Photography in astronomy. Wide-field sky photography using a Schmidt camera and/or a telephoto lens. ASTRONOMY Jan 1980 (v.8#1) pg. 46
Photography in astronomy. Photographing stellar spectra. Includes plans for constructing a simple objective prism spectrograph. ASTRONOMY Feb 1980 (v.8#2) pg. 39
Photography in astronomy. Using SO-115 film. A new fine-grain black-and-white film from Kodak. ASTRONOMY Apr 1980 (v.8#4) pg. 54
Photography in astronomy. Stalking the gaseous nebulae. Selecting film and filters. ASTRONOMY Jul 1980 (v.8#7) pg. 38
Photography in astronomy. A darkroom for astrophotography. Tips on setting up and using your own darkroom. ASTRONOMY Sep 1980 (v.8#9) pg. 46
Photography in astronomy. Get the most from your deep-sky negatives. Tips on careful development, good printing, enhancing a weak negative, and fighting down grain. ASTRONOMY Oct 1980 (v.8#10) pg. 50
Equipment atlas. Equipment for guiding your astrophotos. A look at allowable error, guidescopes, guiding eyepieces, and drive correctors. ASTRONOMY Nov 1980 (v.8#11) pg. 62
Photography in astronomy. Processing your astronegatives. ASTRONOMY Nov 1980 (v.8#11) pg. 69
Photography in astronomy. Guiding the astronomical camera. ASTRONOMY Dec 1980 (v.8#12) pg. 39
Making astroprints. Tips on simple equipment, paper, chemicals and techniques to make good astroprints. ASTRONOMY Jan 1981 (v.9#1) pg. 48
A cold camera for astrophotography. Design for a homemade optical plug cold camera and a vacuum-chamber cold camera. Uses dry ice and an old refrigerator compressor. Estimated cost: $25. ASTRONOMY Feb 1981 (v.9#2) pg. 39
Bare-bones astrophotography. Getting started in astrophotography with a camera and a tripod. Tips on selecting equipment, selecting film, and taking the picture. ASTRONOMY Mar 1981 (v.9#3) pg. 52
Is bigger always better? One astronomers description of the cameras and attachments placed on a 6" scope to perform astrophotography. ASTRONOMY Jun 1981 (v.9#6) pg. 48
Getting the correct exposure in astrophotography. How to calculate correct exposure time based on film, magnification, brightness of object, etc. ASTRONOMY Jun 1981 (v.9#6) pg. 51
Afocal and projection astrophotography. A look at various ways to mate a camera with a telescope. ASTRONOMY Aug 1981 (v.9#8) pg. 57
How to save money in astrophotography. Selecting film, preventing waste and avoiding unnecessary costs. ASTRONOMY Oct 1981 (v.9#10) pg. 56
Comparison of Ektachrome 400 color film used in a cold camera with various hypered color films, including Ektachrome 400, Fuji 400 and Fuji 100. ASTRONOMY Nov 1981 (v.9#11) pg. 61
A consideration of the lens quality in cameras used for astrophotography. ASTRONOMY Dec 1981 (v.9#12) pg. 43
Making the most of black-and-white astronegatives How to print your negatives to get the most desirable image. ASTRONOMY Jan 1982 (v.10#1) pg. 51
Cameras for astrophotography. Compares various film sizes (110, 126, 35, 2.25 and 4x5) and various cameras (miniature, view, cold, and Schmidt). ASTRONOMY Feb 1982 (v.10#2) pg. 43
How to reduce tracking error when taking astrophotographs. ASTRONOMY Feb 1982 (v.10#2) pg. 56
Representative photos illustrate "bloopers" when taking astrophotographs. ASTRONOMY Apr 1982 (v.10#4) pg. 59
How to make astrophotographs using a small, portable 3" rich-field refractor as the guide scope for a "piggy back" mounted camera. ASTRONOMY May 1982 (v.10#5) pg. 51
How to make black-and-white slides from astrophoto negatives. ASTRONOMY May 1982 (v.10#5) pg. 52
How much sky can my camera capture? How film format, focal length and image scale interract to determine the field of view of a camera. ASTRONOMY Jun 1982 (v.10#6) pg. 52
Correction ASTRONOMY Nov 1982 (v.10#11) pg. 36
Photographing the home galaxy (Milky Way). How to make composite panoramic photos. ASTRONOMY Aug 1982 (v.10#8) pg. 39
How to load short lengths of 35mm film into a camera. Very useful when taking only a few exposures on gas-sensitized film. ASTRONOMY Nov 1982 (v.10#11) pg. 58
Off-axis guiding. What it is, how it works and a look at the advantages compared to using a separate guide scope. ASTRONOMY Feb 1983 (v.11#2) pg. 75
Short focus photography. How to use a small RFT (rich-field telescope) to make deep-sky photographs. ASTRONOMY Sep 1983 (v.11#9) pg. 50
Simple and inexpensive tricolor astrophotography. Produce a colored astrophoto from three black-and-white negatives shot through different filters. ASTRONOMY Nov 1983 (v.11#11) pg. 51
Photographing detail in galaxies. Selecting the film and the subject. ASTRONOMY Dec 1983 (v.11#12) pg. 51
Add drama and interest to your astrophotos. ASTRONOMY Jan 1984 (v.12#1) pg. 35
Build an inexpensive roll film holder for Schmidt cameras. ASTRONOMY Feb 1984 (v.12#2) pg. 76
How to increase astrophoto contrast by copying slides. Tips on slide copying equipment, color balance, films, filters, etc. ASTRONOMY Mar 1984 (v.12#3) pg. 51
Report on using Kodak's new ultra-fast VR-1000 color negative film in astrophotography. ASTRONOMY Jul 1984 (v.12#7) pg. 35
Isophote mapping. How to separate regions of differing intensity by using lithographic film and rephotographing backlit negatives or positives. ASTRONOMY Aug 1984 (v.12#8) pg. 35
Building an "equatorial box" tracker for astrophotography. Used to guide a camera during time exposures. Est. cost: $30. ASTRONOMY Sep 1984 (v.12#9) pg. 74
Television in amateur astronomy. Part 1. Television systems and specific equipment they require. ASTRONOMY Nov 1984 (v.12#11) pg. 50
Television in amateur astronomy. Part 2. Typical observing applications. ASTRONOMY Dec 1984 (v.12#12) pg. 35
Successful Schmidt camera photography. ASTRONOMY Dec 1984 (v.12#12) pg. 75
Exposure in astrophotography. How to calculate the proper exposure for color slides and negatives of celestial objects. ASTRONOMY Jan 1985 (v.13#1) pg. 35
Added Info ASTRONOMY May 1986 (v.14#5) pg. 32
Making an astrophotographic mosaic. How to combine a set of high-resolution, narrow-field images into a highly-detailed, wide-field photograph. ASTRONOMY Mar 1985 (v.13#3) pg. 51
Getting started with a Schmidt camera ASTRONOMY Sep 1985 (v.13#9) pg. 40
Build a portable equatorial guiding platform for making astrophotographs with a 35mm camera. ASTRONOMY Sep 1985 (v.13#9) pg. 57
Celestial photography is easier than you think. Tips on getting started with a 35mm camera. ASTRONOMY Oct 1985 (v.13#10) pg. 58
