Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1995 (v.12#7) pg. 32
Build the "Smartcharger" to recharge the new alkaline battery called "Renewal" (AAA, AA, C, and D size).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1994 (v.11#9) pg. 64
Charge-It. A dual-regulated charger for NiCd and Gel-Cell batteries. Both charging current and voltage are variable.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1997 (v.14#11) pg. 46
Circuit to protect against overcharging lead-acid batteries.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1997 (v.14#12) pg. 62
Circuit to power transistor radios. Recharge 9-volt batteries or use 110-volt line.
POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1963 (v.120#3) pg. 192
Rechargeable batteries and a recharger end battery problems.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1964 (v.122#1) pg. 174
Quick or trickle battery charger.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1964 (v.122#5) pg. 196
Four electronic kits for your car. A look at two tachometers, a windshield wiper delay and an inverter/battery charger.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1973 (v.140#1) pg. 142
Battery "brain" tests batteries and recharges those that aren't too far gone. Handles batteries from AAA up to lantern size. Estimated cost: $15.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1980 (v.154#5) pg. 20
Zap your NiCd batteries back to life with this battery rejuvenator. Repeated high-current surges will often clear up internal shorts and make cells usable again.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1982 (v.157#2) pg. 62
Tip on rejuvenating Rayovac rechargeable batteries which have fallen below 1.0 volts so that they can again be recharged.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1994 (v.171#4) pg. 12
Tips on recharging or "boosting" non-rechargeable batteries.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1977 (v.81#3) pg. 32
Superspeed recharger for nickel-cadmium cells. Charge a D-size cell in 20 to 60 minutes. Slower-speed trickle charger also built into unit.
POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1967 (v.191#4) pg. 144
Build a battery charger that accelerates the charging time and shuts itself off to minimize the possibility of overcharging.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1970 (v.197#1) pg. 101
Jelly battery charger. This electronic circuit is used between your regular car battery charger and the "gell cell" being charged.
RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Nov 1994 (v.37#11) pg. 29
LED indicator tells if nickel-cadmium batteries are being charged.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1984 (v.55#6) pg. 90
Versatile battery charger circuit. Will handle from 1 to 6 AA cells and charge at a rate of 50 mA.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1985 (v.56#9) pg. 44
Universal battery charger designed to recharge gel-cells, but it can be used to recharge Ni-Cd's and any other type of battery that needs a constant-current source, a constant-voltage source, or both. Est. cost: $10.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1986 (v.57#7) pg. 67
How to determine whether a NiCd battery pack is fully charged by monitoring the charging current over time and charting the result.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1988 (v.59#5) pg. 12
Battery-charge indicator for use with a cordless screwdriver.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1989 (v.60#8) pg. 12
Solar power supply that can be used even at night. Solar cells are used to charge a Ni-Cd battery inside this 5-volt or 9-volt "booster".
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1989 (v.60#8) pg. 47, 70
Tip on turning off a battery charger after a set period of time.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1990 (v.61#2) pg. 16
An intelligent charging circuit that can be adapted for use with a wide range of batteries. One section monitors and controls the charging of the batteries and another section monitors the amount of charge left in the batteries when they're being used to power a circuit.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1992 (v.63#5) pg. 12
Auto battery charger built around an inexpensive silicon diode rectifier kit can supply up to 1.2 amps at 12 volts DC. The addition of a filter-regulator unit will draw off 3, 6, 9, or 12 volts of low-ripple DC current for use in electronic projects.
RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Jun-Jul 1968 (v.24#3) pg. 95
Trickle charger battery booster will recharge any dry cell that has a rating from 1-1/2 to 22-1/2 volts. Est. cost: $3.
RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Oct-Nov 1968 (v.25#2) pg. 47
Circuit for a 6 and 12 volt, 12 amp battery charger to work off 117 VAC line.
RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Dec 1968-Jan 1969 (v.25#3) pg. 29
Using two clock timers and a charger to keep an idle auto battery fully charged.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #176 Mar 1991 (v.15#8) pg. 29
Setup which uses one charger and a timer to maintain a charge on several 6- and 12-volt batteries.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #200 Mar 1993 (v.17#8) pg. 23
Recharging circuit for gel cells uses a voltage-limited charging method to avoid overcharging.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1989 (v.78#1) pg. 97