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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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xx   BIRD

Bird feeder features Japanese ornamental details, generous gable overhangs and pleasing proportions.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #43 Feb 1995 pg. 46

How to make a simple bird feeder from hardboard and redwood with an arched metal roof.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jan 1972 (v.50#1) pg. 53

Easy-to-build bird feeder has a trough for the birdseed and a roof to cover it.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Nov 1978 (v.56#11) pg. 254

Tip: Hanging feeder station (8"x12") is built of wood and aluminum. Estimated cost: $8.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1980 (v.58#7) pg. 60

Gazebo-shaped bird feeder is made from tongue depressors, spindles, and plywood. Est. cost: $14.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Feb 1983 (v.61#2) pg. 38

Build a raid-proof bird feeder. 1"x2" holes in the screening let small birds get in, while keeping squirrels out.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jun 1984 (v.62#6) pg. 85

Two bird feeders. (1) "Giant" four compartment bird feeder. (2) Window bird feeder. Built from plywood and glass.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Nov 1985 (v.63#11) pg. 91

Cedar-and-glass bird feeder.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Nov 1991 (v.69#11) pg. 123, 129

For the birds. Wreath, swags, window boxes, and similar ideas for both decorating and feeding the birds.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Nov 1995 (v.73#11) pg. 149

Gourds made gorgeous. How to plant, harvest and dry gourds and turn them into a bird feeder or planter.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Dec 1999 (v.77#12) pg. 172

Simple feeder uses a glass jar.
BOYS' LIFE Jan 1964 (v.54#1) pg. 53

Modern design feeding station.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1964 (v.54#12) pg. 69

Hummingbird feeder. Made from glass test tube, test tube stopper and bent glass tube.
BOYS' LIFE Sep 1967 (v.57#9) pg. 78

Window bird feeder.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1968 (v.58#11) pg. 81

Four zany bird feeders. (1) The Apple and the Worm, (2) Greasy Spoon (place setting on checkered cloth), (3) Faucet and Soapdish, and (4) Suet-Sphere (a string sphere with suet hanging inside).
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1969 (v.59#11) pg. 46

Milk carton bird feeder is made from plastic-coated half-gallon container and an 8" length of 3/16" wood dowel.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1971 (v.61#11) pg. 44

How to maintain a bird feeder. What birds like and need to eat.
BOYS' LIFE May 1972 (v.62#5) pg. 58

Bird feeders, a bird bath and nest-building materials you can make from scrap materials.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1975 (v.65#3) pg. 48

Several styles of birdhouses and feeders you can make from scrap materials.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1976 (v.66#3) pg. 54

Build a suet feeder from a small log drilled with holes for the suet.
BOYS' LIFE Jan 1978 (v.68#1) pg. 51

How to make a log feeder with holes for suet.
BOYS' LIFE Oct 1978 (v.68#10) pg. 46

Rustic bird feeders are made from small tree trunks and dowels. Holes hold suet, peanut butter, etc.
BOYS' LIFE Oct 1980 (v.70#10) pg. 78

Make bird feeders from 2-liter plastic pop bottles.
BOYS' LIFE Aug 1985 (v.75#8) pg. 64

Metal juice cans mounted on a dowel will keep squirrels out of your bird feeder.
BOYS' LIFE Feb 1987 (v.77#2) pg. 11

Half-gallon, plastic-coated milk cartons make good bird feeders. Three cartons will make two feeders.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1988 (v.78#3) pg. 54

Suet bird feeder made from wood and hardware cloth.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1989 (v.79#11) pg. 70

Hopper-style wooden bird feeder has a hinged, shingled roof that opens for filling.
BOYS' LIFE Jun 1997 (v.87#6) pg. 47

Make a platform-style bird feeder. Included in an article on bird watching.
BOYS' LIFE Jan 2001 (v.91#1) pg. 30

Wooden birdfeeder features Plexiglas sides and wood framework. The roof opens to fill hopper. The feeder is supported on two vertical steel cables to keep squirrels out.
CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Jul-Aug 1998 (v.21#10) pg. 10

Bird feeder. Built of wood. Features a glass-sided hopper for seed. Est. cost: $20.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Dec 1982 (v.6#3) pg. 45

Cedar bird feeder.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jul 1984 (v.7#10) pg. 9, 32