How to get started in piggyback astrophotography. How to attach a 35mm camera to the outside of your telescope and use the telescope tracking system to make astrophotographs. ASTRONOMY Nov 1985 (v.13#11) pg. 77
How to revive dull astrophotos. Several "tricks of the trade" for dramatically improving astrophotos. Includes making a (1) darker print, (2) dupe slide, (3) enlarged dup slide, (4) copy print, (5) B&W copy, and (6) high-contrast print. ASTRONOMY Jan 1986 (v.14#1) pg. 62
Chasing the Ogre (optical gamma ray emitter). Tips on how to locate and photograph this unique astronomical phenomenon. ASTRONOMY Jan 1986 (v.14#1) pg. 99
Astrophotography with your alt-azimuth mounting. How to do manual tracking in two axes. ASTRONOMY Mar 1986 (v.14#3) pg. 99
How to design the ultimate astrographic telescope. What attributes are necessary, what film will be involved, and other criteria that must be considered are discussed. ASTRONOMY Apr 1986 (v.14#4) pg. 58
Fundamentals of astrophotography. Looks at which film to use, hardware, polar alignment, guiding, etc. ASTRONOMY May 1986 (v.14#5) pg. 58
Astrophotography with Kodak Technical Pan 2415 film. ASTRONOMY Jul 1986 (v.14#7) pg. 76
Correction ASTRONOMY Sep 1986 (v.14#9) pg. 37
35mm camera lenses for deep-sky astrophotography. Photos illustrate the results possible with lenses ranging from 7.5mm up to 1000mm. Exposure calculations also discussed. ASTRONOMY Aug 1986 (v.14#8) pg. 54
Astrophotography with image intensifiers. How image intensifier tubes operate and how to use them in astrophotography. ASTRONOMY Sep 1986 (v.14#9) pg. 48
Processing astroslides yourself. How to use E-6 slide processing kits to process your own color slides. ASTRONOMY Sep 1986 (v.14#9) pg. 102
A dedicated dabbler captures the sky. Tips on using jury-rigged equipment and commercial photo labs to get started in astrophotography. ASTRONOMY Oct 1986 (v.14#10) pg. 70
Guiding magnification for top-quality astrophotos. How to take astrophotos by mounting a 35mm camera "piggyback" on your telescope and using the telescope to guide the camera. ASTRONOMY Oct 1986 (v.14#10) pg. 78
Advanced astrophotography. How to simultaneously boost color and contrast in your astrophotos by using (1) tricolor photography, (2) composite photography, and/or (3) after-the-exposure image enhancement. ASTRONOMY Nov 1986 (v.14#11) pg. 50
In search of dark nebulae. How to photograph dark nebulae. Includes tips on equipment, film, exposure, etc. ASTRONOMY Dec 1986 (v.14#12) pg. 38
Astrophotography without a telescope. Taking time exposures with a camera and tripod. Includes a chart of exposure times for star fields and the moon. ASTRONOMY Jan 1987 (v.15#1) pg. 46
Shooting galaxies from the suburbs. Tips on beating light pollution when taking astrophotos. ASTRONOMY Feb 1987 (v.15#2) pg. 42
Hidden images: dissecting bright nebulae. Simple darkroom techniques to bring out the hidden details in an astrophoto of a bright nebula. ASTRONOMY Mar 1987 (v.15#3) pg. 72
Gaining confidence with piggyback astrophotography. Learning the fundamentals of tracking, polar alignment, and focusing. Includes a chart of suggested lenses and exposure times. ASTRONOMY Apr 1987 (v.15#4) pg. 39
How to build and use an all-sky camera. Several different camera setups are illustrated. ASTRONOMY Apr 1987 (v.15#4) pg. 64
Photographing the southern sky. Some tips on astrophotography below the equator. ASTRONOMY Jul 1987 (v.15#7) pg. 58
A portable photographic platform. Simple tripod-mounted camera platform is tracked by hand by turning a wooden drum. Built of ordinary hardware and some scrap wood. Features a built-in sight scope to align on the pole star. ASTRONOMY Jul 1987 (v.15#7) pg. 91
Added Info ASTRONOMY Sep 1987 (v.15#9) pg. 44
Tips for shooting clusters and nebulae. What combinations of lens, film, and filter are best for deep-sky objects. ASTRONOMY Aug 1987 (v.15#8) pg. 56
Correction ASTRONOMY Nov 1987 (v.15#11) pg. 47
Exploring the summer milky way in photographs using an ordinary 35mm camera with a 50mm lens. ASTRONOMY Sep 1987 (v.15#9) pg. 99
Konica SR-V 3200 color negative film proves useful for astrophotography. Test results of both "Hypered" and normal SR 1600 and SR-V 3200 film are detailed. ASTRONOMY Nov 1987 (v.15#11) pg. 78
Taming the Schmidt camera. How Schmidt cameras work, loading a filmholder, developing, using filters, mounts, guiding, etc. ASTRONOMY Dec 1987 (v.15#12) pg. 83
Tools for the astrophotographer. (1) Assembling an eyepiece-projection system. (2) Measuring focal length and ratio. (3) Camera accessories. ASTRONOMY Jan 1988 (v.16#1) pg. 78
Make your own black-and-white prints of astrophotos. Tips on equipment, supplies, burning and dodging, etc. ASTRONOMY Mar 1988 (v.16#3) pg. 70
Prime-focus astrophotography with small telescopes. ASTRONOMY Apr 1988 (v.16#4) pg. 58
Tools for prime-focus astrophotography. ASTRONOMY Apr 1988 (v.16#4) pg. 62
Conquering the Cepheus Nebula (IC 1396). Tips on photographing faint deep-sky nebulae. ASTRONOMY Jun 1988 (v.16#6) pg. 71
Added Info ASTRONOMY Nov 1988 (v.16#11) pg. 8
Filters for better astrophotos. Use the right combination of film and filters to enhance faint nebulosity and sharpen images in your deep-sky photos. ASTRONOMY Jul 1988 (v.16#7) pg. 78
Do-it-yourself color slide processing for astrophotos using the E-6 process (Ektachrome, Agfachrome, Fujichrome). ASTRONOMY Sep 1988 (v.16#9) pg. 84
How to make great astrophotos. A solid telescope mount, careful guiding, and your own darkroom add up to the best astrophotos. ASTRONOMY Nov 1988 (v.16#11) pg. 82
The revolution in fast film makes astrophotography faster. What is available and tips on their use. ASTRONOMY Nov 1988 (v.16#11) pg. 100
The astrophotographer's gadget box. Handy gadgets can make guiding, tracking, accurate exposure, and copying slides easier. ASTRONOMY Nov 1988 (v.16#11) pg. 107
Secrets of city astrophotography. With the right filters and the new fast films you can take impressive astrophotos from the city. Includes tips on slide duping to correct color and improve quality. ASTRONOMY Jan 1989 (v.17#1) pg. 90
Working against the grain of fast films. Multiple printing can average out the graininess of fast films and improve detail in your astrophotos. ASTRONOMY Feb 1989 (v.17#2) pg. 88
Correction ASTRONOMY Apr 1989 (v.17#4) pg. 8
