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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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Long, longer, superlong. An illustrated guide to telephotography, includes tips on the use of long lenses.
CAMERA 35 Feb-Mar 1975 (v.19#1) pg. 30

Using hand-held 500mm mirror-type telephoto lenses for candid photography.
CAMERA 35 Jan 1976 (v.19#10) pg. 30

A discussion of the difference between a 200mm and 300mm lens and what that difference can do for you.
CAMERA 35 Jun 1976 (v.20#4) pg. 36

Convert a telephoto or super-telephoto lens to macro (close-up) capability by using extension tubes or a set of bellows.
CAMERA 35 Oct 1977 (v.21#9) pg. 44

Surprising results with tele converters. A review of what modern teleconverters do to lens definition and film speed. Includes tips on their use.
CAMERA 35 Nov 1977 (v.21#10) pg. 51

Tips on taking sharp pictures when using slow film and telephoto lenses.
CAMERA 35 Jan 1978 (v.21#12) pg. 14

New trends in telephoto lenses.
CAMERA 35 Aug 1979 (v.24#8) pg. 33

Comparing the modern teleconverters.
CAMERA 35 Aug 1981 (v.26#8) pg. 56

Tips on using the Celestron C-90 Super-Telephoto lens.
CAMERA 35 Dec 1981 (v.26#12) pg. 60

Impact of a 2x teleconverter (lens doubler) on focal length and effective aperture is noted.

Scoping out the telephoto. Understanding its special problems is the first step toward using a telephoto lens to your advantage.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1986 (v.35#8) pg. 26

Extending your reach. Teleconverters can do a good job, but select and use them judiciously. What is available, how they function, testing, advantages, disadvantages, etc.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1987 (v.36#3) pg. 33

Wooden mount for telescope and camera makes an inexpensive telephoto lens.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #434 Jul 1964 (v.60) pg. 110

Make your own telecamera. A plywood box camera using a cut film holder and with the focus fixed at infinity, will produce photos with a magnification of 10 or more, depending upon lens used.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #467 Apr 1967 (v.63) pg. 146

Build a Variscope, a variable power, multi-purpose telescope. Magnification from 20X to 70X. Can be used as telephoto lens for photography. Convenient mount doubles as carrier. Est. cost: $31.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #474 Nov 1967 (v.63) pg. 110

A look at telephoto converters that allow you to shoot portraits from a distance to prevent close-up distortion. Models for both cameras with noninterchangeable lenses and for SLR cameras with interchangeable 50mm lenses discussed.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #588 May 1977 (v.73) pg. 48

Tele, Zoom, Converter, which is best? A comparison in quality of picture.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1967 (v.31#8) pg. 62

Pictures illustrate how to hand-hold a telephoto lens.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1967 (v.31#8) pg. 74

Tips on dampening vibration when using a telephoto lens of 300mm or longer.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Dec 1969 (v.33#12) pg. 32

Adapt oddball lenses for better tele shots.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY May 1970 (v.34#5) pg. 82

The poor man's guide to buying telephoto lenses.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1971 (v.35#8) pg. 8

Adapting low-cost negative lenses to SLR cameras to produce telephoto effects.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1971 (v.35#8) pg. 22

Couple an electronic flash gun with a telephoto lens to get flash pictures up to 85 or more feet away.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1971 (v.35#8) pg. 78

Tips on eliminating fuzzy tele shots.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1972 (v.36#9) pg. 10

A practical guide to using long telephoto lenses (400 to 1600mm).
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1974 (v.38#8) pg. 90

A comparison of seven hand-held mirror teles between 500mm and 700mm.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1976 (v.40#8) pg. 126

How to couple a tele-converter with a zoom lens.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1980 (v.44#8) pg. 66

Tips on taking photographs with a 500mm f/8 mirror lens.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1980 (v.44#11) pg. 70

Teleconverters, what works best and why.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1981 (v.45#3) pg. 82

Build your own 1000mm lens from an inexpensive +1 diopter close-up lens and PVC plastic pipe.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1987 (v.51#6) pg. 45

A discussion of the use of the Questar telescope as a telephoto lens.
PHOTO METHODS FOR INDUSTRY Jan 1972 (v.15#1) pg. 28

Telephoto lenses: Facts and fallacies. Don't buy more than you need. How to use what you've got.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Jun 1984 (v.13#2) pg. 46

Using the "ideal" telephoto lens, a 200mm fixed or zoom lens. Some tips on taking telephoto pictures and making good prints.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Mar 1986 (v.14#11) pg. 36

