Added Info FAMILY HANDYMAN #337 Apr 1993 (v.43#4) pg. 32
How to get great results from a hand-held jigsaw (saber saw).
FAMILY HANDYMAN #332 Oct 1992 (v.42#9) pg. 14
Jigsaws (saber saws). What is available in saws and blades, plus tips on their use.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #33 Jun-Jul 1986 pg. 58
Tip: Replace your saber saw base with a wooden one. It will prevent scratching and dampen vibration.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #43 Dec 1987-Jan 1988 pg. 20
Survey of jigsaws (saber saws). An evaluation of 23 professional-grade models.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #89 Jun-Jul 1994 pg. 58
Jigsaws revisited. A buyer's guide to 20 saber saws.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #126 Oct-Nov 1999 pg. 84
How to do decorative scroll sawing (filigree) of plywood using a saber saw. Includes tips on selecting wood, modifying saw blades, supporting the work, sanding and finishing.
FINE WOODWORKING #40 May-Jun 1983 pg. 86
Tip: Felt-covered magnetic strips keep saber saw from scratching countertops, etc.
FINE WOODWORKING #67 Nov-Dec 1987 pg. 10
Simple trammel for cutting circles or large holes with a saber saw.
FINE WOODWORKING #72 Sep-Oct 1988 pg. 8
What's new with sabersaws. Orbital action and variable speed improve the usefulness of this familiar tool. Forty different models are compared.
FINE WOODWORKING #85 Nov-Dec 1990 pg. 58
Evaluating eight professional-grade saber saws.
FINE WOODWORKING #126 Sep-Oct 1997 pg. 52
A look at saws for cutting curves and holes. Covers the compass saw, keyhole saw, coping saw, saber saw and hole saw.
HANDY ANDY May 1979 (v.3#8) pg. 88
What saber saws do and what to buy.
HOME CRAFTSMAN Nov-Dec 1964 (v.33#6) pg. 25
Using a sabre saw. Some tips. Part 1.
HOME MECHANIX #703 Nov 1986 (v.82) pg. 14
Using a sabre saw. Some tips. Part 2.
HOME MECHANIX #704 Dec 1986 (v.82) pg. 18
Tip: Apply adhesive-backed felt to your sabre saw when cutting prefinished paneling.
HOME MECHANIX #704 Dec 1986 (v.82) pg. 84
How to cut metal the easy way. Using handsaws and saber saws to cut metal. Chart aids in blade selection.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO #2 Summer 1976 (v.1#2) pg. 74
How to select and use saber saws, the second most useful tool for homeowners. Chart of blades and uses included.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO #3 Fall 1976 (v.1#3) pg. 114
How to make a saber saw into a stationary power tool. How to build a table for the saw. Build a 6" miter gauge with a locking fixture as an accessory for the table.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #538 Mar 1973 (v.69) pg. 16
A new look at the saber saw. What units are currently available and tips on blades and cutting techniques.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #566 Jul 1975 (v.71) pg. 80
Tips on using the sabre saw.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #677 Sep 1984 (v.80) pg. 14
Shopping for a saber saw. Features to look for, what is available and tips on its use.
PARENTS HOME Jul 1981 (v.5#9) pg. 22
Saber saw or hedge trimmer becomes power rasp or file.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1963 (v.120#4) pg. 184
Two homemade saber saws.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1964 (v.122#1) pg. 167
Nibbler attachment for your sabre saw for cutting sheet metal.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1966 (v.125#1) pg. 190
Getting the most from your zippy little jigsaw. Saber saw uses and routine maintenance are illustrated by photos.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1967 (v.128#5) pg. 186
Create a jigsaw by adapting a radial arm saw and stand-mounted saber saw.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1969 (v.132#6) pg. 160
How to make difficult cuts with a swivel-blade saber saw.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1970 (v.134#4) pg. 184
Saw table for saber saw is designed especially for cutting small pieces or very thin pieces of wood. Built mostly of plywood.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1972 (v.138#5) pg. 166
A look at various styles of saber saws available and suggestions on what features you need to consider when buying one.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1973 (v.139#1) pg. 148
How to perform all the basic cuts possible with a saber saw. Includes tips on using jigs and templates.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1978 (v.149#3) pg. 130
Workshop minicourse. Saber saw basics.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1979 (v.151#5) pg. 65
Simple wooden jig (table) for use with saber-saw. The top of this small table has a slot down the middle so that the work being sawn is supported on two sides.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1980 (v.153#4) pg. 85
Workshop minicourse. Using a saber saw.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1980 (v.154#6) pg. 28
Using a sabre saw. Some tips.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1981 (v.155#1) pg. 110
Sabre-saw table (jig) is used to cut wooden circles up to 33" diameter.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1981 (v.155#1) pg. 122
More about the sabre saw. Plunge cuts and cutting perfect circles using the rip guide.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1981 (v.155#2) pg. 150
Sabre saw secrets. A do-it-yourselfer's guide to the versatile sabre saw. Includes plans for a shop built saw table.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1988 (v.165#7) pg. 82
Sabre saws. A comparison test of 11 different models ranging in price from $65 to $274, with most over $200.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1989 (v.166#10) pg. 79
Four special attachments for a saber saw. Used to (1) sand and polish, (2) peen metal, (3) cut linoleum and cardboard, and (4) decorate metal.