The secrets of astrophotography. Tips from a veteran astrophotographer. ASTRONOMY Jun 1989 (v.17#6) pg. 68
Great astrophotos in less than an hour. How to get custom-quality color astroprints from the "one-hour" photofinishing shops. ASTRONOMY Aug 1989 (v.17#8) pg. 78
Astrophotos the easy way. Piggyback your camera on your telescope. Includes tips on choosing the right sized lens. ASTRONOMY Sep 1989 (v.17#9) pg. 70
The joy of color printing. Getting started in making your own color prints of astrophotos. ASTRONOMY Nov 1989 (v.17#11) pg. 86
How to turn astro-negatives into great astro-slides. An easy way to convert high-speed negatives into color slides. ASTRONOMY Mar 1990 (v.18#3) pg. 66
A summer piggyback portfolio. Look at the results you can get with a camera and lens piggybacked on your telescope. ASTRONOMY May 1990 (v.18#5) pg. 70
Video astronomy comes of age. How off-the-shelf camcorders are revolutionizing video astronomy. Getting started in astrovideography. ASTRONOMY Aug 1990 (v.18#8) pg. 60
Fuji's new color negative film (Super HG 400) offers high speed, outstanding color rendition, and extremely fine grain. A preliminary look at its application in astrophotography. ASTRONOMY Sep 1990 (v.18#9) pg. 62
Telescopes for astrophotography. What features to look for in mounting, optics, etc. ASTRONOMY Nov 1990 (v.18#11) pg. 73
Tips on using a standard Polaroid camera and 20,000 ISO print film to make instant astrophotos without the need for a telescope. ASTRONOMY Jan 1991 (v.19#1) pg. 83
Dodge and burn. Image processing on the edge. How a little darkroom craftsmanship can release the great images hidden in your astro negatives. Includes tips on making simple dodging tools. ASTRONOMY May 1991 (v.19#5) pg. 68
Field-testing Kodak's Ektar films. Includes exposure times and hypering times for three Ektar films (25, 125, and 1000). ASTRONOMY Sep 1991 (v.19#9) pg. 70
Great astrophotos. The Newtonian advantage. How to turn this classic telescope into a first-class instrument for taking award-winning astrophotos. ASTRONOMY Nov 1991 (v.19#11) pg. 68
Give your camera a piggyback ride on your telescope to create star-filled astrophotos. A pro tells you how. Looks at equipment, film, exposure, etc. ASTRONOMY Jan 1992 (v.20#1) pg. 77
Celestial seeing. A look at the strengths and weaknesses of the three imaging technologies available to modern amateur astronomy (film, video, and CCD). ASTRONOMY Feb 1992 (v.20#2) pg. 68
Moonlighting. Taking deep-sky photos when the Moon is up depends on the right choice of film and filters. ASTRONOMY Feb 1992 (v.20#2) pg. 83
Going deep for galaxies. The combined forces of automatic guiders, fine-grain films, and a creative choice of subjects produce dramatic backyard photos of galaxies. ASTRONOMY Mar 1992 (v.20#3) pg. 68
Six ways to better astrophotography print making in your darkroom. ASTRONOMY Mar 1992 (v.20#3) pg. 76
Astrophotography basics. Nightscapes. Create stunning night-sky photos with no more than a camera, a tripod, and a little imagination. ASTRONOMY Jun 1992 (v.20#6) pg. 72
Astrophotography basics. Getting the exposure right. Learning to get well-exposed negatives or slides. ASTRONOMY Sep 1992 (v.20#9) pg. 78
Selecting the right slide film for astrophotography. A review of 24 different color transparency films. ASTRONOMY Oct 1992 (v.20#10) pg. 69
Build an astrophoto platform (motorized camera platform). A gimbal-mounted drive screw permits exposures as long as 30 minutes. Est. cost: $100. ASTRONOMY Nov 1992 (v.20#11) pg. 60
Added Info ASTRONOMY Jun 1993 (v.21#6) pg. 12
Astrophotography basics. Capture a constellation. Create your own photographic star atlas sing simple equipment and fast film. ASTRONOMY Nov 1992 (v.20#11) pg. 67
Catching stars in a hubcap. A small, lightweight, transportable and cheap fisheye lens is simple to make from scrap wood and a gleaming chrome "Baby Moon" automobile hubcap. Est. cost: $15. ASTRONOMY Dec 1992 (v.20#12) pg. 62
Astrophotography basics. Taking pictures with your telescope. Step-by-step instructions for connecting your camera to any well-mounted telescope. Looks at prime-focus, guided prime-focus, eyepiece projection, and piggyback photography. ASTRONOMY Dec 1992 (v.20#12) pg. 67
Added Info ASTRONOMY Apr 1993 (v.21#4) pg. 12
Do-it-yourself imaging. To give your planetary images more "zing", use these two slide-duplicating techniques. ASTRONOMY Feb 1993 (v.21#2) pg. 66
Tip on eliminating shutter vibration when taking astrophotos. ASTRONOMY May 1993 (v.21#5) pg. 12
Build an 8" lensless Schmidt camera. This telescope uses a simple spherical mirror to produce nearly perfect star images at both the center and edges of astrophotos. Est. cost: $150 plus mirror and camera body. ASTRONOMY May 1993 (v.21#5) pg. 75
Advanced astrophotography. Focusing techniques to get sharper astrophotos. Includes instruction on making and using a knife-edge focuser. ASTRONOMY Jul 1993 (v.21#7) pg. 58
Seeking the best 35mm non-electronic manual camera for astrophotography. ASTRONOMY Sep 1993 (v.21#9) pg. 74
Added Info ASTRONOMY Dec 1993 (v.21#12) pg. 12
Added Info ASTRONOMY Jan 1994 (v.22#1) pg. 12
Joining land and sky. Turn your ordinary sky photos into stunning ones by including an intriguing landscape silhouette. Techniques include double exposure and composite. ASTRONOMY Jun 1994 (v.22#6) pg. 72
Beating back the guiding gremlins. From deep inside a telescope's drive to high in the Earth's atmosphere, gremlins are waiting to ambush your astrophotos. An examination of telescope guiding problems looks at both equipment and technique. ASTRONOMY Sep 1994 (v.22#9) pg. 71
Snatching beauty from the deep sky. Tips on taking razor-sharp black-and-white astrophotos of deep sky objects. ASTRONOMY Oct 1994 (v.22#10) pg. 62
Added Info ASTRONOMY Jan 1995 (v.23#1) pg. 14
Have you seen the zodiacal light? Spring is the ideal time to observe and photograph this elusive part of the solar system. ASTRONOMY Mar 1995 (v.23#3) pg. 70
Life in the fast lane. A comparison of three ultra fast slide films for astrophotography (Fuji Provia 1600, Kodak Ektachrome P1600, and ScotchChrome 400). ASTRONOMY May 1995 (v.23#5) pg. 77
Added Info ASTRONOMY Sep 1995 (v.23#9) pg. 14
Find a rock in space. Clear nights provide the opportunity to see asteroids as they move. Tips on observing and photographing asteroids. ASTRONOMY Aug 1995 (v.23#8) pg. 62
