One professional describes what items he finds useful to carry in his camera bag. CAMERA 35 Mar 1973 (v.17#2) pg. 24
How to mate a Leitz Visoflex housing to the Minolta CLE camera. CAMERA 35 Aug 1981 (v.26#8) pg. 64
Tip on using "Velcro" to secure your lens cap, light meter, etc. when not in use. DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1990 (v.12#2) pg. 8
The "Go Lightly" camera outfit for assignment photographers. Checklist of professional-caliber equipment which will fit in one soft-sided shoulder bag, but provide everything you need for location shooting. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1987 (v.36#1) pg. 32
How to adapt a universal bellows to your camera. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #630 Nov 1980 (v.76) pg. 130
Build a 35mm SLR view camera. This special bellows unit uses a 50mm flat-field lens that can swing, tilt and/or shift. Used to make closeup photos that are in focus throughout an extreme depth of field. MODEL RAILROADER Aug 1996 (v.63#8) pg. 70
Miscellaneous equipment which one photographer carries in his camera case, in addition to his view camera and film. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1968 (v.32#8) pg. 28
Install a Kodak camera clip on a Minox camera. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1976 (v.40#7) pg. 106
Five items to have in your gadget bag "just in case" include tape, marker, screwdriver set, selenium-cell light meter and magnifier. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1976 (v.40#8) pg. 123
"Eye shade" attached to back of camera covers the left eye while the right focuses without squinting. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1976 (v.40#10) pg. 120
Simple plate attached to a tripod and to the bottom of a 35mm camera holds in the rewind button for making double exposures. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1979 (v.43#10) pg. 120
Make mine matte. Using matte boxes in 35mm still photography. Three models compared and results of using a matte box are illustrated. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1979 (v.43#11) pg. 106
Tip: How and why to use a small bubble level to level your tripod, camera and other photographic equipment. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1981 (v.45#1) pg. 91
How to make a bellows for practically anything. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1982 (v.46#4) pg. 88
Five top professional photographers show us the inside of their camera bags, and explain the whens and whys of their equipment. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1983 (v.47#1) pg. 74
Odd coupling. Tips on how to make or modify your own camera equipment. Includes ideas for slide duplicating, adding bellows, light metering, etc. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1984 (v.48#4) pg. 84
Tip: Attach a luggage tag holder to your camera to hold the end flap from a film box. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1986 (v.50#2) pg. 49
Tip: Use clear pressure-sensitive identification pockets on your camera and other equipment to hold film exposure data, box flaps, notes, etc. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY May 1987 (v.51#5) pg. 35
The well-equipped camera bag. A professional photographer describes what equipment he carries in his bag. PHOTOGRAPHIC Jun 1978 (v.7#2) pg. 105
How to use the "expo-SURE" camera attachment to approximate a gray-card exposure for color-printing purposes. PHOTOGRAPHIC Mar 1981 (v.9#11) pg. 6
How to build a low-cost periscope adapter for your camera. Lets you take "candid" pictures at right-angles from the direction your camera is pointing. PHOTOGRAPHIC Oct 1981 (v.10#6) pg. 93
How to build a posing mirror to provide your subject with a means of examining a pose before exposure for more efficient portrait, fashion, and figure photography. PHOTOGRAPHIC Aug 1983 (v.12#4) pg. 49
SPECIAL SECTION on 35mm single-reflex photography. Camera body and lens accessories. Includes motor drives, camera backs, finders, etc. PHOTOGRAPHIC Sep 1985 (v.14#5) pg. A (44+)
35mm SLR super course. Part 7. Camera body and lens accessories. PHOTOGRAPHIC Apr 1987 (v.15#12) pg. A
35mm SLR super course. Part 8. Close-up equipment, tripods and camera cases. PHOTOGRAPHIC May 1987 (v.16#1) pg. A
School of photography. Lesson 6. Camera accessories. Part 1. Winders, motor drives, camera backs, self-timer, finders, screens, cable releases, tele-converters, matte boxes, multiple exposure, etc. PHOTOGRAPHIC Jun 1988 (v.17#2) pg. 38+
School of photography. Lesson 7. Camera accessories. Part 2. Close-up lenses, extension tubes, bellows units, macro lenses, lens-reversing rings, close-up shooting tips, camera supports, carrying cases, etc. PHOTOGRAPHIC Jul 1988 (v.17#3) pg. 42+
Understanding and using the wide variey of camera accessories. Covering winders, motor drives, motor drive accessories, data backs, interchangeable viewfinders, cable releases, tele-converters, matte boxes, in-camera multiple exposures, tripods and other camera supports. PHOTOGRAPHIC Sep 1989 (v.18#5) pg. 48+
Outdoor field accessories for the photographer. Tips on clothes, tripods, tote bags, etc. PHOTOGRAPHIC Mar 1990 (v.18#11) pg. 86
Special section: Camera accessories. PHOTOGRAPHIC Sep 1990 (v.19#5) pg. 67
Data backs and systems for 35mm still cameras. Part 1. A survey of equipment and opportunities. PHOTOMETHODS Jul 1979 (v.22#7) pg. 31
Data backs and systems for 35mm still cameras. Part 2. A review of some of the requirements in instrumentation and data recording, and a discussion of the equipment with which to do it. PHOTOMETHODS Aug 1979 (v.22#8) pg. 32
Tips on using a 90 degree mirror to take pictures "around corners" or on an enlarger to make mural-size prints. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1968 (v.63#4) pg. 145
List of accessories to take along when going on a photo excursion. They will protect the camera and allow simple repairs while enroute. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1978 (v.83#2) pg. 48
Professional photographer lists her 50 favorite gadgets. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1987 (v.94#1) pg. 84
21 accessories to take along when doing serious outdoor photography. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1987 (v.94#4) pg. 68
Tips on selecting camera accessories not made by the camera manufacturer. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1987 (v.94#9) pg. 76
Homemade accessories for outdoor photography. Ideas include a sturdy gunstock, reflectors, beanbags, etc. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1988 (v.95#8) pg. 40
A slide-film bias for use with automatic-exposure bracketing accessories (databacks). POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1989 (v.96#3) pg. 118
Tip: Use your flash shoe in place of a film-reminder holder. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1990 (v.97#7) pg. 37
PC terminal cover is made from the end cap of a ballpoint pen. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY May 1993 (v.57#1) pg. 88
It's in the bag. Low-cost gadgets that pros carry in their camera bags can help you make better pictures too. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1994 (v.58#3) pg. 38
Mechanical photo calculators. A user test of low-tech devices to help you set exposure, balance color temperatures, and estimate depth of field and hyperfocal distances. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1999 (v.63#3) pg. 68
Pro photographer lists the emergency tools and supplies he always carries in his camera bag. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 2000 (v.64#9) pg. 60
Tip on attaching a diode laser to a Leica M3 rangefinder and using it to focus without having to look through the viewfinder. Included in an article on the Leica M3 viewfinder. SHUTTERBUG #297 Jun 1995 (v.24#8) pg. 137
Everyday items that should be in your camera bag. SHUTTERBUG #299 Aug 1995 (v.24#10) pg. 90
Warming a dewcap. Two techniques for using cheap electrical resistors to raise the temperature of a telescope dewcap or camera lens. SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1990 (v.80#6) pg. 673