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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Nasty boxes, reproductions of those in the Winterthur Museum (circa 1870). Opening the lid causes a wooden "critter" to leap out and snap the finger that slid back the box lid.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #29 Nov-Dec 1992 pg. 42

Exploding boxes. A novelty item that has a slot for a coin. Falling coin triggers a mouse trap, causing top and sides of the box to fly apart.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #35 Nov-Dec 1993 pg. 58

How to make a "Genius Kit". A container of odds and ends, scraps, etc., for use in future projects. Kit shown is "King Can".
BOYS' LIFE Oct 1973 (v.63#10) pg. 46

Surprise letter that buzzes and shudders harmlessly when opened.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1989 (v.79#12) pg. 16

Trio of trolls, a cat, a bear, and a bird, are all made from L'eggs containers and felt.
DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Nov 1976 (v.7#2) pg. 30

"Hair-raising potato person" project for kids. Raw potato, with a face from vegetable pieces, has "hair" from seed grown in a cavity scooped out of the top.
FLOWER & GARDEN Oct-Dec 1988 (v.32#6) pg. 36

Forstner bit cube. Three wooden cubes, one inside another, are easily cut using a Forstner bit.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #52 Jan 1990 (v.9#4) pg. 76

Tack shelter with a loophole. A novelty gift for people in the accounting business. Consists of a miniature picnic shelter, tacks and a length of string tied in a loop. Serves as a "tax shelter loophole" gift.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #59 Mar 1991 (v.10#5) pg. 72

Pocket people. Tiny fingers clutch the rim of your shirt pocket. When you press a latch, a head pops up out of the pocket. Made from wood, safety pin, and rubber band.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #62 Sep 1991 (v.11#2) pg. 74

Exploding coin bank. Wooden box is fitted with a hidden mousetrap which causes it to collapse into 6 separate pieces whenever a coin is dropped into the slot.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #65 Mar 1992 (v.11#5) pg. 40

How to turn and finish wooden "executive toys" designed to be held in hand and stroked to create a calming effect.
WOODTURNING #40 Mar 1996 pg. 38

Time and motion study. Adult pull toy is inspired by H.G. Wells' "Time Machine". Pulleys, wheels, cams and cogs turn, clock-hands spin, number cards flip around, etc.
WOODWORKER Jul 1990 (v.94#7) pg. 682

Pompom Eskimo face.
WORKBASKET Jan 1985 (v.50#3) pg. 30

Crocheted chocolate-chip cookies.
WORKBASKET Feb 1985 (v.50#4) pg. 32