Added Info ASTRONOMY Nov 1995 (v.23#11) pg. 17
A guide to astrophotograph goofs, bloopers, etc. A look at typical mistakes. ASTRONOMY Aug 1995 (v.23#8) pg. 66
Big on celestial photography. Using medium- or large-format cameras to make astrophotos. ASTRONOMY Nov 1995 (v.23#11) pg. 80
Come-as-you-are astrophotography. That camera bag in your closet might hold all the tools you need to take dynamite astrophotos. ASTRONOMY Feb 1996 (v.24#2) pg. 74
Choosing a 35mm SLR camera for astrophotography. ASTRONOMY Mar 1996 (v.24#3) pg. 77
Fish-eye on the sky. Using ultra wide-angle lenses (fish-eye lenses) to make 180-degree "all-sky" photos. Includes tips on making your own fish-eye lens. ASTRONOMY Aug 1996 (v.24#8) pg. 76
Added Info ASTRONOMY Jan 1997 (v.25#1) pg. 16
A film for all nebulae. Using Kodak's Ektapress Multispeed 640 (Gold II) film to capture deep-sky targets. ASTRONOMY May 1997 (v.25#5) pg. 83
Birth of a starshooter. Great astrophotos require tools like autoguiders and tricks you teach a telescope mount. Advice for mastering advanced astrophotography techniques. ASTRONOMY May 1997 (v.25#5) pg. 95
Seeing double. Taking stereo photographs of celestial objects using either a stereo camera or an ordinary 35mm camera fitted with a simple slide-bar device. ASTRONOMY Nov 1997 (v.25#11) pg. 76
Tips on using in-store photo labs for processing and printing astrophotos. ASTRONOMY Feb 1998 (v.26#2) pg. 94
Enhancing astrophotos taken on color film. Some techniques used by astrophotographers Jason Ware and Robert Reeves. ASTRONOMY Oct 1999 (v.27#10) pg. 76
Getting started in sky imaging. Simple cameras and off-the-shelf films make stellar portraits easy to make. Includes charts of suitable films and suggested exposure times. ASTRONOMY Jun 2000 (v.28#6) pg. 84
Basic equipment, majestic photos. To become an astrophotographer all you need is a 35mm camera, an inexpensive tripod, and a cable release. ASTRONOMY Jun 2000 (v.28#6) pg. 90
A simple guide to piggybacking. Attaching a camera to a telescope for tracking the object being photographed. ASTRONOMY Jun 2000 (v.28#6) pg. 94
Through-the-telescope photography. Photographing deep-sky objects requires attaching a camera to the rear cell (prime focus) of a telescope. ASTRONOMY Jun 2000 (v.28#6) pg. 100
Happy trails. Use these tips to perfect one of the easiest forms of astrophotography. How to make nice star-trail photos using any sturdy mechanical 35mm camera with a (B) or bulb setting. ASTRONOMY Jul 2001 (v.29#7) pg. 74
Simple skyshooting. A fundamental guide to taking dynamic astrophotos using a camera mounted on a tripod. ASTRONOMY Jul 2003 (v.31#7) pg. 78
Simple telescopic astrophotography using a bare-bones setup. ASTRONOMY Oct 2003 (v.31#10) pg. 86
Tips on night-time sky photography. BOYS' LIFE May 1970 (v.60#5) pg. 56
Shooting stars. Astrophotography made easy without a telescope or other fancy equipment. Emphasis is on 35mm cameras. Includes a simple, home-made star tracker. DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1987 (v.9#7) pg. 20
Prime focus astrophotography with a Newtonian. DEEP SKY #30 Spring 1990 (v.8#2) pg. 10
An update on galaxy tilting, the process of "correcting" spiral galaxies in the darkroom by tilting their images to simulate a face-on appearance. The technique was described in issue #12 (Fall 1985). DEEP SKY #30 Spring 1990 (v.8#2) pg. 22
Adventures in wide-field astrophotography. Topics covered include equipment, film, filters, troubleshooting, etc. DEEP SKY #31 Summer 1990 (v.8#3) pg. 10
The magic of unsharp masking. Easy techniques that will unlock the details in your astronomical photographs. DEEP SKY #35 Summer 1991 (v.9#3) pg. 18
Added Info DEEP SKY #37 Winter 1991-92 (v.10#1) pg. 12
Building a simple cut film camera for a reflecting telescope. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #440 Jan 1965 (v.61) pg. 122
Astrophotography. Tips on getting started. PHOTOGRAPHIC Mar 1980 (v.8#11) pg. 26
How to photograph natural scenes by moonlight alone, with stars appearing in the background sky. Requires use of high-speed color films. PHOTOGRAPHIC May 1984 (v.13#1) pg. 24
Home-built tools for catching Halley's comet. (1) A "starframe" to help locate objects in the night sky. (2) STELAS, a lightweight motorized equitorial mount designed to accommodate a 35mm camera with a normal lens. PHOTOGRAPHIC Dec 1985 (v.14#8) pg. 69
Photographing star trails. How to photograph the stars using a stationary camera. Employ a prominent object in the foreground to show depth and serve as the center of the circular star trails. PHOTOGRAPHIC May 1986 (v.15#1) pg. 74
Sensational star traces. How to combine long exposures and light painting for out-of-this-world photos. PHOTOGRAPHIC Nov 1987 (v.16#7) pg. 62
Astrophotographers' emulsion speed magic. Working with the Newton cold camera and Lummicon Corporation hypersensitizing kits, plus general tips and techniques, to cure film reciprocity effects. PHOTOMETHODS Sep 1989 (v.32#9) pg. 20
Build an equatorial, motor-driven camera mount to take long-exposure photos of the night sky. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1995 (v.12#10) pg. 54
Capture the stars on film. How to use an inexpensive telescope, or no telescope at all, to take astrophotographs. POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1982 (v.157#6) pg. 84
Build a "Star Platform" that will enable your camera to follow the apparent motion of the heavens. An electric motor turns the camera at the rate of one revolution per day. POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1982 (v.157#6) pg. 170
The poor man's guide to eclipse photography. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY May 1972 (v.70#5) pg. 88
Make your own astrophotographs using relatively simple equipment. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1977 (v.81#4) pg. 110
Shooting stars. Using an ordinary 35mm camera and a standard lens to photograph the glories of the night sky. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1986 (v.93#2) pg. 11
Easy-to-build star-tracking platform. Manually rotatable camera platform will let your camera follow the stars to achieve pin-sharp points of light. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY May 1990 (v.97#5) pg. 46
Correction POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1990 (v.97#7) pg. 64
