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Greening of the IG-18. Upgrading the Heathkit Model IG-18 sine and square wave audio generator to a laboratory-grade instrument.
AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1971 (v.2#1) pg. 7
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1971 [Apr 1972] (v.2#3) pg. 22
Correction AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1971 [Jul 1972] (v.2#4) pg. 13
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1972 [Jul 1973] (v.3#4) pg. 17
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1973 [Dec 1973] (v.4#1) pg. 28
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1973 [Apr 1974] (v.4#2) pg. 24
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1973 [Jul 1974] (v.4#3) pg. 28
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1977 [Feb 1977] (v.8#1) pg. 49
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1978 [Jun 1978] (v.9#2) pg. 37
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1979 [Oct 1979] (v.10#4) pg. 65

Report on assembling the ASG-200 audio sweep generator kit from Phase Corp.
AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1972 [Oct 1972] (v.3#1) pg. 24

Measuring a component's frequency response. Looks at four common sources of error. Includes a basic set-up for using a calibrated attenuator or "gain set" method of measuring frequency response.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1974 [Feb 1975] (v.5#3) pg. 8

Morrey's super oscillator. Reducing Heath's IG-18 distortion to 0.0008.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1975 [Mar 1976] (v.6#4) pg. 3
Correction AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1976 [May 1976] (v.7#1) pg. 40
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1982 [Aug 1982] (v.13#3) pg. 38
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1984 [Jul 1984] (v.15#3) pg. 24

Modification of the SWTP (Southwest Technical Products) FG-2 function generator to overcome the tendency to break into high-frequency oscillation at lower settings of the level control.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1976 [Jul 1976] (v.7#2) pg. 30

Report on assembling and using the Heath IG-1272 audio generator kit.
AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1978 [Mar 1978] (v.9#1) pg. 50
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1979 [Apr 1979] (v.10#2) pg. 51

Test report and construction tips for the Heath Company Model IG-1275 Lin / Log Sweep Generator. A solid state function generator producing the basic waveforms (sine, square, triangle) over a wide range of frequencies and amplitudes.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1979 [Apr 1979] (v.10#2) pg. 42

A timerless tone burst generator.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1980 [Mar 1980] (v.11#2) pg. 14
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1980 [Nov 1980] (v.11#4) pg. 64
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1981 [Feb 1981] (v.12#1) pg. 49
Correction AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1981 [Sep 1981] (v.12#4) pg. 57

An audio measuring system. Part 1. Sorcerer's Apprentice. Build an electronically swept signal generator that outputs triangle wave, warble tone, tone bursts, sine wave sweep, and amplitude modulation.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1981 [Apr 1981] (v.12#2) pg. 21
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 5/1983 [Jan 1984] (v.14#5) pg. 55

An audio measuring system. Part 2. Paul Bunyan. Circuit for a logarithmic (decibel) amplifier that is completely self-contained and may be used with any sweep generator.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1981 [Jun 1981] (v.12#3) pg. 14
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1981 [Sep 1981] (v.12#4) pg. 59
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 5/1983 [Jan 1984] (v.14#5) pg. 55

Wave squarer. A circuit generates square waves from a fixed frequency signal source. Can be set for any division ratio from 1 to 999.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1981 [Jun 1981] (v.12#3) pg. 28

Build an audio sweep marker adder. Mark specific frequencies on an audio sweep generator with this system that operates independently from the rate and range controls.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1982 [May 1982] (v.13#2) pg. 28

Two new timerless tone burst generators. An intermediate design and a final design result in completely independent on and off times which can be set for any length between 1 and 888 cycles. (An improved design over the tone burst generator featured in the 2/1980 issue).
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1983 [Sep 1983] (v.14#3) pg. 7
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1987 [Jul 1987] (v.18#3) pg. 50

Modifying the Morrey and other Heath IG-18 (IG-5218) sine/square oscillators.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1984 [Jul 1984] (v.15#3) pg. 24

Digital readout accessory for the Heath IG-1275 LIN/LOG sweep generator.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1985 [Mar 1985] (v.16#2) pg. 42

Refurbishing HeathKit's IG-72 sine wave audio generator.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1991 [Aug 1991] (v.22#3) pg. 24
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1992 [Mar 1992] (v.23#1) pg. 54

Assembling and installing the function-generator kit from DC Electronics (Scottsdale AZ). Produces sine, square, and triangular waveforms at a low power level. Suitable for driving a power amp over a wide frequency range, above, through, and below the audio range. Est. cost: $40.
AUDIO ELECTRONICS 1/1999 [Jan 1999] (v.30#1) pg. 18

Walsh functions: A digital Fourier series. Circuits which can create wave forms as the sum of pure sine and cosine waves can be expanded to build more complex waveforms out of digital waveforms with sharp edges.
BYTE Sep 1977 (v.2#9) pg. 190

Circuit for a 1-Hz signal source that uses the National Semiconductor 5368 chip and a crystal.
COMPUTERCRAFT Jul 1991 (v.1#4) pg. 7

Lab-grade function generator. Full-featured 1-Hz to 250-kHz project features CMOS/TTL compatibility, FM sweep input, low distortion, and a power-amplifier output to drive 50-ohm loads to the usual sine-wave, triangle-wave and square-wave outputs. Est. cost: $50.
COMPUTERCRAFT Apr 1992 (v.2#4) pg. 55

Computer-controlled frequency synthesizer covers a range from 1-Hz to 10-MHz in 1-Hz increments. Est. cost: $50.
COMPUTERCRAFT Aug 1992 (v.2#8) pg. 36

