985 (v.81) pg. 80
A buyer's guide to auto tools. From wrenches to ratchet drivers, here's how to tell the good from the bad and choose the right tool for the job. HOME MECHANIX #766 Jun 1992 (v.88) pg. 46
Tip: How to test your car's starter and electrical system using an induction ammeter. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO May-Jun 1979 (v.4#3) pg. 26
A systematic method for acquiring car repair tools. A guide to basic tools, tools for specific jobs and future acquisitions. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Sep-Oct 1979 (v.4#5) pg. 103
Selecting the equipment you need to do your own engine tune-ups. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Jul-Aug 1982 (v.7#4) pg. 86
Simple 'helper' consists of a length of broom handle and a wooden board with a hole in it. It is used to hold the gas pedal or brake pedal depressed while you make auto repairs. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Sep 1980 (v.69#6) pg. 32
Survey of auto service instruments. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #451 Dec 1965 (v.61) pg. 100
Special tools you should have when doing your own automobile maintenance. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #465 Feb 1967 (v.63) pg. 102
A review of auto instruments for the home mechanic. Includes vacuum gauge, compression gauge, timing light and other useful instruments. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #553 Jun 1974 (v.70) pg. 76
An auto pollution detector. Electronic device can sense the presence of CO (carbon monoxide) in automobile exhaust. Est. cost: $22. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #553 Jun 1974 (v.70) pg. 108
Battery tester mounts on the dash board of your car. Push a button to display both charge and power available and the health of the alternator. Est. cost: $15. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #574 Mar 1976 (v.72) pg. 48
Test meters for the home mechanic. What each type does and how to select the ones right for your use. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #574 Mar 1976 (v.72) pg. 88
Special tools you can make. Part of an article on how to repair cars for less, written in cooperation with the Car Care Council. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #600 May 1978 (v.74) pg. 132
Servicing your 1982 car. A special section. Includes tips on tools to make it easier. Looks at AMC, Chrysler, Ford, and GM cars, servicing the Wankel engine, etc. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #642 Nov 1981 (v.77) pg. 59+
Simple-to-make cylinder-leakage tester. Est. cost: $25. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #653 Oct 1982 (v.78) pg. 83
Whine tester. A simple circuit tells you if there's anything wrong with your car alternator by analyzing the whine. Est. cost: $1. MODERN ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1978 (v.1#1) pg. 49
Circuit for an auto analyzer. Determine the current drawn by any electrical device in your car, without having to locate the wire to that device. This circuit measures the very small voltage that develops across the battery cables when any current flows. MODERN ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1978 (v.1#1) pg. 56
Circuit for a series of LEDs to monitor the voltage level at various places in your car's electrical circuits. Help spot trouble and low voltage problems before battery failure. Est. Cost: under $9. MODERN ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1978 (v.1#7) pg. 37
Outfitting an automotive workshop for self-sufficiency in auto maintenance and repair. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #154 Feb-Mar 1996 pg. 69
Circuit to test the resistance of auto points. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1973 (v.4#2) pg. 100
Spark-miss analyzer shows when automobile plugs are firing properly. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1974 (v.5#1) pg. 69
How to make use of conventional electronic test equipment in tuning up an automobile motor. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1974 (v.6#1) pg. 92
Put your multimeter to use testing semiconductors, SCR's, triacs and your car. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1974 (v.6#6) pg. 94
Build a car ignition monitor. Provides a visual indication of timing angle, rpm, dwell and system dc voltage while you drive. Uses a tachometer as the system's parameter indicator. Est. cost: $27 plus tachometer. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1976 (v.10#4) pg. 37
Troubleshooting analyzer for automotive electric system. Four LEDs indicate if the trouble is low battery, no charging, diode/stator, or over charging. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1979 (v.15#1) pg. 62
Electronic "knock detector" helps trace down the source of strange knocking noises in electro-mechanical devices, such as automobile engines. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1989 (v.6#8) pg. 81
Circuit for automobile test light uses the BS170 MOSFET. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1995 (v.12#6) pg. 30
Build a tester to check alternator, battery, generator and regulator. Costs about $15. POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1965 (v.124#5) pg. 198
