xx SAW
Chevalet. A special tool for marquetry work. This jig features a foot-activated clamp and a special saw frame that keeps the fine jeweler's blade taut and perpendicular to the work. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #52 Jun 1996 pg. 62
Improving the fretsaw. (1) Jig securely holds the fretsaw and allows much more precise and easier cutting. A tabletop supports the work being cut. (2) A motorized fretsaw. FINE WOODWORKING #43 Nov-Dec 1983 pg. 60
Fretwork. Laying out and sawing intricate filigree. How to modify a jigsaw for fretsawing. How to bend and install fretwork onto furniture. FINE WOODWORKING #77 Jul-Aug 1989 pg. 68
Sketch shows how to make a bird's mouth fretsaw table that clamps into a woodworking vise. WOOD MAGAZINE #52 Jun 1992 (v.9#4) pg. 29
Test report of five power fretsaws. An outline of what a carver should look for in a machine. WOODCARVING #37 Sep-Oct 1997 pg. 59
Simple jig for cutting circles on a power fretsaw or band saw. WOODWORKER Jun 1989 (v.93#6) pg. 552
Tip on converting an old sewing machine to a fretsaw. WOODWORKER Oct 1989 (v.93#10) pg. 935
Marquetry mule. How to adapt the idea of marquetry donkey as a clamp for working on a normal fretwork table. WOODWORKER Jul 1991 (v.95#7) pg. 719
A one manpower jigsaw. How to combine a fretsaw, wood and some hardware into a foot-powered fretsaw. WOODWORKING TODAY #28 Feb 1992 pg. 44
Make a treadle-powered fretsaw for marquetry. The use of very thin blades and a slow, controlled cutting speed eliminates the need for a backing sheet of waste veneer when cutting. Frame of the saw is wood. Several metal mechanisms must be fabricated from common hardware. Includes a built-in air pump to blow away sawdust. WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1979 (v.35#2) pg. 42