Experimenting with Motorola's 68HC11 true single-chip computer. Part 7. SBC (single-board computer) applications (continued). A look at MAG-11's input-capture feature and how to use it to make an accurate binary-display thermometer. Also details using interrupts to generate square waves and producing computer music.
COMPUTERCRAFT Jan 1993 (v.3#1) pg. 46

Generating square waves with any frequency and duty cycle. Circuits which use the 555-timer IC operating in the astable mode.
COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS Dec 1982 (v.20#12) pg. 83

A programmable function generator covers from 20 to 100,000 Hz with an accuracy of 0.005%. Produces sine, square and triangle wave forms.
COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS Feb 1983 (v.21#2) pg. 85

This voltage-controlled oscillator circuit with RAMs will synthesize any waveshape you can imagine without using complex filters.
COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS Jul 1983 (v.21#7) pg. 67

Circuit for a junk-box square wave generator covering from .0001 Hz to 100 kHz.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Jan 1981 (v.37#1) pg. 56

Antenna accessories for the ham shack. Part 7. R.F. signal generator, frequency counter, absorption wavemeter, frequency meter, and Lecher wires.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Apr 1983 (v.39#4) pg. 82

How to build a practical function generator (waveform generator). Uses the ICL 8038 integrated circuit. Has a range of 10 Hz to 100 kHz.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL May 1984 (v.40#5) pg. 36

Simple microphone interface. Used to connect an electret microphone to an HF transceiver. Also includes a simple audio oscillator circuit that will produce a good sinewave signal for transmitter test or tune-up.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Mar 1986 (v.42#3) pg. 32

Two-tone audio generator circuit for SSB transmitter testing produces a 697 and 1477 waveform.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Jul 1991 (v.47#7) pg. 60
Correction CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Nov 1991 (v.47#11) pg. 58

Simple sine-wave generator circuit powered by a 9-volt battery.

Digital sinewave synthesizer has a frequency range of 1 Hz to 524.287 kHz with a resolution of 1 Hz over the complete range. Est. cost: $70.

Double the frequency of any sinewave from 10 Hz to more than 50 MHz with this small module that can be permanently installed in almost any signal generator or used as an outboard module. Est. cost: $50 (kit).

Precision audio signals from your PC. Build this computer-controlled audio generator that delivers square waves up to 4800 hertz with an accuracy of 0.1% or better. The unit attaches to a serial port of a computer and uses a simple BASIC language program. Est. cost: $10.

Frequency response tester. Lets you view the frequency response of almost any audio gadget on an oscilloscope when used along with a function-generator to form the equivalent of a "frequency-sweep generator".

Getting started in surface mount technology. (1) Dual LED flasher circuit. (2) Tone burst circuit.

Making square waves at home. A variety of simple square-wave generator circuits.

A 1-transistor pocket-size audio generator.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jan 1963 (v.6#1) pg. 86

A 6X audio generator that goes from 20 to 200,000 cycles in fixed steps.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED May 1964 (v.7#3) pg. 90

Square wave generator uses integrated circuit.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Mar 1965 (v.8#2) pg. 31

Crystal-controlled SW signal generator. A shortwave band signal generator covering 1 to 20 megacycles on fundamental. Uses parallel-resonant crystals for exact frequency control.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jul 1967 (v.10#4) pg. 67

Free-power square-wave generator for audio testing. Plugs into the output of any audio sine-wave generator. Waves from 10 cps to 500 kc.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Nov 1970 (v.13#6) pg. 78

How to turn a junked TV into a signal generator. Six usable output signals are tuner, video, vertical plate, horizontal grid and horizontal plate.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jul 1971 (v.14#4) pg. 39

Turn a service-grade audio generator into a professional instrument by adding this audio microvolter, a device that gives a generator both output metering and a calibrated output level.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Nov 1971 (v.14#6) pg. 44

Battery-powered sine-wave generator circuit.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jun 1993 (v.64#6) pg. 14

Simple triangle-wave generator circuit uses 3 inverters and some passive components.
ELECTRONICS NOW Aug 1993 (v.64#8) pg. 12

Wave shaping. Learn the basics of waveform generation and shaping with bipolar transistor circuits that you can build. Includes circuits for multivibrators, schmitt trigger, pulse generator, etc.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jan 1994 (v.65#1) pg. 70

Simple ultra-low-distortion 1-kHz sinewave generator circuit uses an incandescent light bulb as the automatic gain control (AGC) loop.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jan 1994 (v.65#1) pg. 82

PC-based RF (radio frequency) signal generator. Can also function as a tracking generator for some spectrum analyzers. Either installs in an 8-bit slot on the PC bus or can be interfaced to a parallel port. Frequency range is 4 to 2100 MHz. Est. cost (kit): $775. Part 1.
ELECTRONICS NOW Mar 1994 (v.65#3) pg. 35

Build the Audio Wizard function generator. Produce sine, triangle, and square waves in two ranges at frequencies from 1 hertz to 20 kilohertz. Est. cost: $175.
ELECTRONICS NOW Apr 1994 (v.65#4) pg. 41

PC-based RF (radio frequency) signal generator. Part 2. Construction tips and parts list.
ELECTRONICS NOW Apr 1994 (v.65#4) pg. 61

Fun with function generators. Couple a function generator to an oscilloscope to form a versatile instrumentation set for testing systems and components.
ELECTRONICS NOW Oct 1994 (v.65#10) pg. 42

Sweep/function generator. Build this sweep generator to create sine, triangle, and square waves. Also provides a horizontal sweep for an oscilloscope.
ELECTRONICS NOW Dec 1994 (v.65#12) pg. 53
Correction ELECTRONICS NOW Mar 1995 (v.66#3) pg. 14