Flock feeder has a 14"x18" base and two seed holders that dispense seed from each side. Glass windows show seed levels.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Aug 1986 (v.9#11) pg. 40

Garden bird feeder features a glass-sided hopper, wide eaves and dowel perches.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Oct 1990 (v.14#1) pg. 74

Bird feeders. (1) Silo feeder with four feeding perches and see-through seed holder. (2) Four-star feeder features a removable roof for filling, wide eaves to minimize snow and water damage, and slatted feeding floor to eliminate moisture.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1994 (v.17#7) pg. 36, 39

Backyard bird feeder features a swivelling base which facilitates loading the feeder and then repositioning it away from your porch or deck.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1996 (v.19#7) pg. 45

Ceramic bird feeder is decorated by adding a sleeping ceramic squirrel on the top. Painted using nonfiring opaque stains.
CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Apr 1994 (v.39#8) pg. 77

A greenware saucer, vase and lid are combined to make a ceramic bird feeder. The top is decorated with handmade clay flowers. Painted with nonfiring stains.
CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Jul 1994 (v.39#11) pg. 55

Backyard cafeteria for birds. Ceramic bird feeder consisting of a cylinder, roof, lid, base, and knob is painted using nonfiring stains.
CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Aug 1994 (v.39#12) pg. 51

Convert ceramic cats into bird feeders or bird houses by cutting a hole in the casting.
CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Sep 1994 (v.40#1) pg. 105

Tips on squirrel-proofing bird feeders and seed storage.
CHIP CHATS Jul-Aug 1992 (v.39#4) pg. 42

Make a bird feeder from a 2-liter plastic bottle.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1990 (v.74#2) pg. 56

Painted tulip and butterfly motifs on a 2-liter soda bottle are incorporated into a bird feeder.
CRAFTS Apr 1995 (v.18#4) pg. 68, 43

Watermelon bird feeder. Purchased wooden bird feeder is painted red on the sides with black seed accents. The roof is painted in two tones of green to resemble rind.
CRAFTS Jul 1997 (v.20#7) pg. 60

How to macrame a plant hanger that can also be used as a bird feeder.
DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Jan-Feb 1977 (v.8#1) pg. 62

Wooden bird feeder is painted with Santa's face, garlands, peppermints and bells. Full-sized pattern included for painted motifs.
DECORATIVE ARTIST'S WORKBOOK Nov-Dec 1995 (v.22#6) pg. 60, 41

Two styles of bird feeders to make from wire mesh.
FAMILY CIRCLE Oct 23 1978 (v.91#12) pg. 126

Nineteen things you can make from coffee cans. Includes a birdhouse and a bird feeder.
FAMILY CIRCLE Oct 9 1979 (v.92#14) pg. 108, 158

Easy-to-build bird feeder made from wood and acrylic sheet. The hopper is clearly visible so you know when to refill it.
FAMILY CIRCLE Nov 13 1984 (v.97#16) pg. 256+

Easy-fill bird feeder uses quart milk carton to dispense seeds. Carton fits inside wooden uprights with a platform and snow roof.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #194 Nov-Dec 1978 (v.28#9) pg. 32

Use a plastic trash can lid to keep squirrels from climbing a bird feeding tower.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #232 Oct 1982 (v.32#8) pg. 107

Squirrel-proof your bird feeder. Five of the "best" ideas.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #284 Dec 1987 (v.37#10) pg. 32
Added Info FAMILY HANDYMAN #288 Apr 1988 (v.38#4) pg. 11

Tip: Hang a hummingbird feeder from a traverse rod attached to a 1x6 support. This places the feeder out from the house (for viewing) yet makes it easy to refill.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #288 Apr 1988 (v.38#4) pg. 114

Use hardware cloth to keep bird seed from being scratched off onto the ground.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #289 May-Jun 1988 (v.38#5) pg. 134

Homemade wire cable to raise and lower a bird feeder suspended from a tree limb.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #309 Jun 1990 (v.40#6) pg. 70
Added Info FAMILY HANDYMAN #315 Feb 1991 (v.41#2) pg. 19

Bird feeder uses a Mason jar to store the seeds. The design allows the jar to removed and inserted without spilling any contents.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #390 Jul-Aug 1998 (v.48#7) pg. 110