Photographing astrological bodies. POPULAR SCIENCE Nov 1963 (v.183#5) pg. 118
Binoculars and a simple camera are all you need to engage in star gazing. POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1971 (v.199#4) pg. 122
Deep-sky photographs with a 35mm camera. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Dec 1965 (v.213#6) pg. 106
How to make color photographs of the night sky. Includes plans for a refrigerated camera and a simple three-color sensitometer. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Aug 1969 (v.221#2) pg. 125
How to enhance differences in intensity between bright and faint areas of underexposed negatives of nebulas and the Milky Way. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Dec 1971 (v.225#6) pg. 103
A cold camera for astronomical photography. Cryogenic camera uses dry ice to cool the film emulsion thus allowing more image to be captured by the film. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Dec 1973 (v.229#6) pg. 122
Description of a photographic technique that enhances the subtle differences in color slides of astronomical objects. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jun 1975 (v.232#6) pg. 112
Equitorial table mounting for a telescope is adapted for use in deep-sky camera work. The addition of an electric alarm clock to drive the mounting allows long time exposures. SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1978 (v.56#5) pg. 462
Recording the time on astronomical photographs. Description of a homemade device which projects a digital time readout onto the edge of a 35mm frame. Detailed plans are NOT included. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1979 (v.57#2) pg. 192
Effective astrophotography with a telescope requires some advance planning. Tips from one amateur on equipment, film, etc. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1979 (v.57#2) pg. 197
Astrophotography with unsharp masking. Description of one application in which a photographic masking technique is used to compress the tonal range of a modern high-contrast astronomical plate in order to study both faint and bright objects on the same print. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1979 (v.57#4) pg. 355
Highly adjustable camera mount for a 10" reflector telescope is built entirely from wood. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1979 (v.57#4) pg. 392
Making Polaroid color prints from slides using an enlarger and the back from a cheap Polaroid camera. Used to make color corrected copies from astronomical photographs taken with a telescope using Ektachrome slide film. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1979 (v.58#1) pg. 87
Enhance astronomical photographs (color slides) by making duplicate slides in which you color correct, do masking, etc. Some tips. SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1979 (v.58#2) pg. 184
Ben Mayer describes his use of photography to capture amateur telescope observations of many of the Messier objects. Includes tips on film and equipment used. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1979 (v.58#4) pg. 326
Simple wooden jig allows roll film to be used in a homebuilt cold camera for astronomical photography. SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1979 (v.58#6) pg. 534
An evaluation of 5 color films and 3 B&W films suitable for astrophotography. All are commercially available from Kodak. SKY & TELESCOPE May 1980 (v.59#5) pg. 433
Astrophotography with an intensifier camera, such as those made by Electrophysics Corp. (Nutley NJ). Some tips on film and filters. SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1980 (v.59#6) pg. 530
Optical configurations for astronomical photography. A comparison of the specifications and image quality of eight different 8" f/5.6 photographic telescopes using 8 different optical systems. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1980 (v.60#1) pg. 64
Unusual clock drive for astrophotographers uses a gently curved piece of 1/4"-20 threaded rod instead of the traditional worm gear. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1980 (v.60#4) pg. 333
Ultralight astronomical camera is built mostly of plastic. It fits the focusing tube of a telescope and features a replaceable film holder which holds a short length of 35mm film. The dark slide serves as a shutter. Estimated cost: $10. SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1980 (v.60#6) pg. 530
How to make astrophotographs using the Polaroid One-Step camera. SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1981 (v.61#1) pg. 89
Improved techniques for astrophotography. Brief description of unsharp masking and photographic amplification. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1981 (v.62#1) pg. 4
Description of a steel-ball drive for doing astrophotography with a small camera. Utilizes a micrometer driven by a 1-RPM motor. Photo and text, but not complete instructions. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1982 (v.63#2) pg. 198
Exploring the stars with a spectrograph. Description of a telescope-grating method for photographing spectra on b&w or color film. SKY & TELESCOPE Mar 1982 (v.63#3) pg. 311
Experiments with all-sky photography. Includes tips on building a plywood all-sky camera mount which uses a highly polished automobile hubcap instead of an expensive fisheye lens. SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1982 (v.63#6) pg. 621
Stellar spectra the easy way. How to couple a direct-vision spectroscope and a 35mm camera to a telescope in order to film spectra. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1982 (v.64#1) pg. 99
A film tester for deep-sky photography. Determine the suitability and exposure times for various films without having to take actual astro photos by using this homemade test unit. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1982 (v.64#1) pg. 104
Construct a measuring engine to determine from photographs the positions of comets and asteroids with respect to stars. Requires a skilled machinist to construct the device from the partial description given. SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1982 (v.64#3) pg. 279
How to use a measuring engine to determine a comet's position from its image on photographic plates (or film). SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1982 (v.64#3) pg. 284
