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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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Learning to use transistors. Beginning a series on audio frequency transistor amplifiers, how they work, what can go wrong, and troubleshooting them. Part 1. Black box approach to how a transistor amplifies.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1970 [Spring 1970] (v.1#2) pg. 18

Learning to use transistors. Part 2. Electrons and energy bands. The physics of conduction.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1970 [Summer 1970] (v.1#3) pg. 17

Learning to use transistors. Part 3. Electrons, holes and semiconductors. The nature of p and n type semiconductor materials.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1970 [Fall 1970] (v.1#4) pg. 16

Learning to use transistors. Part 4. The p-n junction.
AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1971 (v.2#1) pg. 16

Learning to use transistors. Part 7. The transistor. Basic operating principles of the common-emitter amplifier.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1971 [Jul 1972] (v.2#4) pg. 19

Learning to use transistors. Part 8. The common emitter amplifier.
AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1972 [Oct 1972] (v.3#1) pg. 34

Learning to use transistors. Part 9. Basic amplifier circuits (common emitter, common base, common collector).
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1972 [Jan 1973] (v.3#2) pg. 24

Learning to use transistors. Part 10. H-parameters.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1972 [Mar 1973] (v.3#3) pg. 30

Learning to use transistors. Part 11. Designing small signal amplifiers.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1972 [Jul 1973] (v.3#4) pg. 24

Learning to use transistors. Part 12. Bias and stabilization in amplifier circuits.
AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1973 [Dec 1973] (v.4#1) pg. 26

Learning to use transistors. Part 13. Temperature stability problems in single stage amplifiers.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1973 [Apr 1974] (v.4#2) pg. 32

Learning to use transistors. Part 14. The common-emitter amplifier, a working example.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1973 [Jul 1974] (v.4#3) pg. 24

Learning to use transistors. Part 15. More bias circuits.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1973 [Aug 1974] (v.4#4) pg. 22

Learning to use transistors. Part 16. Power gain.
AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1974 [Oct 1974] (v.5#1) pg. 28

Learning to use transistors. Part 17. Field-effect transistors.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1974 [Dec 1974] (v.5#2) pg. 24

Learning to use transistors. Part 18. The MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor).
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1974 [Feb 1975] (v.5#3) pg. 28

A thermal primer. An overview of the concept of "thermal resistance" caused when transistors are combined with heat sinks.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1978 [Nov 1978] (v.9#4) pg. 13

Source for European registration transistor types.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1988 [May 1988] (v.19#2) pg. 59

JFETs (junction field-effect transistors). Erno Borbely shares his reasons for using FETs and JFETs in audio amplifiers. Part 1.
AUDIO ELECTRONICS 5/1999 [Sep 1999] (v.30#5) pg. 26
Correction AUDIO ELECTRONICS 1/2000 [Jan 2000] (v.31#1) pg. 49

JFETs (junction field-effect transistors). Part 2.
AUDIO ELECTRONICS 6/1999 [Nov 1999] (v.30#6) pg. 16
Added Info AUDIO ELECTRONICS 2/2000 [Mar 2000] (v.31#2) pg. 49

Experimenting with VMOS power transistors. Circuits include an audio amplifier, analog gate (switch) and high-current variable resistor.
COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS Mar 1983 (v.21#3) pg. 111

BASIC language computer programming package that will help you calculate voltages, currents, input resistances and the gain of transistor circuits.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Jan 1979 (v.35#1) pg. 103
Correction CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL May 1979 (v.35#5) pg. 16

R.F. power transistors and amplifiers. Part 1.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Mar 1979 (v.35#3) pg. 32

R.F. power transistors and amplifiers. Part 2. Test setup for servicing power transistors and RF amplifiers.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Apr 1979 (v.35#4) pg. 56

R.F. power transistors and amplifiers. Part 3. Conclusion discusses radiation and the effects on the human body.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL May 1979 (v.35#5) pg. 23

An overview of the difference between power FETs (field-effect transistors) and bipolar transistors with respect to design procedures, general performance, and the peculiarities of each when operated at radio frequency.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Jan 1994 (v.50#1) pg. 80

Using transistors as diodes. Simple circuits which use transistors for regulator and VVC (voltage variable capacitor) applications and cost less than VVC or Zener diodes.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Nov 1996 (v.52#11) pg. 76

Some tips on power FETs (field-effect transistors). Includes a practical circuit for a 60 watt linear amplifier for use with a 6 meter SSB transceiver.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Mar 1997 (v.53#3) pg. 64

Electronics theory for everyone. Bipolar basics. A look at transistor devices.

