A two-line telephone answering-machine interface that automatically switches a single telephone answering machine between two separate phone lines.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1990 (v.7#2) pg. 20
Correction MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] May 1990 (v.7#5) pg. 7
Telephone answering machines. Part 1. What they are, how they work and tips on buying the right model for your application.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1990 (v.7#3) pg. 18
Telephone answering machines. Part 2. Installing an answering machine, making the connection, and maintenance.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1990 (v.7#4) pg. 46
Build an answering machine message stopper. How to override your old answering machine when it answers an incoming call before you.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1995 (v.12#9) pg. 57
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1995 (v.12#11) pg. 4
Homebuilt telephone-answering system uses two inexpensive tape-recording machines, one to play the message and one to record the caller.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1986 (v.57#6) pg. 32