POPULAR SCIENCE Feb 1963 (v.182#2) pg. 150
Buyer's guide to portable electric saber saws.
POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1963 (v.183#6) pg. 168
Adapter turns a saber saw into a jigsaw.
POPULAR SCIENCE Nov 1967 (v.191#5) pg. 156
Build a power hone which is driven by your saber saw.
POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1981 (v.219#3) pg. 111
Selecting the correct curve-cutting saw to use (jigsaw, band saw, or saber saw) and tips on its use.
POPULAR SCIENCE Apr 1983 (v.222#4) pg. 137
Tips on cutting Plexiglas with a saber saw.
POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1985 (v.227#4) pg. 136
Six popular models of saber saws are tested by experienced woodworkers. Differences and features discussed.
SHOPNOTES #36 Nov 1997 (v.6) pg. 12
Tip: Use both a saber saw and a router to cut a true (exactly right angle) edge when making curve cuts in wood.
WOOD MAGAZINE #1 Sep-Oct 1984 (v.1#1) pg. 27
The saber saw (jigsaw). A workshop test of 12 models, plus tips on selection and use.
WOOD MAGAZINE #5 Jun 1985 (v.2#3) pg. 32
Buyer's guide to 31 jigsaws (saber saws).
WOOD MAGAZINE #65 Nov 1993 (v.10#8) pg. 54
Buyer's guide to jigsaws (saber saws). Sixteen different models compared.
WOOD MAGAZINE #71 Aug 1994 (v.11#5) pg. 25
Eliminate chip-out when using table saw, router, jointer, band saw, scroll saw, jig saw, and portable circular saw.
WOOD MAGAZINE #135 Sep 2001 (v.18#6) pg. 68
How to mount a saber saw to the underside of the WOODSMITH router table (or some other worktable).
WOODSMITH #30 Nov-Dec 1983 pg. 3
Tips on improving the quality of a cut made with a sabre saw.
WOODSMITH #70 Aug 1990 pg. 15
Sanding adaptors convert your saber saw to an oscillating sanding machine.
WOODWORKER #1114 Sep 1986 (v.90#9) pg. 777
Homemade sanding pad converts your saber saw to a small linear sander.
WOODWORKER #1115 Oct 1986 (v.90#10) pg. 861
Method for cutting large holes in plywood with a saber saw.
WOODWORKER Jun 1989 (v.93#6) pg. 552
Tip: Use a router to clean-up saber-sawed cross cuts on panels that are too wide for a radial arm saw.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1985 (v.9#5) pg. 62
Shop test of 12 different jigsaws (saber saws).
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1987 (v.11#5) pg. 27
Added Info WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1988 (v.12#5) pg. 7
Adding an extra knob to a portable jig saw by using a door knob.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1964 (v.20#5) pg. 51
Shop tip shows how to make internal cutouts that have truly square corners using a saber saw.
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1971 (v.27#1) pg. 50
Accurate cutting guide for portable jig saw. Adjustable to any angle, it is similar to a large adjustable tri-square.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1979 (v.35#5) pg. 96
Straight line cutting fixture for saber saw.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1985 (v.41#4) pg. 22
Sabre saw know-how. Tips on selecting and using the saw and various saw blades.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1989 (v.45#5) pg. 24
Sabre saw primer. Tips on saw selection and saw blades.
WORKBENCH Apr-May 1994 (v.50#2) pg. 50
Added Info WORKBENCH Oct-Nov 1994 (v.50#5) pg. 6