Testing 813 high power output tubes for gassiness by using an ohmmeter. AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1979 [Feb 1979] (v.10#1) pg. 42
Classic circuitry. Classic tube testers. What is available on the used market and tips on selecting a good one. AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1986 [Aug 1986] (v.17#3) pg. 44
Tip on replacing a defective meter in an older Model 538A Hickok tube tester. AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1990 [Feb 1990] (v.21#1) pg. 4
Review of the VacuTrace Vacuum Tube Curve Tracer which is available in kit form. Est. cost: $899. AUDIOXPRESS Feb 2002 (v.33#2) pg. 56
Octal to 7-pin tube adapter for testing 7-pin tubes. AUDIOXPRESS Oct 2002 (v.33#10) pg. 42
Testing the JJ Electronics double triode ECC99 vacuum tube that has been specifically designed as a driver tube. AUDIOXPRESS Feb 2003 (v.34#2) pg. 32
Quicky vacuum-tube filament and continuity checker. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Jan-Feb 1974 (v.14#1) pg. 48
Several methods of providing substitute tubes to make some older radios (1920-24) operate in their original way. Tips on testing old tubes with modern tube testers. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1977 (v.17#5) pg. 78
From oscilloscope to curve tracer. Tube curve tracer device converts an oscilloscope with X-Y display capability into a vacuum tube curve tracer for individual measurements. GLASS AUDIO 2/1990 (v.2#2) pg. 10
Test bench power supply for vacuum tubes. This high-quality, adjustable supply can output voltages of more than 500V DC, but incorporates many safety features and is short-circuit proof. GLASS AUDIO 2/1990 (v.2#2) pg. 17
Correction GLASS AUDIO 1/1991 (v.3#1) pg. 48
Testing preamp tubes for the real world. Constructing a tube tester (for common 9-pin duotriodes) that will check five important characteristics. The tester is used with a digital voltmeter. Also includes tips on using an old universal tube tester. GLASS AUDIO 2/1991 (v.3#2) pg. 16
Playing with curves. Simulating the electrical characteristics of vacuum tubes using a personal computer. GLASS AUDIO 5/1995 (v.7#5) pg. 12
Build a simple tube tester that consists of only four tube sockets and six resistors. Requires an external DC voltmeter and a 250V DC and 6.3V power supply. GLASS AUDIO 5/1995 (v.7#5) pg. 65
Strategies for calibrating a tube tester and installing a socket type that is not currently present. GLASS AUDIO 3/1997 (v.9#3) pg. 53
Correction GLASS AUDIO 4/1997 (v.9#4) pg. 57
A better tube tester. Build a portable tube tester to check tubes before you buy them. Features high sensitivity to check for leakage. GLASS AUDIO 5/1997 (v.9#5) pg. 40
An audio tube tester. This simple tester is used with an oscilloscope to display the transfer curve under realistic conditions and can be built in about an hour. GLASS AUDIO 1/1998 (v.10#1) pg. 12
Measurement of AC plate resistance. A closer look at several important parameters for tube performance. GLASS AUDIO 4/1998 (v.10#4) pg. 18
Added Info GLASS AUDIO 1/1999 (v.11#1) pg. 57
Added Info GLASS AUDIO 2/1999 (v.11#2) pg. 55
A review of vacuum testing equipment and the limitations of some tube testing equipment. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1973 (v.3#2) pg. 104
Tube-tester design and construction project. Part 1. The art of testing vacuum tubes. Looks at emission testing, grid-shift testing, testing for gas, and cathode-heater leakage. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1990 (v.7#9) pg. 78
Tube-tester design and construction project. Part 2. More on tube tester design. Includes circuit for a late-1920's tube-tester that can be refined. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1990 (v.7#10) pg. 78
Tube-tester design and construction project. Part 3. Tube testing power. Build a modern regulator circuit designed to provide and control power to a vacuum tube under test. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1990 (v.7#12) pg. 78
Tube-tester design and construction project. Part 4. Meters. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1991 (v.8#1) pg. 78
Tube-tester design and construction project. Part 5. The Cunningham Special. Schematic diagram for a practical tube tester that is complete, bench-tested, and ready for construction. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1991 (v.8#2) pg. 78
Tube-tester design and construction project. Part 6. Operating the Cunningham Special. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1991 (v.8#5) pg. 69
Tips on using a self-service vacuum tube tester. POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1965 (v.124#1) pg. 172
Antique radios. Dealing with tubes. Testing tubes and tube substitution. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1985 (v.56#11) pg. 102
Build your own antique-radio tube-filament checker. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1986 (v.57#12) pg. 84
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1987 (v.58#4) pg. 22
Simple tube-filament continuity tester. Has three tube sockets (7,8 and 9 pin) mounted in a wooden block 2" square. Est. cost: $1. RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER #814 Dec 1966-Jan 1967 (v.21#3) pg. 94
Pocket size tube tester to test tube heaters. SCIENCE & MECHANICS Aug 1964 (v.35#8) pg. 82