Programmable sinewave generator is controlled by the parallel port of a PC or laptop computer. Est. cost: $65 (kit).
ELECTRONICS NOW Jan 1995 (v.66#1) pg. 43
Correction ELECTRONICS NOW Mar 1995 (v.66#3) pg. 14 (Reprint of program listing)

Build this computer-controlled audio signal generator. A simple BASIC program uses the serial port to control the generator. Delivers frequencies as high as 4800 hertz with an accuracy of 0.1% or better. Est. cost: $10.
ELECTRONICS NOW Feb 1995 (v.66#2) pg. 44

Review of standard methods for generating sinewaves plus a new algorithm for generating digital sinewaves.
ELECTRONICS NOW Mar 1995 (v.66#3) pg. 80

An explanation of the concept of "duty cycle" and "frequency" as they apply to a waveform signal generator. Includes simple circuits.
ELECTRONICS NOW Aug 1995 (v.66#8) pg. 8

Bench top digital function generator produces square, sine, and triangular waves from 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz. Costs a fraction of the price of a commercial unit.
ELECTRONICS NOW Nov 1995 (v.66#11) pg. 33

Waveform generator circuits. Learn about waveform generation with synthesizers, integrated-circuit function generators, and LC oscillators. How to apply that knowledge to your projects.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jan 1996 (v.67#1) pg. 37

Waveform generator circuits. Learn how to generate square and rectangular waves for timing, communication, and control. How to apply that knowledge to your circuit designs.
ELECTRONICS NOW Mar 1996 (v.67#3) pg. 45

Four essential test instruments. DC power supplies, function generators, bench digital multimeters, and frequency counters. An examination of their applications and key features.
ELECTRONICS NOW Aug 1996 (v.67#8) pg. 69

Build your own audio test gear. Five pieces of test gear, plus how and why they are used. (1) Audio signal generator. (2) Audio voltmeter. (3) Simple LED oscilloscope. (4) Distortion analyzer. (5) Wow-and-flutter meter. Part 1. An overview.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jun 1997 (v.68#6) pg. 26

Build your own audio test gear. Part 2. Wien-bridge audio generator. This oscillator circuit generates four basic frequencies and uses them to cover the entire audio band (20-20,000 Hz). Est. cost: $110 (kit). An overall look at the concept.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jul 1997 (v.68#7) pg. 56

Build the D.I.Y. function generator. Designed to operate on one 9-volt battery with low current draw. Provides square, triangle and smooth waves over a frequency range of 10 Hz to 100kHz. Output swing limited to +/- 1.5 volts.
ELECTRONICS NOW Aug 1997 (v.68#8) pg. 56

Build your own audio test gear. Part 3. Wien-bridge audio generator (continued). Project construction.
ELECTRONICS NOW Sep 1997 (v.68#9) pg. 65

Build your own audio test gear. Part 4. Wien-bridge audio generator (continued). Setup and alignment.
ELECTRONICS NOW Oct 1997 (v.68#10) pg. 22

Square-wave generator uses only two transistors. Has 50 cps or 10 kc output.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Feb 1966 (v.75#2) pg. 75

Shaping different waveforms by passing a square-wave through an RC network.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Feb 1966 (v.75#2) pg. 78

Square-wave testing. Using the square-wave to test an overall system.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Mar 1966 (v.75#3) pg. 94

Circuit for a low-cost, general purpose multivibrator which can operate from 30 Hz to 100Hz with a good square-wave output.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Apr 1966 (v.75#4) pg. 83

A discussion of the advantages of saw-tooth waveform of audio amplifiers, plus the circuit for a saw-tooth generator.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Jul 1966 (v.76#1) pg. 74

Audio calibrator for transistor amplifiers. Two transistors circuit provides accurately calibrated signal from 0.5 to 100 mv at low impedance. For checking gain and distortion of sensitive transistor amplifiers.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Aug 1966 (v.76#2) pg. 67

High-quality square-wave generator uses novel design to produce perfect symmetry fast rise and fall time square-waves covering 20 to 20,000 Hz using only a single-turn frequency control.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Nov 1966 (v.76#5) pg. 43

Neutralizing the Cascode amplifier. Using a conventional generator instead of a noise generator to adjust this widely used front end circuit for minimum noise within its passband.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Jul 1967 (v.78#1) pg. 66

Hand-held signal generator with a frequency continuously variable from 600 to 1200 Hz, with a maximum amplitude of 0.5 volts peak-to-peak.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Aug 1968 (v.80#2) pg. 61

Sine-wave generator utilizes unijunction transistors.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Feb 1969 (v.81#2) pg. 82

Circuit to improve the linearity of a unijunction transistor sawtooth-wave generator.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Feb 1969 (v.81#2) pg. 84

Dual-rate sawtooth generator circuit uses unijunction transistors.
ELECTRONICS WORLD May 1969 (v.81#5) pg. 74

IC sine-wave clipper produces clean, symmetrical square waves from 20 to 100,000 Hz.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Nov 1969 (v.82#5) pg. 96

How to find R.M.S. (root-mean-square) values of a current or voltage wave-form graphically.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Jul 1970 (v.84#1) pg. 17

Triangular-waveform generator from a sawtooth wave.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Oct 1970 (v.84#4) pg. 79

Sine-sweep generator for R.F./I.F. testing. Design of very slow sweep driver circuit.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Jan 1971 (v.85#1) pg. 72

Accurate square-wave audio generator will supply continuously variable output up to 1 volt into an impedance as low as 9 ohms. Est. cost: $25.
ELECTRONICS WORLD May 1971 (v.85#5) pg. 54

Step-by-step designing of a versatile sine-wave audio oscillator.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Jul 1971 (v.86#1) pg. 34