Removable post for a post-top bird feeder features a squirrel barricade made from a large tin can.
FINE GARDENING #11 Jan-Feb 1990 pg. 6

Bird feeder made from a 3-liter plastic soda bottle keeps birdseed dry and squirrels out.
FINE GARDENING #47 Jan-Feb 1996 pg. 8

Tip shows how to hang a hummingbird feeder so ants can't get to the sugar water.
FINE GARDENING #49 May-Jun 1996 pg. 10

Tip describes how to modify bird feeders for easier filling.
FINE GARDENING #55 May-Jun 1997 pg. 10

How to create a crawling insect barrier for a hanging bird feeder.
FINE GARDENING #57 Sep-Oct 1997 pg. 8

Tip recommends a layer of gravel in the bottom of a bird feeder to prevent seeds from getting moldy.
FINE GARDENING #66 Mar-Apr 1999 pg. 12

How to keep birdseeds beneath a bird feeder from sprouting.
FINE GARDENING #70 Nov-Dec 1999 pg. 80

Make this inexpensive sunflower seed bird feeder from a golf club shaft protector tube.
FLOWER & GARDEN Dec 1980-Jan 1981 (v.25#1) pg. 105

Tip: Hanging plastic pot makes a good bird feeder.
FLOWER & GARDEN Dec 1981-Jan 1982 (v.26#1) pg. 85

Remember birds this winter. Several bird feeder designs and a chart of food preferences of common wild birds.
FLOWER & GARDEN Oct-Nov 1982 (v.26#6) pg. 39

Suet holder is made with a plastic funnel over the top to keep starlings and squirrels from getting all the suet.
FLOWER & GARDEN Dec 1982-Jan 1983 (v.27#1) pg. 8

Tips for making two simple bird feeders, one from a plastic pop bottle, another from empty halves of grapefruit rind.
FLOWER & GARDEN Feb-Mar 1986 (v.30#2) pg. 14

Tip: Pole for bird feeder has a free-swinging squirrel baffle attached by chains.
FLOWER & GARDEN Dec 1987-Jan 1988 (v.32#1) pg. 5

Tip on filling a bird feeder using a watering can to avoid spilling the seeds.
GARDEN GATE #5 Oct-Nov 1995 pg. 4

Tip tells how to use flexible-spring door stoppers as bird feeder perches to foil squirrels.
GARDEN GATE #6 Dec 1995-Jan 1996 pg. 4

Tip suggests moving a Christmas tree outside and decorating it with edible items for the birds.
GARDEN GATE #6 Dec 1995-Jan 1996 pg. 4

Old plastic curlers over line suggested as one way to keep squirrels from bird feeder.
GARDEN GATE #10 Aug 1996 pg. 4

Tip on how to cat-proof a bird feeder.
GARDEN GATE #26 Apr 1999 pg. 6

Arching pieces of lattice over a square platform bird feeder thwarts larger birds, like blackbirds.
GARDEN GATE #29 Oct 1999 pg. 6

Simple bird feeder has a plywood base and arch of metal for the top.
HANDMADE Spring 1982 (v.2#1) pg. 92

Stations of life. Feeding birds in winter. How to build feeders and select feed.
HARROWSMITH #40 Dec 1981-Jan 1982 (v.6#4) pg. 74

Frequent flyer fare. Tips on selecting, locating, and provisioning winter bird feeders.
HARROWSMITH #106 Nov-Dec 1992 (v.17#4) pg. 40

Tips on attracting hummingbirds to your garden.
HOMEOWNER May 1987 (v.12#4) pg. 25
Added Info HOMEOWNER Dec 1987 (v.12#10) pg. 4

How to make a bird feeder from a liter-size plastic soft-drink bottle.
KITCHEN GARDENER #19 Feb-Mar 1999 pg. 7

Bird feeding station with glass-sided feeding hopper.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #441 Feb 1965 (v.61) pg. 98

Window sill bird feeder with glass top for viewing birds through the window.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #461 Oct 1966 (v.62) pg. 128

Three styles of bird feeders. Two are mounted hanging from trees. One is ground mounted, on a pole. The pole has a sliding sleeve to make it squirrel-proof.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #604 Sep 1978 (v.74) pg. 118

