Correction ELECTRONICS NOW Oct 1996 (v.67#10) pg. 22
The concept of "negative resistance" and a negative impedance converter (NIC) are explained and illustrated.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jul 1996 (v.67#7) pg. 12
Resistor-selection nomogram. Resistor values and power dissipations may be readily determined by the use of a straightedge.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Apr 1967 (v.77#4) pg. 29
Color code chart to identify resistor and capacitor values.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Oct 1969 (v.82#4) pg. 29
Nomograms simplify resonant-circuit design by providing proper ratio of series to shunt resistance for the desired "Q".
ELECTRONICS WORLD May 1970 (v.83#5) pg. 31
Nomograph aids in determining what two resistors to connect in series and/or parallel to form any needed resistor value.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS May-Jun 1970 (v.10#2) pg. 47
All new basic course in electricity and electronics. Resistors for circuits.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Jul-Aug 1974 (v.14#4) pg. 73
All new basic course in electricity and electronics. Resistors in combination.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1974 (v.14#5) pg. 79
How inductors, capacitors and resistors are used in electronic circuits.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Nov-Dec 1976 (v.16#6) pg. 79
Universal computer program written in BASIC solves most of the typical calculations involving Ohm's Law, reactance and frequency.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Mar-Apr 1978 (v.18#2) pg. 60
Tip: How to solder together two resistors using the smallest possible leads.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Summer 1985 (v.2#5) pg. 92
Electronic fundamentals. Beginning a self-instructional tutorial on electronic fundamentals that will take you from novice to technician in small, easily-digested bites. Part 1. Resistors and resistive circuits.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Dec 1986 (v.3#7) pg. 73
The color code drill. A computer program designed to help you improve your speed and accuracy at using the resistor color code. Written in BASIC.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Jun 1988 (v.5#6) pg. 61
Understanding Ohm's Law. Simple experiments illustrate the concepts of resistance.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Nov 1988 (v.5#11) pg. 68
Teaching aid for Ohm's law.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Dec 1979 (v.68#9) pg. 42
A computer program writted in BASIC for teaching resistor color coding. It utilizes the color capability of the Apple II Plus computer.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Apr 1983 (v.72#4) pg. 14
Correction INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION May-Jun 1983 (v.72#5) pg. 18
Computer program written in BASIC for the Apple computer will test a students knowledge about color code bars on resistors.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Sep 1983 (v.72#6) pg. 22
Tips on mounting resistors on a circuit board in the stand-up configuration in order to reduce stress on the leads.
MODEL RAILROADER Aug 1997 (v.64#8) pg. 102
Basic theory of resistors, how to read colored bands on resistors, and how to connect them in series and parallel to get the correct value.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1978 (v.1#1) pg. 60
Parallel resistance made easy. How to calculate the net resistance of a parallel network using a simple pocket calculator.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1978 (v.1#8) pg. 78
Pressure-sensitive resistors. Do-it-yourself pressure-sensitive resistors (PSR) and commercial PSRs viewed. Application circuits include a tone generator, comparator, and computer joystick.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1985 (v.2#5) pg. 56
Ohm's Wheel displays mathematical variations of Ohm's law.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1988 (v.5#2) pg. 61
Correction MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1988 (v.5#6) pg. 96
Experimenting with photoresistors.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1988 (v.5#9) pg. 62
Do-it-yourself electronic components. How to make your own inductors, coils, resistors, capacitors, electromagnets, solenoids and batteries.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1989 (v.6#6) pg. 54
Color code charts for determining values of resistors and capacitors.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1972 (v.2#2) pg. 12
Precision matching of resistors. Home experimenter technique for matching resistors to better than 0.5%.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1975 (v.8#1) pg. 50
Learning electronic theory with hand calculators. Part 1. Basic equations and Ohm's law.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1976 (v.10#1) pg. 43
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1976 (v.10#3) pg. 6
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1976 (v.10#4) pg. 8
Using resistances. Some of the problems involved with using resistance itself. Tips on circuit design.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1976 (v.10#3) pg. 105
Capacitors and RF circuits. Part 1. The role of capacitors in resistor-capacitor (RC) circuits.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1976 (v.10#4) pg. 94
Capacitors and RF circuits. Part 2.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1976 (v.10#6) pg. 86
A power nomograph. Aids in selecting resistors for given voltage and current levels.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1977 (v.12#4) pg. 69
Tip on making precision resistor values from ordinary 5% resistors.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1991 (v.8#2) pg. 28
Sure-Luck Ohms. Build an electronic gadget to interpret resistor color-code values.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1991 (v.8#4) pg. 55
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1991 (v.8#7) pg. 3
Current-limiting resistors. How they operate and typical applications.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1991 (v.8#6) pg. 18
Resistor calculations made easier. BASIC computer program finds pairs of standard resistor values to match desired ratios.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1992 (v.9#6) pg. 58
Resistor tutorial. Part 1. How they control current flow, how they are shown in circuit diagrams, and the different types you're likely to encounter.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1995 (v.12#2) pg. 28
Resistor tutorial. Part 2. How to read the resistor-band colors.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1995 (v.12#3) pg. 28
Resistor tutorial. Part 3. How to use a resistor to protect a component from excessive current.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1995 (v.12#6) pg. 29
Resistor tutorial. Part 4. Calculating the power (heat) dissipation. excessive current.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1995 (v.12#7) pg. 30
Resistor tutorial. Part 5. Average power dissipation.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1995 (v.12#8) pg. 28
Delta-wye conversion program. A BASIC computer program which calculates the appropriate values required by a resistor network in either a delta or wye configuration.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1995 (v.12#8) pg. 65
How to make your own precision resistors by filing away some of the resistor in order to increase the resistance or by winding your own from copper wire.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1980 (v.51#5) pg. 86
Audio testing accessories. (1) High-power load bank. (2) IHF-standardized reactive load. (3) Pinking filter. (4) Step attenuator for input signals. (5) RIAA-Equalization inverter. (6) Input/output loads.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1980 (v.51#8) pg. 46
Selecting the best resistor/capacitor. Part 1. A look at the various types of resistors and capacitors and what factors you should consider when selecting which type to use.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1985 (v.56#2) pg. 47
Selecting the best resistor/capactior. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Mar 1985 (v.56#3) pg. 63