A review of those 400mm lenses costing under $50. Tips on which to buy and a look at their limitations.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1974 (v.142#2) pg. 124

Build this 762mm lens with an f/16 lens opening. Lens has only one element which is mounted in a plastic tube along with several baffles. Est. cost: $35.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1975 (v.143#5) pg. 86

Use binoculars, monoculars, and focal length expanders as telephoto lenses.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1966 (v.59#3) pg. 98

Norman Goldberg gives his ideas on how to use long lenses (200mm up).
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1973 (v.72#6) pg. 87

What you should know about telephoto lenses. Part 1 of an indepth survey of long lenses, how they work and how to use them.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1974 (v.75#1) pg. 75

Tele-converters. Use for extra detail with telephoto lens or for extra magnification in close-up work.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1974 (v.75#3) pg. 86

Don't underrate the low-cost 400mm telephoto lenses. How to use the lens and add supplementary lenses and use teleconverters to get even larger pictures.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1975 (v.77#1) pg. 53

The selective eye of a close-focusing tele lens adds pictorial impact from short shooting distances. Use of extension tubes and diopter close-up lenses on normal tele's also discussed.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1976 (v.79#1) pg. 30

How to convert your 50mm lens into a surprisingly good-quality 100mm and 150mm lens by using a teleconverter. Some tips.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1979 (v.84#3) pg. 132

Five ways to make your normal lens "supernormal". Using +3 supplement, teleconverter, polarizer, deep-yellow filter, and reverse adapter.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1980 (v.87#1) pg. 88

How to effectively increase light output for making long-distance tele flash shots. Includes description of a home-made light concentrator.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1980 (v.87#3) pg. 54

All about teleconverters which double or triple your lens' focal length. How to use them to get the best results.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY May 1983 (v.90#5) pg. 64

Using teleconverters in portrait photography.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1984 (v.91#8) pg. 70

The aperture-priority advantage. How versatile automatic SLRs can handle fascinating lenses and attachments with a minimum of fuss. Includes tips on using the soft-focus lens, long telephotos, mirror lenses, reverse rings, and slide copiers.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1985 (v.92#3) pg. 60

Tips on using a tele-converter to double or triple the focal length of your lenses.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1985 (v.92#4) pg. 60

Double-duty 2X extenders, with removable optics, double as simple extension tubes for close-up photography.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY May 1988 (v.95#5) pg. 34

Taking close-up nature photographs using a telephoto/tele-extender (telemacro) lens assembly.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1990 (v.97#9) pg. 34

The monster telephoto lens. How to select and use this quintessential tool of nature photography.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1992 (v.99#1) pg. 18

How to choose and use a teleconverter.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1993 (v.57#6) pg. 31

How to shoot with a long tele or zoom.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1993 (v.57#6) pg. 45

Teleconverters, telextenders, multipliers, and doublers. An update on the pros and cons of increasing your lens' focal length with them.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1997 (v.61#2) pg. 20

Best how-to tips on choosing and using a teleconverter.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1998 (v.62#10) pg. 85

Pros and cons of SLR mirror lockup when using long telephoto lenses. Includes tips on supporting camera/long lens combinations.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1999 (v.63#6) pg. 18
Correction POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1999 (v.63#8) pg. 12, 13

Advice on selecting the correct long telephoto lens for your style of nature or animal photography.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 2000 (v.64#4) pg. 48

How to use a tape measure and empty slide mount to determine the correct long lens you need for a specific photograph.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 2000 (v.64#4) pg. 62

Choosing and using super-telephoto lenses (400mm+) in wildlife photography.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 2001 (v.65#6) pg. 34

How to buy a used (or new) mirror lens in the 450-600mm range, plus 8 tips for using mirror lenses.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING Aug 2003 (v.67#8) pg. 34

Budget telephoto lenses. Advice on selecting an inexpensive 400mm or 500mm telephoto lens, using it, and fitting it with an improved mounting collar or brace which you build yourself.
SHUTTERBUG #258 Mar 1992 (v.21#5) pg. 86

Mirror lenses. Affordable alternatives to super telephotos. How they work and how to use them effectively.
SHUTTERBUG #312 Sep 1996 (v.25#11) pg. 110

Photography ABCs. Using a telephoto lens.
SHUTTERBUG #362 Nov 2000 (v.30#1) pg. 120

A guide to using super telephoto autofocus lenses.
SHUTTERBUG #395 Aug 2003 (v.32#10) pg. 86