Tip: A metal cone installed on the pole supporting a bird feeder will keep squirrels from getting up the pole.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #660 May 1983 (v.79) pg. 129

How to make hummingbird feeders from precription vials.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #52 Jul-Aug 1978 pg. 149

Bird feeders and baths to make from gourds.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #62 Mar-Apr 1980 pg. 172

How to incorporate bird feeders and nesting boxes into your garden so they will attract insect-eating birds.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #64 Jul-Aug 1980 pg. 32

Convert 1/2-gallon paper milk cartons into bird feeders.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #71 Sep-Oct 1981 pg. 46

Build a "bye-bye blackbird" feeder. It allows any bird up to cardinal size to feed freely, but the hopper gate closes when a heavier bird lands. Est. cost: $10.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #81 May-Jun 1983 pg. 44

Tip: Squirrel-proof a bird feeder by hanging it from a wire strung with empty thread spools.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #108 Nov-Dec 1987 pg. 16

Tip: Coat the pole of a bird feeder with petroleum jelly to thwart squirrels.
ORGANIC GARDENING May 1980 (v.27#5) pg. 18

Tip: Use a stove pipe shield to keep squirrels from climbing a bird feeder pole.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jan 1981 (v.28#1) pg. 25

Tip: Use plastic sewer pipe to keep squirrels from climbing bird feeder pole.
ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1981 (v.28#4) pg. 9

Tip: Make a goldfinch feeder from a large plastic spice bottle.
ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1982 (v.29#12) pg. 16

Tip: Make a bird feeder from a 2-liter soda bottle, a margarine tub, and wood dowel.
ORGANIC GARDENING Oct 1983 (v.30#10) pg. 20

Tip: Artificial trees made from evergreen boughs attached to tomato cages make feeding sites for ground-feeding birds.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jan 1988 (v.35#1) pg. 92

Tip shows how to mount a bird feeder on the outside of a window frame.
ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1991 (v.38#8) pg. 70

Tip describes how to make a baffle to keep squirrels away from a bird feeder.
ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1993 (v.40#9) pg. 66

Baffles made from 5-gallon plastic buckets keep squirrels from raiding hanging bird feeders.
ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1995 (v.42#9) pg. 62

Tips on how to lure sparrows away from a bird feeder.
ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1996 (v.43#9) pg. 57

Ceramic bird feeder or candle holder. Tips on finishing.
POPULAR CERAMICS #541 Sep 1994 (v.45#2) pg. 28

A five-bird feeding station for game birds.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1964 (v.121#1) pg. 158

Bird feeder has glass sides and a lever so birds can dispense their own food as required.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1965 (v.124#5) pg. 156

Bird cafeteria. Covered bird feeder is made from a muffin tin, wood and plastic.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1967 (v.127#2) pg. 86

Four-station bird feeder uses mousetrap spring to hold suet, bread, etc.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1972 (v.137#6) pg. 151

Bird feeder dispenses food automatically from two plastic jugs.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1974 (v.141#2) pg. 148

Make this squirrel-proof bird feeder.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1983 (v.159#3) pg. 109
Added Info POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1984 (v.161#12) pg. 6

Make a pole-mounted bird feeder "squirrel-proof" by fastening an upside-down plastic wastebasket over the pole.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1983 (v.160#2) pg. 43

Two ways to foil squirrels trying to reach a pole-mounted bird feeder.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1985 (v.162#4) pg. 7

Backyard banquet for the birds. Build three feeders. (1) Window feeder. (2) Hanging feeder. (3) Platform feeder. Includes a chart showing common birds, their preferred food and type of feeder.
POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1985 (v.162#9) pg. 104

Attach your patio-mounted bird feeder to an "L-shaped" post that rotates. Rotate the post so that seeds fall onto the ground instead of on the patio.
POPULAR SCIENCE May 1986 (v.228#5) pg. 124

Two tin cans and a wooden dowel make it impossible for a squirrel to climb up to a bird feeder.
POPULAR SCIENCE Nov 1988 (v.233#5) pg. 128

Platform bird feeder features Polynesian styling.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #65 Mar 1992 (v.11#5) pg. 30

Lantern-style bird feeder features turned wooden finials and a glass bottle seed dispenser.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #83 Mar 1995 (v.14#5) pg. 49