Ten very basic transistor experiments include oscillators, signal generators, alarm, transmitter and receiver.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Mar 1968 (v.11#2) pg. 64

Beginner's guide to basic theory and practice of using transistors and integrated circuits. Includes six practical projects to build which illustrate how basic transistor circuits operate.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Sep 1972 (v.15#5) pg. 48

Field-effect transistors. Learn about JFET's, MOSFET's, DMOS MOSFET's, and CMOS. How they are made, how they work, and what to look for when selecting them for your designs. Part 1. Overview.
ELECTRONICS NOW Mar 1993 (v.64#3) pg. 47

Field-effect transistors. Part 2. Junction FET's.
ELECTRONICS NOW Apr 1993 (v.64#4) pg. 64

Field-effect transistors. Part 3. MOSFET's.
ELECTRONICS NOW May 1993 (v.64#5) pg. 59

Bipolar junction transistors. Learn the basics of this important active device.
ELECTRONICS NOW Sep 1993 (v.64#9) pg. 57
Added Info ELECTRONICS NOW Nov 1993 (v.64#11) pg. 89

Potpourri of circuits utilizing bipolar junction transistors. Circuits to amplify signals, filter high and low frequencies, generate white noise, flash lamps, etc.
ELECTRONICS NOW May 1994 (v.65#5) pg. 63

Power semiconductors. Part 1. An overview of transistors, thyristors, solid-state relays, and integrated circuits which have been designed to switch high currents and voltages.
ELECTRONICS NOW May 1995 (v.66#5) pg. 57

Tips on designing transistor switching circuits.
ELECTRONICS NOW Dec 1995 (v.66#12) pg. 9
Added Info ELECTRONICS NOW Apr 1996 (v.67#4) pg. 10

Field-effect transistor circuits. Six simple, low-cost circuits that illustrate the principle of FET operation.
ELECTRONICS WORLD May 1967 (v.77#5) pg. 32

Special section on transistors compares the various types with tips on how to make the best selection.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Jul 1967 (v.78#1) pg. 37

Using transistors as negative-resistance devices. How to simulate four-layer diodes, SCRs and UJTs.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Jun 1969 (v.81#6) pg. 38

Using low-cost epoxy silicon transistors for good performance as low-voltage zener diodes.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Jan 1970 (v.83#1) pg. 86

Circuit uses transistor base-emitter junctions in place of Zener diodes for voltage regulation.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Sep 1970 (v.84#3) pg. 90

Nomogram for determining the power dissipated by transistors during switching interval.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Nov 1971 (v.86#5) pg. 44

Basic course in electricity and electronics. Part 7. Understanding transistors.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Mar-Apr 1969 (v.8#1) pg. 91

Basic course in electricity and electronics. Understanding semiconductors. Part 2. Transistor operation.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS May-Jun 1975 (v.15#3) pg. 85

Basic course in electricity and electronics. Introduction to the transistor.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS May-Jun 1979 (v.19#3) pg. 79

10 easy steps to replacing in-circuit transistors and integrated circuits.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1986 (v.3#5) pg. 48

Electronic fundamentals. Diodes and transistors.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Apr 1987 (v.4#4) pg. 75

FET's (field effect transistors). What they are and how to use them.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Jun 1987 (v.4#6) pg. 61

Antique radio. Tips on transistorizing old tube-type radios.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Jul 1988 (v.5#7) pg. 84

How to get started in electronics. Part 1: Inside semiconductors. Looks at the diode, transistor, SCRs, LEDs, light detectors, etc.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1984 (v.1#1) pg. 44

Experimenting with the power MOSFET (MOS field-effect transistors). Includes circuits for a simple audio amplifier, linear lamp dimmer, pulse-driven light dimmer, lamp flasher, and timer circuits.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1986 (v.3#8) pg. 64

Mounting considerations for power semiconductors. Some tips from Motorola.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1990 (v.7#1) pg. 62

The power MOSFET (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor). How they work and typical applications.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1990 (v.7#9) pg. 54

Five different heat sinks for transistors.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Mar 1964 (v.20#3) pg. 94

Theory and uses of FETs (field-effect transistors).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1967 (v.26#2) pg. 47

Getting to know the UJT (unijunction transistor). Includes signal generator circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1970 (v.32#4) pg. 69

Understand the theory of transistors without math.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Nov 1971 (v.35#5) pg. 49

The field-effect transistor. What it is and how it has revolutionized electronics.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1972 (v.2#2) pg. 76