Accurate audio frequency generator provides resettable sine-wave audio signals. Uses inexpensive integrated circuits and transistors.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Sep 1971 (v.86#3) pg. 60

The use of a unijunction transistor with a VTVM or oscilloscope permits accurate visualization of RC constants.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Dec 1971 (v.86#6) pg. 23

Audio-signal generator to modulate hand-held citizens band walkie-talkies so they can be tuned for maximum milliwatt range. Est. cost: $5.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS May-Jun 1967 (v.4#2) pg. 43

Sweep generator for superhet AM receivers provide basic IF frequencies of 455 or 1650 kHz. Observe response curves on an oscilloscope.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Jan-Feb 1969 (v.7#3) pg. 35

Square-wave generator produces clean waveforms, without overshoot, excessive rise, ringing or undershoot. Frequency range of 1 Hz to 100 KHz. Est. cost: $25.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Jul-Aug 1970 (v.10#3) pg. 73

Gen-Trace, a beginner's IC project. A troubleshooting test unit that is both a broad-band signal generator (1000 Hz square wave with harmonics beyond 100 MHz) and audio signal tracer (maximum gain of 50 dB).
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1970 (v.10#4) pg. 47

Plastic pill bottle holds a transistorized RC amplifier and probe usable as a continuity tester and signal generator.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Jan-Feb 1971 (v.10#6) pg. 60

Make frequency measurements quickly and accurately using an inexpensive oscilloscope and a frequency source like an audio oscillator or signal generator.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Nov-Dec 1975 (v.15#6) pg. 81

E.E. basic course in electricity and electronics. How signal generators work.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS May-Jun 1977 (v.17#3) pg. 83

E.E. basic course in electricity and electronics. How to use signal generators.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Jul-Aug 1977 (v.17#4) pg. 79

Full range audio generator. Delivers variable and fixed outputs of sinusoidal waveform from 10 Hz to over 15 kHz and up to five volts peak-to-peak.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Nov-Dec 1977 (v.17#6) pg. 65

Review of the EXAR XR-2207 voltage-controlled oscillator IC. Includes schematics for possible applications in signal generator circuits.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Nov-Dec 1980 (v.20#6) pg. 51

Build this simple waveform generator. A one-IC, multi-output device with a 1000:1 tuning range. Frequency range is 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Winter 1985 (v.2#3) pg. 60

Function generator circuit. Used to feed a specific frequency and voltage level to a circuit to see how it will react. Total harmonic distortion is less than 0.01% in this low-cost design.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Jul-Aug 1986 (v.3#4) pg. 61

Audio function generator that rivals commercial equipment. Provides a wide variety of wave shapes (triangular, square, sine, pulsed, ...) over a wide range of frequencies.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Nov 1986 (v.3#6) pg. 33

One-transistor VHF signal generator pumps out harmonics up to 240 MHz.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Jan 1988 (v.5#1) pg. 29

Basic building-block circuits are made from the same low-cost IC, the LM324 quad op-amp. (1) AC voltage-follower. (2) Inverting amplifier. (3) Buffer amplifier. (4) Squarewave generator. (5) Instrumentation amplifier (formed by combining the above four circuits).
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Feb 1988 (v.5#2) pg. 76

Unusual uses for solid-state piezo-transducers. (1) Fixed-frequency generator circuit. (2) Sound-activated decoder circuit. (3) Low-frequency crystal filter circuit. (4) Tone encoder/decoder circuit.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Jan 1989 (v.6#1) pg. 84

Three-speed square wave generator you can hold in the palm of your hand. Use it to trigger digital circuits, test amplifiers and check out radio circuits. Operates at 0.5 Hz or 460 Hz, in either manual or automatic mode. Est. cost: $6.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [1] May 1978 (v.1#3) pg. 52

Experimenting with the analog comparator, a special circuit incorporating the operational amplifier. Circuits include (1) an adjustable light-dark detector, (2) adjustable-threshold temperature-controlled relay, (3) a sine- to square-wave converter, and (4) a peak-voltage detector.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1985 (v.1#5) pg. 62

Simple square-wave signal generator circuits utilize CMOS Schmitt-trigger integrated circuit devices.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1985 (v.1#6) pg. 78

Fine-tune your color TV and/or video monitor. Simple BASIC program converts a Commodore-64 computer into a sophisticated color TV signal generator.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1986 (v.3#2) pg. 50

Audio step generator takes the tedium out of making frequency-response tests on audio equipment. This unit automatically selects a series of frequencies and maintains a constant output level, letting you concentrate on the frequency-response test instead of on the test conditions.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1986 (v.3#4) pg. 40

Using op amps to generate signals. A low-cost way to obtain the sine, square, triangle and sawtooth waves called for in many modern analog and digital circuits.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] May 1987 (v.4#5) pg. 26
Correction MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1987 (v.4#7) pg. 5

Programmable waveform generator. An audio-frequency test instrument that generates up to 32 different waveforms at frequencies up to 10 kHz.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1987 (v.4#10) pg. 42

Low-cost function generator delivers individually adjustable sine, triangle and square waves simultaneously over a frequency range of less that 1 Hz to almost 300 kHz into almost any load impedance. Est. cost: $50.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1988 (v.5#1) pg. 53
Added Info MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1988 (v.5#6) pg. 44 (10-MHz frequency counter accessory).
Added Info MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1988 (v.5#9) pg. 6
Correction MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1989 (v.6#3) pg. 7

Passive wave-shaping circuits. Using resistors, capacitors, inductors and diodes to do a job that has traditionally been the task of op amps and other active elements.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1988 (v.5#12) pg. 26

Linear CMOS micropower IC op amps and comparators. Includes circuits for a microphone preamp, function generator, and window comparators.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1988 (v.5#12) pg. 58