Tips on using Kodak's new superfast (ASA 1000) color films in astrophotography. SKY & TELESCOPE Mar 1983 (v.65#3) pg. 215
A portable platform for astrophotography. Allows cameras and other small accessories to track objects for time-exposure astrophotography. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1983 (v.65#4) pg. 366
Astrophotography with a small refractor telescope. Some tips. SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1983 (v.65#6) pg. 537
More on all-sky photography. Other ideas for making 360-degree photographs of the sky and horizon by taking pictures of reflections from a spherical surface. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1983 (v.66#1) pg. 70
More tips on doing astrophotography with a small (2") refractor. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1983 (v.66#4) pg. 369
How 3M's new Color Slide 1000 film compares with Ektachrome 400 and Fujichrome 400 for astrophotography with telescopes and normal camera lenses. SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1983 (v.66#6) pg. 507
How to enhance astronomical photographs with a slide copier by making enlargements, reversals, etc. SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1983 (v.66#6) pg. 574
Astronomical image processing with an Apple II computer. Photos are scanned, digitized and stored using a homemade motorized scanner. Complete instructions are NOT provided. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1984 (v.67#2) pg. 177
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE May 1984 (v.67#5) pg. 455
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE May 1985 (v.69#5) pg. 449
A simple motorized mount for star-field photography with a 35mm camera. SKY & TELESCOPE Mar 1984 (v.67#3) pg. 271
Battery-powered binocular blink comparator is used to check astronomical slides for occurances of nova, asteroids, comets, variable stars, etc. SKY & TELESCOPE Mar 1984 (v.67#3) pg. 275
A universal camera-to-eyepiece mount for "eyepiece projection" astro photography. SKY & TELESCOPE May 1984 (v.67#5) pg. 466
How to photograph constellations with an ordinary 35mm camera mounted on a tripod. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1984 (v.68#1) pg. 47
Photographing nebulae with Kodak Technical Pan film 2415. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1984 (v.68#1) pg. 64
A tangent arm for wide-angle astrophotography with a camera. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1984 (v.68#4) pg. 357
Film notes for astrophotographers. Tips on using the new high-speed color films. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1984 (v.68#4) pg. 371
How to capture faint nebulae using a process of photographic amplification. SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1985 (v.69#1) pg. 83
Astronomical computing. A computer program to calculate shutter speeds for astrophotography. Written in BASIC. SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1985 (v.69#6) pg. 544
A simple camera mounting for astrophotography. It is made of simple hardware-store parts. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1985 (v.70#4) pg. 391
A grab-bag of ideas for viewing Halley's comet. Includes ideas for building a Poncet mounting. SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1985 (v.70#5) pg. 487
Build a lightweight astronomical camera from plywood. This camera holds a strip of 35mm film and fits into the eyepiece holder of your telescope. SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1985 (v.70#6) pg. 612
Astronomical computing. Tracking tolerances in astrophotography. Computer program, written in BASIC, will tell you the longest possible exposure time before trailing becomes noticeable. Works with various combinations of camera mounts and celestial objects. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1986 (v.71#2) pg. 190
Enhancing color astrophotographs with filters. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1986 (v.71#2) pg. 215
Photographing artificial earth satellites. SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1986 (v.71#6) pg. 563
In pursuit of planetaries. How to locate, observe and photograph planetary nebulae. SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1986 (v.71#6) pg. 631
Photography through a telescope. Explains the need for guiding almost every telescope, how to polar align a mounting, how to guide a telescope, and how to locate your target. SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1986 (v.72#6) pg. 569
The E-M method of polar alignment for equatorially-mounted telescopes used for long-exposure astrophotography. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1987 (v.73#4) pg. 454
Operating principles of an amateur-built wire micrometer measuring engine for making accurate measurements on astronomical photographs. SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1987 (v.74#3) pg. 310
Improve astrophotos by copying and duplicating the images onto a different film. Tips on selecting equipment, film, lighting, etc. SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1987 (v.74#3) pg. 326
Experiments with a toothless sector. Camera mount for astrophotography uses a worm and sector drive. By using a soft material (Masonite) for the sector, the need to cut teeth into the sector is avoided. This same drive mechanism could be adapted to a telescope. SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1987 (v.74#5) pg. 546
Skyshooting with the fastest color film, Konica SR-V3200. Some tips. SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1987 (v.74#5) pg. 558
This double-arm barn-door drive is more accurate that single tangent-arm types. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1988 (v.75#2) pg. 213
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1989 (v.77#4) pg. 436
The sky in stereo. How to make three-dimensional celestial photographs. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1988 (v.75#4) pg. 367
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1988 (v.76#1) pg. 6
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1988 (v.76#2) pg. 141
Selecting and using color filters in observing and astrophotography. Included in an article on exploring Mars. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1988 (v.75#4) pg. 370
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1988 (v.76#1) pg. 5
