Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Nov 1981 (v.19#11) pg. 8
Light detector monitors a portion of a security video-camera monitor screen for any change in light levels. Two circuits shown.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1994 (v.11#10) pg. 82
Sexier security system. Adding automation to an existing security panel. Using simple X-10 add-ons to improve the versatility of your integrated home security systems.
POPULAR HOME AUTOMATION Mar 1997 (v.2#1) pg. 18
Security 101. The basics of keeping your home safe and sound by installing glass break detectors, passive infrared detectors, smoke/heat detectors, etc.
POPULAR HOME AUTOMATION Nov 1998 (v.3#5) pg. 24
Home safe home. Advice on analyzing your need for a whole-house security system and designing a system to provide adequate protection.
POPULAR HOME AUTOMATION Jul 1999 (v.4#3) pg. 39
Automated security lighting. Two new methods for triggering automated lights inside and outside the home.
POPULAR HOME AUTOMATION Sep 1999 (v.4#5) pg. 53
House Watcher. Electric control box turns on lights and radio at intervals around the clock to give home a lived-in look.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1971 (v.135#6) pg. 120
How to protect your home from burglars. Tips from a former burglar.
POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1971 (v.136#3) pg. 86
How to burglar-proof your home. Special 8-page section on locks, alarms and hardware.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1975 (v.143#1) pg. 97
Seventeen low-cost ways to burglarproof your house.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1979 (v.151#1) pg. 87
How to protect your home from thieves. How to secure your yard, secure doors and windows, install an alarm system, etc.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1982 (v.157#1) pg. 110
Tips on home security.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1986 (v.163#7) pg. 45
Home security. Simple steps for safeguarding your home. (1) Door locks, (2) Window locks. (3) Lights.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1999 (v.176#10) pg. 122
Tips on protecting camera equipment from thieves.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1984 (v.91#7) pg. 105
Tip: Use a camera tripod to securely "lock" a motel-room door.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1989 (v.96#2) pg. 119
Special electrical controller operates up to six 110-volt outlets, each one on a different timing sequence. The varying light patterns of people-at-home can be simulated by installing one of these controlled outlets in every normally used room for use when no one is home.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1971 (v.198#6) pg. 98
A tape recording of a barking dog, installed in an outside trash can, can be an effective deterrent to prowlers.
POPULAR SCIENCE Feb 1972 (v.200#2) pg. 22
Do-it-yourself guide to making your home secure.
POPULAR SCIENCE Aug 1972 (v.201#2) pg. 94
Master home security "dualarm" monitors 10 sensors and indicates the sensor and type of signal (intruder or fire) by means of illuminated panel lights.
POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1972 (v.201#4) pg. 110
The Lockbox House. Part 13. Electronic security for the leisure home. Includes a surveillance camera, a remote station intercom and an ionization smoke and fire detector.
POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1974 (v.205#4) pg. 116
How to beef up your leisure-home security. Installing improved locks, braces, and alarm systems.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1978 (v.213#1) pg. 106
Tough entry hardware to guard your home. New locks, guard plates, and strike reinforcers can foil burglars. Other suggestions for strengthing doors are given.
POPULAR SCIENCE May 1980 (v.216#5) pg. 128
Tough protective hardware for windows and patio doors. What is available and tips on installation.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1980 (v.217#1) pg. 116
Easy-to-install wireless security systems. What is available and tips on their installation.
POPULAR SCIENCE Nov 1984 (v.225#5) pg. 98
Home security report. How serious is the burglary problem. A dozen ways to protect your home. Home-security hardware.
PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER May-Jun 1987 (v.2#5) pg. 26
Home security system. Low-cost home alarm system features a digital combination lock, optional display circuitry, and simple installation. Can also be used as an automobile or marine intrusion alarm, an ignition combination lock, or both. Multiple output contacts accommodate devices such as a siren, automatic telephone dialer, and floodlights. Part 1.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1985 (v.56#12) pg. 61, 86
Home security system. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1986 (v.57#1) pg. 49, 75
REACTS 7000 (Radio-Electronics Advanced Control System). Part 6. Build a digital door lock, an appliance controller, a security system, and a sprinkler controller for your garden.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1988 (v.59#7) pg. 46, 66, 67
High-tech home security systems. Overview of the state-of-the-art in "central station monitor" security equipment.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1989 (v.60#4) pg. 33
Protecting your investment. Advice from a reformed burglar on various techniques to both prevent theft of your property and aid in recovering your stolen property.
SPEAKER BUILDER 4/1989 [Jul 1989] (v.10#4) pg. 46
How to install stereo components with one-way screws so they can't be easily stolen. Wall-mounted 2x12 plank holds 2" diameter dowels that support the components.
SUNSET Oct 1980 (v.165#4) pg. 148
A seven-page report on home electronic systems. Includes tips on selecting a system, on cost and installation.
SUNSET May 1986 (v.176#5) pg. 130
Landscaping for security. The right plantings can help. Here's what you should and shouldn't do.
SUNSET Nov 1988 (v.181#5) pg. 244
How to improve home security without installing an alarm system.
TODAY'S HOMEOWNER #815 May 1997 (v.93) pg. 18
Low-cost ways to burglar-proof your home.
WOMAN'S DAY Jun 15 1982 (v.45#11) pg. 40
Strategies for securing a workshop from thieves.
WOOD MAGAZINE #56 Nov 1992 (v.9#8) pg. 62
Tips on reinforcing the door of your workshop against a break-in.
WOODWORKER Sep 1994 (v.98#9) pg. 84
Home security. Part 1. Burglar and fire alarms. A discussion of what is available and what items a homeowner needs to consider.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1978 (v.34#2) pg. 10
Help your house protect itself. Simple tips which will cause any burglar to "waste time" and help discourage break-ins.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1980 (v.36#2) pg. 94
Do-it-yourself measures which can help secure your home. Install improved locks, modify your door hinges, simple window locks, basement window protection, etc.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1982 (v.38#5) pg. 4
Home security basics. Checklist of steps for both exterior and interior security along with special tips on protecting doors and windows and on security when you're away for an extended period.
WORKBENCH Apr-May 1996 (v.52#2) pg. 26
Easy security fixes. Tips to make a home more secure.
WORKBENCH Apr-May 1996 (v.52#2) pg. 28