Wave-shaping circuit action. How waveforms are shaped electronically. Interpreting their results on an oscilloscope.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1989 (v.6#1) pg. 28

Upgrading an audio signal generator. Add swept frequencies and output of triangle waves, variable-width pulses, and sine/cosine waveforms to a classic sine/square-wave generator.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1989 (v.6#3) pg. 48

Using sweep frequencies in electronics troubleshooting. This technique greatly reduces the time needed to trace a fault to a particular component in a circuit. Looks at RC filter characteristics and how to read and interpret abnormal filter frequency-response curves.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1989 (v.6#4) pg. 34

The theory and practice of designing square-wave generators that can stand alone or be integrated into circuit systems.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1990 (v.7#7) pg. 32

The Modern Electronics computer experimenter lab. Part 2. Build a dual-channel digital/analog function generator. Est. cost: $70.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1991 (v.8#2) pg. 32

The Modern Electronics computer experimenter lab. part 3. Adding a combination digital signal generator and 8088-microprocessor computer experimenter platform to the dual-channel function generator. Est. cost: $70.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1991 (v.8#3) pg. 26

Simple AM modulator for adding audio signal to non-audio generators.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1964 (v.20#4) pg. 45

Four-transistor variable frequency audio generator.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1964 (v.20#4) pg. 71

Circuit for a two-transistor pulse shaper capable of converting sine-wave input signals (10 cycles to 10 kc) into variable-width rectangular pulse adjustable from 5% to 50% pf the input cycle period.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1966 (v.24#1) pg. 71

Circuit for a free-running sawtooth generator uses the new four-layer (pnpn) bistable switch.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1966 (v.24#1) pg. 72

Motorola circuit for a portable audio signal generator.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1966 (v.24#6) pg. 79

Circuit for a poor man's square-wave generator. A shunt clipper that produces a square-wave signal from a sine wave input.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1966 (v.25#1) pg. 81

"Square Deal" audio generator. Professional-type test equipment from inexpensive integrated circuits. Unit puts out high-rise-time square-waves ranging in amplitude from 0 to 2.5 volts and in frequency from 10 Hz to 1 MHz. AC or DC coupling may be used. Est. cost: $18.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Nov 1966 (v.25#5) pg. 59
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1967 (v.26#1) pg. 12

Multi-master. Solid-state multivibrator module is used in this tester which generates a 1000-Hz tone, richly endowed with harmonics. Can be used as a signal generator, code practice oscillator, and continuity tester. Est. cost: $5.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1967 (v.26#1) pg. 75

AMligner, a multipurpose, tubeless, transistorless, cordless broadcast band signal generator. Basically, a free-running relaxation oscillator operating at 800 Hz and being transmitted by a low-power, short-range radio transmitter. Est. cost: $7.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1967 (v.26#2) pg. 60

Multi-waveform generator can deliver a square, sawtooth, or spike waveform test signal at any fundamental frequency between about 200 and 20,000 Hz. Est. cost: $10.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1967 (v.27#3) pg. 52

Small signal generator produces crystal-controlled sine or square waves at any frequency between 100kHz and 3 mHz, depending upon choice of crystal. Battery powered. Est. cost: $2 (less crystal).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1967 (v.27#3) pg. 70

Signal-powered signal squarer. Adapter for a sine-wave signal generator which produces fast rise-time square waves of the same frequency. Circuit is a conventional two-transistor Schmitt trigger.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1967 (v.27#4) pg. 48

Square-wave generator uses an integrated circuit. Puts out 1 kHz wave of 2.5 volts amplitude. Runs 50 hours on two AA penlight cells. Est. cost: $2-$5.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1968 (v.28#1) pg. 27

Circuit for a sine-to-square converter.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1968 (v.29#4) pg. 86

Square-wave generator uses integrated circuits and UJTs. Has a frequency of 5 Hz to 50 KHz and an amplitude of 0 to 6 volts, variable.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1969 (v.31#1) pg. 43

Sine wave generator with ultra low distortion. Variable from 5 to 60,000 Hz. Est. cost: $49.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1969 (v.31#4) pg. 55

SCS Signal-squaring adapter circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1970 (v.32#1) pg. 65

Beginner's signal generator for broadcast band operation.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Mar 1970 (v.32#3) pg. 47

Low-cost signal source outputs 500-Hz audio tone and a 455-KHz i.f. signal, plus 910- and 1365-KHz for r.f. alignment. Est. cost: $8.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1970 (v.32#4) pg. 48

A 100-KHz standard. A stable, accurate source of reference square waves. Est. cost: $10.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1970 (v.32#4) pg. 56
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1970 (v.32#6) pg. 10

Getting to know the UJT (unijunction transistor). Includes signal generator circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1970 (v.32#4) pg. 69

Add-on circuit produces good clean square waves from an audio sine-wave generator. Has 70-nanosecond rise/fall time.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1970 (v.32#5) pg. 51

Sweep/frequency divider circuit uses a programmable unijunction transistor to deliver either sawtooth or pulse waveforms.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Nov 1970 (v.33#5) pg. 83

Modification for the Heathkit IG-72 audio generator to provide zerobeat capability. Est. cost: $5.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1970 (v.33#6) pg. 65

Time-base, square-wave generator or calibrator is crystal controlled and can deliver any of 13 selected timing periods from 1 microsecond to 1 second.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1971 (v.34#1) pg. 33

This 10.7 MHz signal generator will spread out the 600-MHz of interest to cover a 180 degree segment of the tuning dial. Est. cost: $12.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Mar 1971 (v.34#3) pg. 61

Combination test instrument is both a high-Q audio filter and a low-distortion sine, square or triangular wave generator. Est. cost: $35.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1971 (v.34#5) pg. 58

