Making a Christmas pinata. BOYS' LIFE Dec 1963 (v.53#12) pg. 82
Pinata, a South American grab bag. BOYS' LIFE Feb 1965 (v.55#2) pg. 40
How to make a pinata from papier-mache. BOYS' LIFE Mar 1973 (v.63#3) pg. 48
Valentine party pinata. Heart-shaped balloon is used as the form to make a pinata from newspaper strips and wallpaper paste. Decorated with tissue paper and ribbon roses. CRAFTS Feb 1994 (v.17#2) pg. 40
Build a pinata and a wrapping paper castle for a youngsters party. DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Sep 1981 (v.12#7) pg. 12
How to make a pinata in the shape of lamb. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING NEEDLECRAFT Spring-Summer 1979 pg. 104
Make pinatas for profit. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #84 Nov-Dec 1983 pg. 34