Added Info CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jul-Aug 1996 (v.19#10) pg. 7
Using the reciprocating saw. Some tips.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #293 Nov-Dec 1988 (v.38#9) pg. 14
A guide to reciprocating saws. What one can do and how it operates.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #323 Nov-Dec 1991 (v.41#10) pg. 26
Difference explained between bimetal and steel blades for a reciprocating saw.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #376 Mar 1997 (v.47#3) pg. 15
Reciprocating saws. Tips on blade selection and use.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #401 Sep 1999 (v.49#8) pg. 20
Tip: How to increase the life of reciprocating saw blades and reshape broken shanks.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #7 Feb-Mar 1982 pg. 10
Tip: Use plaster-cutting blades when cutting composition roofing with a reciprocating saw.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #11 Oct-Nov 1982 pg. 14
Tip: How to guide a reciprocating saw when cutting curves in thick lumber so that the end of the blade does not "wander" off the curve.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #14 Apr-May 1983 pg. 14
Reciprocating saws. These versatile cutting tools, fitted with the right blade, will take on jobs that other saws can't touch.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #16 Aug-Sep 1983 pg. 45
Tip on cutting drywall into manageable chunks for removal using a reciprocating saw equipped with a short (1/2") blade.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #47 Jun-Jul 1988 pg. 30
Tip: Use an adjustable wrench to guide the free end of a "Sawzall" blade when cutting curves in heavy timbers.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #50 Dec 1988-Jan 1989 pg. 30
Tip on preventing vibration from a reciprocating saw from damaging adjacent plaster.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #54 Jun-Jul 1989 pg. 26
Tip to prevent the blade-holding setscrew from loosening on a Milwaukee Sawzall.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #60 Apr-May 1990 pg. 26
Reciprocating-saw survey. A remodeler's test of 16 models and tips on their use.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #88 Apr-May 1994 pg. 38
Tip on using a more flexible hacksaw blade in a reciprocating saw.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #93 Feb-Mar 1995 pg. 24
Reciprocating saw review. General tips on selecting and using a reciprocating saw.
HOME MECHANIX #748 Sep 1990 (v.86) pg. 20
Buying and using a reciprocating saw.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #491 Apr 1969 (v.65) pg. 100
Tips for using reciprocating saws.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1999 (v.27#2) pg. 41
Introduction to reciprocating saws, the ultimate remodeler's tool. Tips on selecting and using these versatile portable saws.
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1988 (v.44#1) pg. 87