How to use a vacuum gauge to detect engine problems. POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1968 (v.129#6) pg. 114
Build a simple pushbutton Pulse Checker for your car. Mounted under the dashboard, this very sensitive low-voltage meter tests the resistance between ignition contact points to give a continuous average reading. POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1973 (v.139#3) pg. 64
Car Care Guide. What each kind of tune-up instrument does and tips on selecting the best ones for your needs. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1974 (v.141#5) pg. S6 (168+)
Available kit-built auto tune-up instruments viewed. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1974 (v.141#5) pg. 148
Roll around automobile tune-up bench is built of bolt-together angle iron, some pegboard for the back, and hardboard for the shelves. POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1975 (v.143#4) pg. 105
A low-amp circuit breaker, equipped with two wires and two alligator-type clips can replace a fuse when troubleshooting a car's electrical system. POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1975 (v.144#3) pg. 42
How to set up an automobile repair cooperative among several amateur mechanics. You can share the cost of tools and also share knowledge about cars. POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1975 (v.144#5) pg. 30B
Automobile electrical system tester plugs into your car lighter socket. This meter supplies all the information of an ammeter while your car is operating. Est. cost: $10. POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1977 (v.148#4) pg. 68
Three mobile automobile service "islands" (roll around tool carts) you can build for under $100. POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1981 (v.156#4) pg. 122
Special section: Tools you need for total car care. Description of 14 types of tools which will be useful or necessary. How to select and use them. POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1981 (v.156#4) pg. 142
Troubleshooting your car with a diagnostic oscilloscope. Use for any spark-ignition engine. POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1981 (v.156#5) pg. 35
How to design and equip your own dream garage for doing your own automobile work. Includes instructions for insulating and finishing a garage to house your tool collection. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1982 (v.157#5) pg. 126
Build PM's garage workbench which is designed specifically for auto work. Features sturdy wood construction, an aluminum top to repel oil and metal storage drawers. Top measures 32"x88". POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1982 (v.158#4) pg. 128
Build PM's automobile tool dolly. Adjustable metal trays are large and sturdy enough to hold tools, engine parts, etc. Features casters and a built-in adjustable worklight. POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1982 (v.158#4) pg. 132
Tools of the trade for auto mechanics. A look at both hardware and software needed to repair a modern automobile. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1987 (v.164#5) pg. 151
12 tools for fixing your 1980's car. A buyers guide. POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1989 (v.166#9) pg. 65
Tip on adapting a small gear puller for use in removing small parts (such as pilot shaft bushings or Volkswagen clutch pivots). POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1991 (v.168#12) pg. 90
Tip shows a gadget to support a 4-way lug wrench so it can be turned using a foot. POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1997 (v.174#7) pg. 110
Three-in-one test meter for automobiles. POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1963 (v.183#1) pg. 124
Portable auto analyzer has nine test instruments in one package. POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1964 (v.184#6) pg. 94
Things to know about pliers, wrenches and other auto tools. POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1964 (v.185#1) pg. 72
Roll-around, three-shelf utility cart holds tools and test equipment used by the home auto mechanic. POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1969 (v.195#1) pg. 40
Voltminder. An electronic meter to check the entire electrical system of car or boat. POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1969 (v.195#4) pg. 158
How to set up a home diagnostic and maintenance center for your car. Typical investment will grow to $550 worth of equipment. How to build a roll-around stand and use the equipment to maintain your car. POPULAR SCIENCE Jan 1970 (v.196#1) pg. 151
Sketch shows a combination wheel-tool caddy/workseat for use when you work on your car's brakes or wheels. POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1970 (v.197#6) pg. 100
Using a VOM meter to troubleshoot your car's ignition system. POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1972 (v.200#6) pg. 114
Auto-maintenance basics. Part 5. How to use a compression gauge. POPULAR SCIENCE May 1976 (v.208#5) pg. 106
A look at special car tools which save time and tempers. POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1976 (v.208#6) pg. 102
Auto-maintenance basics. Part 6. Vacuum gauges for engine diagnosis. POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1976 (v.208#6) pg. 120
