Tips on water conditioning techniques to prepare you for various types of swimming, including interval training, aerobic or distance swimming, and multi-sport technique. APARTMENT LIFE Oct 1978 (v.10#10) pg. 48
Safety in the surf. BOYS' LIFE Jun 1963 (v.53#6) pg. 64
Toughen up for swimming and diving. BOYS' LIFE Jul 1963 (v.53#7) pg. 55
Techniques of rescue breathing. BOYS' LIFE Aug 1963 (v.53#8) pg. 38
Device to train people in rescue breathing. BOYS' LIFE Dec 1964 (v.54#12) pg. 38
Tips on improving your stroke. BOYS' LIFE Aug 1965 (v.55#8) pg. 55
Tips on snorkeling, including a water fitness test program. BOYS' LIFE Jul 1966 (v.56#7) pg. 30
"Drownproofing", a technique for floating for long periods of time. BOYS' LIFE Aug 1966 (v.56#8) pg. 30
Three swim contests two can do. Two-man water soccer, Brag swim meet and Fetch. BOYS' LIFE Jun 1974 (v.64#6) pg. 44
How to make a portable Scout troop swim kit that contains a floating border line, a buddy line for keeping track of who's in and out of the water, and a duffel bag for storage and transport. BOYS' LIFE Jul 1975 (v.65#7) pg. 48
How to build a "buddy board" for checking in and out of a swimming area. BOYS' LIFE Jun 1978 (v.68#6) pg. 42
Tips on exploring ponds, rivers, lakes and oceans with a snorkel. BOYS' LIFE Aug 1978 (v.68#8) pg. 20
How to rescue a panic-stricken swimmer using a rowboat. BOYS' LIFE Jul 1979 (v.69#7) pg. 42
Swimming fun and safety. BOYS' LIFE Jul 1985 (v.75#7) pg. 59, 60
Getting started in swimming. BOYS' LIFE Aug 1985 (v.75#8) pg. 33
How to stay fit by swimming one hour a week. FAMILY CIRCLE Jul 17 1979 (v.92#10) pg. 96
The correct way to teach your child to swim. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #423 Aug 1963 (v.59) pg. 70
How not to become shark food. POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1971 (v.135#6) pg. 74
Build a tow rig for snorkeling. Four plastic pontoons support a deck, battery box and electric motor. Tow bar trails behind and has switch to activate the motor. Flotation for 800 lbs. is provided. Est. cost: $100. POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1973 (v.139#4) pg. 96
New ways to help save your life if you are in danger of drowning. POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1978 (v.150#2) pg. 76
Snorkel-tow. Enjoy snorkeling behind a low-cost, electric-powered tow-float made from an ordinary rubber inner tube and a 12-volt fishing motor. Est. cost: $150. POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1983 (v.160#2) pg. 68
Drownproofing, a technique which can keep even a non-swimmer alive for 24-hours in rough water. POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1966 (v.189#1) pg. 58
Warm-up exercises for six popular sports (swimming, horseback riding, tennis, backpacking, water skiing and golf). WOMAN'S DAY Jul 10 1978 (v.41#12) pg. 40