Two-story birdfeeder (10"x12"x14" high) has a center section with angled chutes that direct the seeds into two trays on each side.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #93 Nov 1996 (v.16#5) pg. 46

Three styles of feeders. Two wall mounted feeders have glass front hoppers. The third circular feeder uses a glass jar and is suspended from a chain.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Spring 1978 pg. 88

The joys of armchair ornithology. Getting involved with Project FeederWatch to help scientists research avian ecology.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Apr 1997 (v.276#4) pg. 100

Hanging bird feeder and galvanized pipe support prevent cats from bothering the birds.
SUNSET Sep 1981 (v.167#3) pg. 111

Two-level bird feeder made from kitchen strainers and miscellaneous hardware allows water to drain and air to circulate, keeping bird feed fresh.
SUNSET Jan 1987 (v.178#1) pg. 72

Attracting hummingbirds with feeders and plants. Includes instructions for a homemade feeder.
SUNSET Oct 1990 (v.185#4) pg. 194

Wedge-shaped bird feeder pivots like a weathervane.
SUNSET Jun 1994 (v.192#6) pg. 129

Redwood bird feeder has heart-shaped ends.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #4 Jul 1988 (v.1#4) pg. 16

Hummingbird feeder features an attractive wooden enclosure for the sugar-water bottle.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #27 May 1992 (v.5#3) pg. 6

Bird feeder has log-cabin styling and a 2-gallon capacity.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #35 Sep 1993 (v.6#5) pg. 10

Bird feeder features contemporary styling, a roof with wide overhangs, four-sided access for the birds, retaining rails for tidiness and a foolproof feeding system with ample drainage.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #41 Sep 1994 (v.7#5) pg. 7, Insert

Caring for wild birds. Includes plan for making a basic bird feeder from a coffee can and aluminum pie plate.
WOMAN'S DAY Sep 1 1978 (v.41#14) pg. 172

Make a "birdfeeder tree".
WOMAN'S DAY Dec 11 1984 (v.48#4) pg. 129

Bird feeder is shaped like a farm elevator building and has a decorative "Farmers' Seed Company" logo.
WOOD MAGAZINE #19 Oct 1987 (v.4#5) pg. 74

Hexagonal bird feeder holds 10 pounds of seed and features a large 15"-diameter feeding tray.
WOOD MAGAZINE #36 Aug 1990 (v.7#4) pg. 76

Rustic redwood bird feeder has circular ends, a slatted bottom and roof panels accented with dowels.
WOOD MAGAZINE #58 Jan 1993 (v.10#1) pg. 68

Bird feeder designed to appeal to a variety of birds and to keep the food dry. Acrylic panels on each side of the hopper hold the seed, allowing a bit of it to spill out on the platform. Lengths of small tree branches are used for perches.
WOOD MAGAZINE #63 Sep 1993 (v.10#6) pg. 46
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #72 Sep 1994 (v.11#6) pg. 6

Restaurant in the round. Bird feeder features a circular wooden top and base and a clear plastic birdseed compartment made from a two-liter pop bottle.
WOOD MAGAZINE #69 Apr 1994 (v.11#3) pg. 66

Avian Acres bird feeder. The 12" square feeder platform has a painted backdrop in the shape of a farmscape. Twig fences edge two sides.
WOOD MAGAZINE #97 Jun 1997 (v.14#4) pg. 47

Victorian-style bird feeder with painted columns and a cedar-shingled roof.
WOOD MAGAZINE #109 Nov 1998 (v.15#7) pg. 54, Insert
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #117 Oct 1999 (v.16#6) pg. 6
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #123 Apr 2000 (v.17#3) pg. 6 (Two shingle making ideas)

Birdy bistro. Bird feeder features turned wooden plates for the top and base. They are separated by a cylinder of hardware cloth which acts as the food dispenser.
WOOD MAGAZINE #118 Nov 1999 (v.16#7) pg. 78, Insert

Tip on mounting bird feeders or birdhouses which makes them easy to detach for filling or cleaning.
WOOD MAGAZINE #149 Jun-Jul 2003 (v.20#3) pg. 17

House-shaped bird feeder (12"x12"x12") has cedar shingles on the side and a copper roof. Quick-release pin allows feeder to drop down for easy filling.
WOODSMITH #106 Aug 1996 (v.18) pg. 24

