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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Make a handy guide from acrylic plastic for testing the bevel of your cutting tools.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #16 Sep-Oct 1990 pg. 10

Use of templates in furniture making allow minimizing waste and avoiding defects in the lumber.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #32 May-Jun 1993 pg. 18

Tip on extending the life of templates made from poster board by applying glue to the edges.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #49 Dec 1995 pg. 28

Tip: A collection of circle templates can be useful for doll projects.
CLOTH DOLL Spring 1984 (v.2#3) pg. 39

Test of two brands of templates that are guides for cutting out holes for electric outlets, switches, etc. Brands examined are (1) Construction Templates, Inc., and (2) Panel Saver.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #173 Jun 1976 (v.26#5) pg. 20

Tip on using vinyl scraps to make templates and patterns.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #354 Jan 1995 (v.45#1) pg. 18

Tip shows how to use a length of solder to create a template.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #367 Apr 1996 (v.46#4) pg. 99

How to transfer the location of four (or more) existing holes to a work piece when the holes are not "square".
FINE HOMEBUILDING #32 Apr-May 1986 pg. 16

Tip: Use lightweight 4x8 sheets of rigid foam insulation to make a pattern (template) for complicated drywall sheets.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #47 Jun-Jul 1988 pg. 28

Templates for copying the pattern of a cabriole furniture leg.
FINE WOODWORKING #18 Sep-Oct 1979 pg. 83

Tip: Used aluminum offset-printing plates make good template material.
FINE WOODWORKING #68 Jan-Feb 1988 pg. 10

Plastics in the workshop. Choosing and using this versatile material for jigs and other applications.
FINE WOODWORKING #105 Mar-Apr 1994 pg. 58
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #107 Jul-Aug 1994 pg. 6
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #108 Sep-Oct 1994 pg. 10

Tip on using expanded PVC foam as a durable woodworking pattern and router template.
FINE WOODWORKING #119 Jul-Aug 1996 pg. 14

Tip: Hole-locating template is made from stiff bailing wire.
HOMEOWNER Nov 1986 (v.11#9) pg. 8

Tip: Make non-slip templates from sandpaper.
HOMEOWNER Sep 1987 (v.12#7) pg. 73

Make a set of templates for drawing sine waves.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Apr 1978 (v.67#4) pg. 52

Tip: Adjustable jig for measuring treads for a staircase or fitted shelves for a bookcase or cabinet. Helps guarantee that the tread or shelf will fit exactly.
NEW SHELTER Jul-Aug 1983 (v.4#6) pg. 23

Tip: Use a compass to scribe a board so that it can be cut to fit up against an irregular surface.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Dec 1983 (v.11#10) pg. 224

Homemade compass (template marker) works well when trying to scribe irregular surfaces.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Nov 1984 (v.12#9) pg. 200

Technique for making a template to fit flooring, wallboard and sheathing to complex old-house installations.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1996 (v.24#2) pg. 20

Tip for using cardboard strips to make a template for reproducing a large, irregular shape.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1997 (v.25#4) pg. 20

Tip shows how to trace the outline of a template on a curved or irregular surface.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1998 (v.26#5) pg. 88

Templates make contour filing easy.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1967 (v.127#1) pg. 176

Tip on using shelf paper to make paper patterns or templates.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #82 Jan 1995 (v.14#4) pg. 8

Tip: Make durable, reusable templates from plastic laminate.
WOOD MAGAZINE #18 Aug 1987 (v.4#4) pg. 22

Use a hacksaw blade and piece of tape to form a template for drawing curved lines.
WOOD MAGAZINE #33 Feb 1990 (v.7#1) pg. 22

Use 60-grit sandpaper to make "no-slip" templates for tracing.
WOOD MAGAZINE #38 Oct 1990 (v.7#6) pg. 26

Tips on making templates from clear plastic and plastic laminate scraps.
WOODSMITH #49 Feb 1987 pg. 3

Tip: Use sockets (from a socket wrench set) as templates for marking corners to be rounded off.
WOODSMITH #54 Dec 1987 pg. 3

Using templates to make uniform curved legs for chairs. The template is attached directly to the work piece. The same template is used on both the band saw (for rough cutting) and the router table (for final shaping).
WOODSMITH #64 Aug 1989 pg. 18

Easy-to-make gadget for marking out the pattern to be cut when joining molded sash frames.
WOODWORKER May 1987 (v.91#5) pg. 415

An opaque projector is used to produce templates of large letters or numbers. Useful when painting or routing signs, or cutting large letters from wood. Includes tips on routing letters in wood.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1983 (v.39#6) pg. 14

Tip: Make durable templates from scraps of plastic laminate.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1983 (v.39#6) pg. 21