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Lathrop Report On Newspaper Indexes
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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   TOOL

Build this lever-and-clamp device to remove fence posts, saplings, and small stumps.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #241 Sep 1983 (v.33#7) pg. 131

Wrecking bar basics.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #255 Jan 1985 (v.35#1) pg. 20

Tip on removing quarter-round molding without breaking it or damaging the molding behind it.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #312 Oct 1990 (v.40#9) pg. 44

Tip: Use two pry bars to separate studs which have been nailed together.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #4 Aug-Sep 1981 pg. 6

Homemade tool is used for removing roofing and siding boards without cracking them.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #6 Dec 1981-Jan 1982 pg. 10

Salvage tools. Tips on selecting and using tools to remove house parts intact for reuse.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1990 (v.18#2) pg. 70

Adjustable sliding collar on a pry bar increases its useful range.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1972 (v.137#2) pg. 149

Demolition tools. Seventeen styles of pry bars and tips on their use.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1994 (v.171#1) pg. 73

Nine different wrecking bars and how to use them.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1963 (v.182#6) pg. 102

Handy pry bar/nail cutter is made from an automobile leaf spring.
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1984 (v.40#1) pg. 18