Description of a lensless-Wright camera for astrophotography. Includes an image comparison with the lensless Schmidt, Newtonian reflector, etc. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1988 (v.75#4) pg. 432
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1988 (v.76#4) pg. 333
Modification for the "Takahashi Sky Patrol" mounting to allow fine adjustment of polar-axis elevation, improve reticle visibility, etc. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1988 (v.75#4) pg. 445
An off-axis guiding anomaly. How to avoid problems in astrophotography when the guidescope is aimed independently from the equatorial mounting. SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1988 (v.75#6) pg. 670
Tips on photographing star trails projected by a planetarium in order to illustrate historical differences in our view of the sky. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1988 (v.76#1) pg. 15
Tips on making duplicate negatives of astrophotos in order to increase contrast. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1988 (v.76#1) pg. 80
Do-it-yourself image processing for the amateur astronomer. An introduction to digital image processing using personal computers and CCD cameras. SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1988 (v.76#2) pg. 142, 184
"Slow" color films for astrophotography. What is available and tips on their use. SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1988 (v.76#2) pg. 207
Comparing color films for astrophotography. Six films are compared. SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1988 (v.76#2) pg. 209
Sky mapping with Kodak T-Max P3200 film. Tips on making an entire photographic star atlas from brief exposures with a fixed camera on a tripod. Would require about 125 photos to map the entire sky visible from latitude 40-degrees. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1988 (v.76#4) pg. 436
Telephoto lenses for astrophotography. Tips on using piggyback cameras equipped with large-aperture telephoto lenses. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1988 (v.76#4) pg. 438
SPECIAL ISSUE on amateur astronomy. Looks at good projects to tackle, astrophotography, observing planets, solar observing, lunar observing, occultations, double-star observing, variable-star observing, radio astronomy, eclipses, meteor studies, hunting comets, etc. SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1988 (v.76#5) pg. 451
Photographing the deep sky amid city lights. Tips on improving the contrast of faint astronomical objects. SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1989 (v.77#1) pg. 108
Sky photography with just a camera. Tips on selecting the camera, film, and subjects. SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1989 (v.78#2) pg. 152
Enhanced-color astrophotography. Novel technique to greatly improve color pictures. SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1989 (v.78#2) pg. 216
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1989 (v.78#4) pg. 342
Improving color astronomical prints. Technique greatly increases color saturation and gives a boost equivalent to about two contrast grades without washing out the bright areas. SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1989 (v.78#3) pg. 326
Deep-sky photography without guiding. Includes information on using simpler friction drives on telescopes. SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1989 (v.78#5) pg. 538
A primer for video astronomy. Tips on attaching an ordinary video camera to a telescope to generate videotapes instead of astrophotos. Includes tips on editing the tapes to enhance the presentation. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1990 (v.79#2) pg. 226
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1990 (v.80#2) pg. 117
Improved method to calculate the system focal length when doing eyepiece-projection astrophotography. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1990 (v.79#4) pg. 444
Astronomy through your finder. Using commercially available parts to attach a 35mm SLR camera body to a 50mm telescope finder for taking astrophotos. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1990 (v.79#4) pg. 450
Measuring positions on a photograph. An overview of photographic techniques used to determine the precise position of a comet or minor planet in order to compute its orbit around the Sun. Includes a BASIC computer program to calculate the position based on measurements taken using a measuring engine. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1990 (v.80#1) pg. 71
Polaris' close encounter with the pole. Tips on photographing Polaris (the North Star) over a period of years in order to demonstrate the slow drift (precession) of the earth's axis. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1990 (v.80#4) pg. 416
Cheap (but good) astronomical cameras. Tips on selecting a used camera to suit your needs. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1990 (v.80#4) pg. 440
Astrophotography with telephoto lenses. How to achieve maximum performance when using an Olympus camera equipped with a 350mm f/2.8 lens. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1991 (v.81#2) pg. 219
Testing Kodak's new films (Ektar 1000, Kodacolor Gold 1600, Ektapress Gold 1600) for deep-sky photography. SKY & TELESCOPE Mar 1991 (v.81#3) pg. 328
Color astrophotography with small telescopes. Some tips. SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1991 (v.81#6) pg. 664
Constructing an astrophoto mount for a 35mm camera fitted with a 500mm telephoto lens which is capable of hand guiding. The drive gears are formed from threaded brass rod and plastic for exceptional smoothness. SKY & TELESCOPE May 1992 (v.83#5) pg. 565
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1993 (v.85#6) pg. 93
Astrophotography with a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. Some tips on film selection, processing at local 1-hour labs, and making two-negative sandwiches. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1992 (v.84#1) pg. 100
Field rotation in astrophotography. A computer program calculates when the field rotation is the least (therefore star trails will be less). This is especially important when making photos using an altazimuth telescope. SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1992 (v.84#3) pg. 318