Circuit to determine the quality of your sine wave without expensive test gear.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Nov 1972 (v.2#5) pg. 98

Audio generators: How they work, with emphasis on sine wave models.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1973 (v.3#1) pg. 99

Low-cost IC signal generator. Produces a 500 Hz square wave for audio testing, a 455 KHz continuous pulse train or a 455 KHz pulse train chopped at a 500 Hz rate. This battery-powered circuit has a built-in battery charger.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Mar 1973 (v.3#3) pg. 34

What is an R-F sweep generator and what are the factors to be considered in selecting one?
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1973 (v.3#6) pg. 100

A look at the sine wave and its use in audio tester gear.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1973 (v.4#1) pg. 70

Build the super audio sweep generator. Provides log and linear sweep. Delivers 1 Hz to 100 KHz sine, triangular and square waveforms. Est. cost: $120.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1973 (v.4#4) pg. 29

Circuit to produce "hypnotic" waveforms on an oscilloscope.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1973 (v.4#6) pg. 22

Simple audio generator circuit can also be used as a code-practice oscillator or audio transistor tester by substitution.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1974 (v.5#1) pg. 67

How audio sweep generators save time and increase accuracy.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Mar 1974 (v.5#3) pg. 44

Circuit for a triangle waveform generator.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1974 (v.5#5) pg. 88

Rejuvenating elderly test equipment. Circuit to improve the waveform on a square-wave generator.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1975 (v.7#1) pg. 98

Circuit for a basic r-f sweep generator, where the choice of coil determines the frequency range.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1975 (v.7#1) pg. 102

Circuit to produce clean square waves from a solid-state sine-wave generator.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1975 (v.7#2) pg. 17

Circuit for a square-wave generator that uses only a hex inverter IC, a feedback capacitor and a dc power source.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1975 (v.7#2) pg. 77

Build an audio sweep marker generator. Use it to easily identify any frequency on an audio swept waveform display. Est. cost: $98.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1975 (v.8#4) pg. 71

Using the programmable timer/counter IC type XR-2240 to make a waveform generator.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1975 (v.8#4) pg. 102

Building a TTL sequence generator can teach you about digital logic IC's and provide a circuit for use in signal generators, LED flashers, electronic music, and random on-off switches.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1976 (v.9#2) pg. 101

Simple function generator circuit is capable of supplying linear sawtooth and square-wave signals simultaneously.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1976 (v.9#6) pg. 92

Circuit for a low frequincy (0.1 to 100Hz) sawtooth generator that can be used as an external scope sweep generator.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1976 (v.10#1) pg. 30

Build a low-distortion, low-cost audio generator. Generates sine waves with less than 0.02% distortion, or acts as a gyrator.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1977 (v.11#1) pg. 59

Six CMOS digital integrated circuits include a 1-kHz square-wave generator and a digital sine-wave generator.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1977 (v.11#4) pg. 46

Circuit for a square-wave oscillator circuit capable of delivering signals at frequencies from 1 Hz to 1 MHz.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1977 (v.12#3) pg. 87

Experiments with programmable logic arrays. Useful logic circuit has many applications in waveform generation or digital control.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1978 (v.13#6) pg. 88

Build a dot/bar video signal generator. It is an essential instrument for the setup and convergence of a color TV receiver. Est. cost: $15.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1978 (v.14#3) pg. 78

Circuit for converting ramp, sawtooth, or square-wave VCO output signals into sine waves.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1980 (v.17#2) pg. 97

Circuit for a programmable four-step function generator.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1982 (v.20#1) pg. 80

Simple function generator circuit can output sine, square and triangular signals of from 15 Hz to 25 kHz in three ranges.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1989 (v.6#4) pg. 23

Electronic test equipment on the cheap. Tips on purchasing and refurbishing older test equipment. Ideas shown are for a signal generator, but can be applied to most anything.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1989 (v.6#4) pg. 42

Digital sawtooth generator project provides two outputs. (1) A fixed, positive-going output of about 1.5 volts. (2) A variable, positive-going output of 0 to 5 volts.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1989 (v.6#6) pg. 59

Sweep function generators. How a function generator works. Looks at basic features, amplifier testing, sweep testing, filtering waveforms, and flushing out tank circuits.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1989 (v.6#8) pg. 62

Putting RC (resistor-capacitor) networks to work. Learn how to keep time using circuits you can design with just one equation.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1989 (v.6#9) pg. 74

Square-wave generator circuit uses a 4047 CMOS multivibrator.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1989 (v.6#9) pg. 89

Window generator circuit can be used as a light or dark detection circuit, temperature monitor, rain detector, etc.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1990 (v.7#1) pg. 25

Build an audio sweep/burst (tone burst) signal generator. Produces sine waves that cover the entire audio range. Automatically sweeps the audio spectrum, provides variable duty-cycle pulses, and provides a variable linear ramp.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1990 (v.7#2) pg. 42
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1990 (v.7#4) pg. 4
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1990 (v.7#5) pg. 2

Waveform generator circuit produces a symmetrical stepped waveform consisting of 3-up and 3-down steps in 1-volt increments.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1990 (v.7#11) pg. 77

Staircase waveform-generator circuits designed to produce an increasing or decreasing stepped voltage or current.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1990 (v.7#12) pg. 81

Sawtooth waveform-generator circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1990 (v.7#12) pg. 82

Function generator circuit is built around Intersil's ICL8038 waveform generator. Support components provide the ability to switch through several coarse frequencies in decade steps.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1991 (v.8#2) pg. 22

Square-wave signal generator circuit for the beginning electronics builder.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1991 (v.8#2) pg. 82