Understanding the junction field effect transistor which acts like a vacuum tube and has many applications.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1973 (v.3#4) pg. 28

MOSFET. Applications for and usage of the insulated field effect transistor.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1973 (v.3#5) pg. 51

Do you know your bipolar transistors? Series on basic transistor theory. Part 1.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1973 (v.4#2) pg. 58

Do you know your bipolar transistors? Series on basic transistor theory. Part 2.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1973 (v.4#3) pg. 91

Do you know your bipolar transistors? Series on basic transistor theory. Part 3.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1973 (v.4#4) pg. 92

Transistor selection guide for experiments. Understanding transistor circuit characteristic eliminates trial-and-error approach.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1974 (v.5#6) pg. 64

Useful circuits for field effect transistors include crystal oscillator, tone control, phase shifter, and automatic gain control.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Nov 1974 (v.6#5) pg. 90
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1975 (v.7#5) pg. 79

Circuit for a one-transistor push-pull output to drive two speakers.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1975 (v.7#1) pg. 102

A simple method for biasing transistors used in a bipolar transistor amplifier.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1975 (v.7#6) pg. 42

The mysterious negister. A negative-resistance element, disguised as a transistor, with many useful applications.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1975 (v.8#6) pg. 69

Explanation of a new transistor logic family, the integrated injection logic.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1976 (v.9#1) pg. 56

Using a junction field effect transistor (JFET) to couple low-power MOS services to heavy loads. Six circuits suggested.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1976 (v.9#6) pg. 94

The theory and applications of transistors operating in the avalanche mode. Build a demonstration circuit to study the effect.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1976 (v.10#1) pg. 104

A look at the National Semiconductor IC type LM389. Supplied in an 18-pin DIP, the device is composed of three uncommited npn transistors and a low-power integrated audio amplifier in a single package. Might be usable in AM & FM receivers, walkie-talkies, tape recorders, toys, games...etc. Circuits for a phono amplifier and tape recorder are shown.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1976 (v.10#3) pg. 92

The VMOS power FET. A look at the advantages of this rival to bipolar devices.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1981 (v.19#9) pg. 61

Current-limiting techniques. How to protect power transistors from overload damage.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1982 (v.20#5) pg. 62

How to salvage large metal-encased transistors. You might be able to repair the transistor or use its light-sensitive properties in a photoelectric device.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1990 (v.7#10) pg. 25

All about proper input termination for integrated circuits. Looks at CMOS-logic termination, TTL-logic termination, comparator termination, Op-amp termination, analog switches and multiplexers, and transistor and Darlington arrays.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1992 (v.9#2) pg. 58

All about bipolar transistors.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1993 (v.10#12) pg. 45

All about field-effect transistors (FET's).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1994 (v.11#5) pg. 71

Eight experiments with a transistor breadboard.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1963 (v.120#5) pg. 200

Tip: How to form your own heat sinks for transistors.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1981 (v.156#4) pg. 10

Matched transistor pairs in audio amplifiers. A discussion of why they are necessary and how to service them when one goes bad.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1977 (v.48#12) pg. 66

How to design analog circuits. Part 4. Transistors, including bipolar, JFET, and MOSFET.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1982 (v.53#8) pg. 53
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1983 (v.54#5) pg. 25

How to design analog circuits. Part 5. Biasing transistors.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1982 (v.53#9) pg. 59

How to design high frequency analog circuits.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1983 (v.54#9) pg. 67

How to design electronic switching circuits. Part 1.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1984 (v.55#1) pg. 77

How to design electronic switching circuits. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1984 (v.55#2) pg. 84

All about transistor switches. How to control motors, relays and light bulbs with digital IC's.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1986 (v.57#2) pg. 83

BASIC computer program aids in designing single transistor switching circuits.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1986 (v.57#8) pg. 15 (ComputerDigest)

The versatile 4007, the simplest IC in the CMOS line. It contains just two pairs of complementary MOSFET's and a CMOS inverter. How it works and typical applications.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1986 (v.57#9) pg. 63

Understanding data sheets of RF power transistors.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1987 (v.58#11) pg. 109

Why are there so many transistors? Selecting the right transistor for a particular application.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1990 (v.61#5) pg. 53

How to design solid state circuits. Two simple formulas and some basic facts about transistors that make it possible.
RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Jun-Jul 1969 (v.26#3) pg. 67

How to make transistors and other thin-film devices by depositing chemicals on glass substrates.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jun 1970 (v.222#6) pg. 143