Selecting a star for off-axis guiding during astrophotography. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1993 (v.85#2) pg. 105
Tips on using ScotchChrome 800/3200P color slide film in astrophotography. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1994 (v.87#2) pg. 106
Improved blink comparator features a brightness control, electronic switching, variable blink rate, etc. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1994 (v.88#1) pg. 100
Using Kodak Ektachrome P1600 professional color slide film in astrophotography. Some tips. SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1994 (v.88#3) pg. 48
Fujicolor Super G 800 film. Testing a new color-negative film for deep-sky photography. Includes tips on hypering this film. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1995 (v.89#2) pg. 54
Guiding for sky photography. Looks at piggyback photography, guiding eyepieces, guiding through the telescope, autoguiders, etc. SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1995 (v.90#2) pg. 46
An 8" hyperbolic astrograph. Design and construction of this highly corrected photographic telescope is described. Detailed instructions are not provided. SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1996 (v.92#6) pg. 83
Optimizing a Newtonian for photography. Description of an 8" f/6 reflector specially designed for astrophotography. SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1997 (v.94#5) pg. 120
Secret films of astrophotographers revealed. The best commercially available 35mm films for astrophotography are described. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1998 (v.95#4) pg. 101
Astrophotography to go. Tips on carrying a small telescope and enough accessory equipment to engage in meaningful astrophotography while on an international business trip to South America. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1998 (v.96#1) pg. 119
Automated step-focus astrophotography. Make star-trail photos where the focus of the camera is changed in small steps during the exposure. This technique improves the recording of the color differences of the stars. Includes a schematic and parts list for the electronic control circuit SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1998 (v.96#3) pg. 129
Tip on manually operating the screw thread on a barn door-style astronomical camera mount at the correct rate of speed. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1998 (v.96#4) pg. 122
Comparison tests between several Kodak and Fuji color slide and print films for astrophotography. SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1999 (v.97#1) pg. 143
A simplified home-built hyperbolic astrograph (a reflector telescope especially designed for astrophotography) features a zero-power Ross-type coma corrector. SKY & TELESCOPE May 1999 (v.97#5) pg. 120
Choosing a camera for film astrophotography. SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 2002 (v.103#6) pg. 118
Planning an astro-imaging expedition. Helpful hints to organize and prepare for an astrophotography safari whether you're traveling by land, sea, or air. SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 2002 (v.104#5) pg. 121
Guiding techniques for astrophotography. An accomplished astrophotographer explains his methods. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 2003 (v.105#4) pg. 130
Photographing star trails using almost any single-lens reflex camera mounted on a tripod. SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 2003 (v.106#5) pg. 132
Photographing the night sky. Tips for using simple equipment and techniques. SUNSET Mar 1990 (v.184#3) pg. 24
A homemade electric declination drive system. Est. cost: $75. Article includes tips on lenses to use in astrophotography. TELESCOPE MAKING #4 Summer 1979 pg. 44
Telescope design for deep-sky photography. Commercial telescopes are designed for visual use. They must be modified for good astrophotography, or you have to design and build your own. TELESCOPE MAKING #5 Fall 1979 pg. 22
An observatory for deep-sky astrophotography. Looks like a small barn, appropriate for the neighborhood. The entire barn roof opens up at the peak, and the entire barn can rotate 360-degrees on its motor driven foundation. Article includes tips on modifying a 10" and 4" reflector for use in deep-sky photography. TELESCOPE MAKING #5 Fall 1979 pg. 40
Equipment for deep-sky photography. Description of all the elements which make up a good deep-sky telescope. TELESCOPE MAKING #7 Spring 1980 pg. 14
Build a simple astro mount for your camera. Do astrophotography without a telescope or guidescope. Just use this mount, a camera with time exposure, and almost any lens. The camera is tracked by hand-turning a threaded screw at 1-rpm. TELESCOPE MAKING #7 Spring 1980 pg. 45
Added Info TELESCOPE MAKING #15 Spring 1982 pg. 4
Design and performance specifications for the Houghton astronomical camera, an all-spherical substitute for the Schmidt camera. TELESCOPE MAKING #8 Summer 1980 pg. 4
The Poncet mounting. Part 2. Photographs and description of a wooden mount driven by a small electric motor and used to aim a 35mm camera for astrophotography. TELESCOPE MAKING #9 Fall 1980 pg. 16
Astrophotography on a shoestring budget using a Dobsonian telescope on a Poncet-type equitorial mount. TELESCOPE MAKING #14 Winter 1981-82 pg. 4
Optical performance of astronomical cameras. A discussion of 6 catadioptric Cassegrain systems and an investigation of their optical performance by means of optical ray tracing. TELESCOPE MAKING #18 Winter 1982-83 pg. 12
Added Info TELESCOPE MAKING #19 Spring 1983 pg. 3
Added Info TELESCOPE MAKING #22 Spring 1984 pg. 11
Tip on cutting 1" circles out of 35mm film using a homemade die cutter. Such circles are required for some Schmidt cameras. TELESCOPE MAKING #18 Winter 1982-83 pg. 39
Guiding for astrophotography. Various methods are described. TELESCOPE MAKING #22 Spring 1984 pg. 20
The hypocycloidal drive, a perfect drive for astrophotography. TELESCOPE MAKING #26 Summer 1985 pg. 46
Added Info TELESCOPE MAKING #29 Winter 1986-87 pg. 33
Building a precise shutter for planetary photography. Air-operated shutter is equipped with an electronic shutter-closing control to get accurate, repeatable exposure times. TELESCOPE MAKING #33 Summer 1988 pg. 22