Audio-frequency generator circuit will produce an audio sine-wave by mixing the outputs of two RF oscillators operating at about the same frequency.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1991 (v.8#7) pg. 71

Triangle-wave to sinewave converter circuit that is temperature stable.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1991 (v.8#11) pg. 21

Squarewave generator circuit filters the output to produce triangle waves.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1991 (v.8#11) pg. 21

Build an FM sweep-frequency generator (a frequency-modulated oscillator that linearly changes frequency at a fixed rate in response to an input modulating signal).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1991 (v.8#11) pg. 80

Sawtooth generator circuit uses a digital-to-analog converter.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1992 (v.9#5) pg. 76

Sinewave-to-squarewave converter circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1992 (v.9#7) pg. 70

Function generator circuit is designed to be used as a building block for high-speed analog circuitry.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1993 (v.10#2) pg. 75

Using a single special-purpose IC (the ULN2429A fluid detector) in as many applications as possible. (1) Low-level liquid level detector. (2) High-level liquid level detector. (3) Touch-activated switch. (4) Proximity sensor. (5) Ultrasonic pest repeller. (6) Variable square-wave generator. (7) Code-practice oscillator. (8) Alarm circuit. (9) Light beam circuit (LED-emitter / phototransistor-sensor circuit).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1994 (v.11#6) pg. 76

Waveform-generator circuits. (1) Triangle waveform generator. (2) Sawtooth generators. (3) Stepped triangle generator.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1994 (v.11#11) pg. 74

Getting started using surface-mount technology components with two projects. (1) 555 dual-LED flasher. (2) Tone burst circuit puts out a 500-Hz tone.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1995 (v.12#3) pg. 39

Generating square waves is easy when you follow the simple "recipes" in this cookbook. Includes CMOS generator circuits, 555-timer oscillators, linear IC generators and op-amp generators.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1995 (v.12#3) pg. 57
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1995 (v.12#7) pg. 4

High-speed signwave-converter circuit has a bandwidth greater than 1.0 MHz.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1996 (v.13#6) pg. 62

L/C oscillator. A simple circuit which provides ultra-stable, low-distortion sinewaves.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1996 (v.13#6) pg. 64, 63
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1996 (v.13#9) pg. 69

Learning about simple function generators (waveform generators capable of producing square and triangle waves).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1996 (v.13#11) pg. 57

Filtered step-function waveform generator circuit in which the wave amplitude at each step is set by a linear potentiometer.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1997 (v.14#5) pg. 70

Test generator circuit furnishes several waveforms over a frequency range.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1997 (v.14#10) pg. 71

E.Z. signal generator. All three waveforms (sine-, triangle-, and square-wave) are clean over a range of 10 Hz to 2 MHz. Output is variable from zero to +/- 10 volts up to 25 mA. Est. cost: $60.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1998 (v.15#7) pg. 35
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1998 (v.15#9) pg. 8
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1998 (v.15#10) pg. 6

Circuit for a light-variable square-wave generator uses a unique infrared light-to-frequency converter IC.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1998 (v.15#10) pg. 62

A review of the XR-2206 integrated circuit function-generator. Part 1. This IC can form the basis for several signal and waveform generators. How it works and basic circuits.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1977 (v.48#4) pg. 36

A review of the XR-2206 integrated circuit function-generator. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1977 (v.48#5) pg. 66

All about RF signal generators. Part 1. An in-depth look at the different types currently available, including how they work, their specifications, features and applications.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1977 (v.48#8) pg. 49

All about RF signal generators. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1977 (v.48#9) pg. 56

All about RF signal generators. Part 3.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1977 (v.48#10) pg. 67

What you need to know about special signal generators. Part 1. Using stereo generators to troubleshoot FM stereo radio receivers and tuners.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1978 (v.49#8) pg. 47

What you need to know about special signal generators. Part 2. TV signal generators and how to use them in troubleshooting TV sets.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1978 (v.49#9) pg. 63

Build this 2 to 200,000 Hz function generator. Part 1. Delivers sine, square and triangular waves with precision. Est. cost: $80.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1978 (v.49#10) pg. 37

Build this 2 to 200,000 Hz function generator. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1978 (v.49#11) pg. 64

Circuit ideas. Digitally controlled sine wave generator produces a 32-step approximation of a sine wave with a dc component equal to half the CMOS supply voltage.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1978 (v.49#11) pg. 77

Audio test station. Part 1. A series of articles describing the operation, design and construction of Fidelity Sound's model 101 Audio Test System kit. The unit consists of a power supply, two sine/square/triangle function generators, pulse generator, frequency counter and AC voltmeter. Est. cost: $650 (kit).
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1979 (v.50#1) pg. 35

Audio test station. Part 2. Power supply and timebase circuits.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1979 (v.50#2) pg. 45

Troubleshooting communications receivers. Part 1. How to use a communications signal generator to troubleshoot 2-way radios. Tips on the bench technique and good diagnostic ability needed to perform this kind of repair.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1979 (v.50#2) pg. 63

Audio test station. Part 3. Pulse generator, sweep shaper, and audio sweep generator.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Mar 1979 (v.50#3) pg. 76

Troubleshooting communication receivers. Part 2. RF and IF troubleshooting, RF alignment, and the oscillator stages.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1979 (v.50#4) pg. 66

Audio test station. Part 4. Theory of operation and the construction of the voltmeter and digital frequency meter sections.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1979 (v.50#5) pg. 59

Audio test station. Part 5. Step-by-step through the calibration process.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1979 (v.50#7) pg. 54

Wide-range audio generator to build. Estimated cost: $30. Covers 10 Hz to 50,000 Hz without any range switching.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1980 (v.51#5) pg. 76
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1980 (v.51#12) pg. 27
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Mar 1981 (v.52#3) pg. 23