Getting the most from an engine analyzer. Photographs illustrate typical tests you can run with an analyzer. POPULAR SCIENCE Apr 1978 (v.212#4) pg. 170
How to tune your car with an ignition oscilloscope. Tips on using the Heathkit solid-state ignition analyzer, model CO-1015. Est. cost: $160 (Kit). POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1978 (v.212#6) pg. 112
Guide to using a cylinder-leakage tester. POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1978 (v.213#4) pg. 116
Build your own cylinder-leakage tester. Built from a tire valve, a 0-100 lb. gauge and some miscellaneous oil-line fittings. POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1978 (v.213#4) pg. 180
Tip: How to use a voltmeter to check the condition of a car's battery. POPULAR SCIENCE Mar 1979 (v.214#3) pg. 173
What is available in special purpose tools for the do-it-yourself auto mechanic. POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1981 (v.219#1) pg. 96
Combination tool chest and workbench for the "driveway mechanic" folds up and telescopes into a handy 2-wheel cart you can roll into the garage when finished. Made from 1.5 sheets of plywood. POPULAR SCIENCE Aug 1983 (v.223#2) pg. 90
LED bar-graph display. Eight simple electronic gadgets which use this device. Electronic thermostat, expanded-scale voltmeters, line voltage monitor, auto charging system monitor/tester, car battery voltage monitor, position indicator for remote selector switch, solar heating temperature indicator, lie detector, garage door position indicator. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1979 (v.50#10) pg. 93
LED bar-graph display. Eight simple electronic gadgets which use this device. Includes an automobile charging system monitor/tester and car battery voltage monitor. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1979 (v.50#10) pg. 93
Automobile igniton substitute provides a constant power-source for the ignition coil while you troubleshoot. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1982 (v.53#2) pg. 94
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1982 (v.53#5) pg. 36
Automotive exhaust analyzer. Part 1. Digital exhaust gas analyzer checks your car's emissions. Est. cost: $99. RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1984 (v.55#5) pg. 47
Automotive exhaust analyzer. Part 2. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1984 (v.55#6) pg. 81
Troubleshooting your automobile ignition system with a digital multimeter. SCIENCE & ELECTRONICS [2] Mar-Apr 1981 (v.21#2) pg. 38
Spark miss detector lets you locate shorted spark plugs or damaged ignition cables without getting anywhere near the high voltage contacts. SCIENCE & ELECTRONICS [2] May-Jun 1981 (v.21#3) pg. 30
Basic tool kit for the weekend auto mechanic. SCIENCE & MECHANICS Jul 1968 (v.39#7) pg. 58
Homemade steering wheel puller. SKINNED KNUCKLES #163 Feb 1990 (v.14#7) pg. 25
Hood spring expander tool is used to safely expand the powerful springs used on automobile hoods so that they may be installed. SKINNED KNUCKLES #163 Feb 1990 (v.14#7) pg. 25
Combination lug wrench and hub cap remover. Modify an "X" shaped lug wrench to make it easier to remove a hub cap. SKINNED KNUCKLES #163 Feb 1990 (v.14#7) pg. 32
Gas pedal holder made from a length of dowel, rubber crutch tip, and a piece of scrap wood. SKINNED KNUCKLES #176 Mar 1991 (v.15#8) pg. 25
Fender holding fixture is a help when bumping, welding, sanding and painting fenders. SKINNED KNUCKLES #176 Mar 1991 (v.15#8) pg. 26
Shop-made expander for removing hood springs safely. SKINNED KNUCKLES #176 Mar 1991 (v.15#8) pg. 28
Light switch installation tool for early Volkswagens tightens or loosens the escutcheon nuts. SKINNED KNUCKLES #177 Apr 1991 (v.15#9) pg. 23
Tip on modifying a chisel-end lug wrench to remove hubcaps without damaging any paint. SKINNED KNUCKLES #177 Apr 1991 (v.15#9) pg. 25
Collecting and restoring antique automobile test equipment. Among the items described are the Ford Laboratory Test Stand, Stromberg MotoScope, coil and condenser testers, tachometers, ignition testers, etc. SKINNED KNUCKLES #178 May 1991 (v.15#10) pg. 15
Improvised tool for rotating the oil pump shaft. SKINNED KNUCKLES #189 Apr 1992 (v.16#9) pg. 31
Tip on using a 9.6-volt cordless tool battery pack to test used 12-volt automobile components prior to purchase. SKINNED KNUCKLES #200 Mar 1993 (v.17#8) pg. 24
Special Model A Ford tools. (1) Tool for removing crankshaft pulley nut. (2) Tool to remove camshaft nut. SKINNED KNUCKLES #200 Mar 1993 (v.17#8) pg. 25
Valve tool retainer. An adapter made from cap screw and nuts secures a valve-spring compressor to rocker-arm stud. SKINNED KNUCKLES #200 Mar 1993 (v.17#8) pg. 30
Economical rear hub puller for the Model A Ford is made from a scrap front hub. SKINNED KNUCKLES #212 Mar 1994 (v.18#8) pg. 36
Make a tool for removing and replacing hinge springs on 1940s-1950s cars. SKINNED KNUCKLES #229 Aug 1995 (v.20#1) pg. 30
Using a non-contact pyrometer as a diagnostic tool when troubleshooting automobile problems. SKINNED KNUCKLES #231 Oct 1995 (v.20#3) pg. 13
Assemble a portable tool kit for your vintage car. SKINNED KNUCKLES #253 Aug 1997 (v.22#1) pg. 14
A collection of tips which utilize pieces of rubber hose. SKINNED KNUCKLES #280 Nov 1999 (v.24#4) pg. 28