A selective bird feeder. A cage made from wood dowels surrounds the bird feed. Thus, only smaller birds are able to get through the cage and reach the food.
WOODWORKER #1015 Jun 1978 (v.82) pg. 260

Feeding table for the birds is a good design project for the older woodworking student.
WOODWORKER #1039 Jun 1980 (v.84) pg. 391

Practical bird feeder built of wood features glass sides on hopper, a large roof overhang and a large 10"x11" platform for the base.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1978 (v.2#6) pg. 16

Hanging bird feeders. Bird-shaped wooden profile with a circular cutout holds a suet ball or fresh fruit.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1990 (v.14#6) pg. 60
Added Info WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1990 (v.14#2) pg. 6

Tip shows how to make bird feeders from hollowed-out orange or lemon halves.
WORKBASKET Nov 1978 (v.44#2) pg. 21

Tip: Two birdfeeders to make. (1) Open can, (2) Wire frame.
WORKBASKET Feb 1981 (v.46#4) pg. 58

Tip on turning a 2-liter plastic soft-drink bottle into a bird feeder.
WORKBASKET Oct 1986 (v.52#1) pg. 30

How to make an open-can bird feeder.
WORKBASKET Jan 1988 (v.53#3) pg. 62

Ranch house feeder features glass seed holder.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1964 (v.20#5) pg. 19

Three custom bird feeders, (1) a Victorian-furnished house, (2) a hunting lodge, and (3) a TV feeder.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1965 (v.21#5) pg. 58

Bird feeder is modeled after a New England covered bridge.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1972 (v.28#2) pg. 42

How to build a pagoda style bird feeder that can be hung by its hook almost anywhere. Holes drilled in the feeder hold suet, seed, etc.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1974 (v.30#5) pg. 54

Build an oversize bird feeder that can hold several types of feed. Glass-front hopper on one side holds seed. Dowels in a frame on the other side are designed to hold suet. Feeder is 24" long and 10" high.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1975 (v.31#6) pg. 22

Feeder designed for smaller birds is built of redwood with a front of clear plastic. Feeder holes are drilled in all four sides, with small dowels beneath each hole for perches.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1977 (v.33#5) pg. 74

Simple bird feeder made from cedar scraps. Shaped like a birdhouse that has no sides.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1979 (v.35#3) pg. 69

Circular wooden disk serves as a barrier to keep squirrels from climbing a pole up to a birdhouse or bird feeder.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1981 (v.37#4) pg. 10

Wooden bird feeder, with clear plastic sides, has generous capacity.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1982 (v.38#5) pg. 92

Feeder for small birds feeds 28 or more at one time.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1983 (v.39#5) pg. 144

Decorated bird feeder. A house-shaped feeder is painted up to look like a house surrounded by bushes and flowers.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1984 (v.40#6) pg. 67

Thistle seed feeder for finches is made from a liquid soap bottle.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1985 (v.41#2) pg. 30

Classic bird feeder is fretwork challenge.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1985 (v.41#5) pg. 114

Generously sized bird feeder is made from do-it-yourself sheet aluminum and stock 1" lumber.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1987 (v.43#2) pg. 28
Added Info WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1987 (v.43#4) pg. 8

Improve a circular commercial bird feeder by installing it on a post and increasing the size of the feeder tray.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1988 (v.44#4) pg. 46
Added Info WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1988 (v.44#6) pg. 8

Covered bird feeder is styled like a picnic pavilion with curved arches supporting the roof. Built mostly of wood. Overall dimensions: 15"x17"x19" high.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1989 (v.45#3) pg. 58
Added Info WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1990 (v.46#1) pg. 6

Leaf-shaped wooden plaques have a large hole in the center to insert an apple, pear, corn, popcorn ball or other food item for the birds.
WORKBENCH Dec 1992-Jan 1993 (v.48#6) pg. 64
Added Info WORKBENCH Feb-Mar 1993 (v.49#1) pg. 6

Gazebo style bird feeder and matching bird house.
WORKBENCH Feb-Mar 1996 (v.52#1) pg. 22

Dove Cote bird feeder (8"x10"x12" high) has scroll sawn sides and hangs from a pair of curved finials.
WORKBENCH Aug-Sep 1996 (v.52#4) pg. 18