Synthesized function generator. Part 1. Uses digital electronics to generate stable frequencies and waveforms. Estimated cost: $60.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1980 (v.51#6) pg. 51

Synthesized function generator. Part 2. Complete instructions for building and using.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1980 (v.51#7) pg. 65
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1980 (v.51#12) pg. 49

Programma-2 synthesized RF generator. Part 1. Crystal controlled unit covers 3 to 30 MHz and 300kHz to 3 MHz. Est. cost: $100.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1981 (v.52#8) pg. 49

Programma-2 synthesized RF generator. Part 2. Construction.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1981 (v.52#9) pg. 65

Programma-2 synthesized RF generator. Part 3. Finish construction, calibrate and tips on use.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1981 (v.52#11) pg. 66

Audio-frequency generator with a digital frequency-readout that is easy to build, align, and use. Has a frequency range of 10 Hz to 50 kHz and a sinewave amplitude of 0- to 6-RMS.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Mar 1984 (v.55#3) pg. 54

Generating sinewaves with the 4018 programmable decade counter IC.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1984 (v.55#4) pg. 40

Smoothing out the digital sinewave-generator's output. How to determine the correct resistor values.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1984 (v.55#6) pg. 88

Experimenting with digital frequency multiplier circuits.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1984 (v.55#7) pg. 76

Finishing the digital sinewave generator built around the 4018 and 555 IC's.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1984 (v.55#8) pg. 33

All about squarewave generator circuits. How to use transistors, op-amps, and 555 timers to make a variety of squarewave or "clock" generator circuits.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1984 (v.55#9) pg. 67

All about CMOS clock circuits. Using CMOS logic IC's to make squarewave-generator or "clock" circuits.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1984 (v.55#11) pg. 77
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1985 (v.56#8) pg. 82

Designing with linear IC's. Part 8. A look at op-amp based sinewave, squarewave, and triangular wave generators.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1985 (v.56#1) pg. 67

Using a function generator (audio-frequency generator) for audio troubleshooting.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1985 (v.56#11) pg. 106

Simple sine-wave generator circuit features amplitude and frequency controls, is made from low-cost components, and is powered from a 9-volt battery.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1988 (v.59#4) pg. 77

Versatile function generator (signal generator) can provide simultaneous square/triangle or square/sine output signals.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1988 (v.59#5) pg. 39, 100
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1988 (v.59#8) pg. 14
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1988 (v.59#9) pg. 16

Generating sine waves using digital techniques. Four different techniques discussed.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1989 (v.60#1) pg. 36
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1989 (v.60#4) pg. 25

CMOS phase-locked loops (PLL's). An in-depth look at a particularly versatile CMOS IC, the 4046B micro-power CMOS phase-locked loop. Includes circuits for sound generator, square-wave generator, tone switch, etc.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1989 (v.60#12) pg. 55

Circuit to generate an audio signal consisting of 30 Hz and 9960 Hz at 0.5-VRMS. Used to check aircraft VOR navigation systems.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1990 (v.61#8) pg. 12
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1990 (v.61#11) pg. 25

Walking-ring counters (Johnson counters). An introduction to a hardware circuit or a software routine which generates a unique count sequence in a simple, unusual, and quite sophesticated manner. Example circuits include signal generators and electronic dice.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1990 (v.61#11) pg. 69

Circuit for a deceptively simple digital sine-wave generator uses a single chip to produce a resolution of 1 Hz over a 1-Hz to 25-kHz range.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1990 (v.61#12) pg. 73

Simple circuit for producing sine waves.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1991 (v.62#10) pg. 87

Digital sinewave synthesizer. Provides 1-Hz resolution at over 500kHz with crystal-control precision. Est. cost: $70 (kit).
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1991 (v.62#10) pg. 43
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1992 (v.63#1) pg. 14

Sweep/function generator and frequency counter. Produces up to a 2.5-MHz square, triangle, or sine-wave output with a 1 to 20-volt peak-to-peak amplitude and a 20-dB attenuator. Has TTL or CMOS 0.5- to 15-volt peak output as well as a sweep generator and frequency counter that can read up to 150 Mhz. Est. cost: $300. Part 1. Theory of operation.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1992 (v.63#1) pg. 35

Sweep/function generator and frequency counter. Part 2. Construction and use.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1992 (v.63#2) pg. 53

Two-tube audio generator and audio voltmeter.
RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER #798 Aug-Sep 1966 (v.21#1) pg. 51

Combine a signal injector probe with an attenuator to make an inexpensive signal generator.
SCIENCE & ELECTRONICS [1] Jun-Jul 1970 (v.28#3) pg. 37

Audio signal generator for tuning Citizens Band walkie-talkies.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS May 1968 (v.39#5) pg. 82

Schematic of a radio frequency generator used in free radical experiments.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jul 1963 (v.209#1) pg. 150

Testing the amplifier/loudspeaker interface. Build a special waveform generating circuit which drives the amplifier's protection circuits into current limiting. The result is displayed on an oscilloscope.
SPEAKER BUILDER 5/1988 [Sep 1988] (v.9#5) pg. 9
Added Info SPEAKER BUILDER 6/1988 [Nov 1988] (v.9#6) pg. 47

Modifying a personal computer to generate the audio frequencies needed to test loudspeaker drivers.
SPEAKER BUILDER 5/1991 [Oct 1991] (v.12#5) pg. 58

Adding a vernier tuning control to a function generator (if equipped with a BNC jack input for frequency sweep).
SPEAKER BUILDER 6/1994 [Aug 1994] (v.15#6) pg. 51