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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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xx   BIRD

Turned birdhouses. Cylindrical body (3" in diameter, 4" long) is topped by a turned cone-shaped roof. Bottom ring has a center "acorn" shape.
AMERICAN WOODTURNER Mar 1992 (v.7#1) pg. 2

Specification for functional birdhouses.
AMERICAN WOODTURNER Jun 1992 (v.7#2) pg. 15

Turned birdhouse features conical-shaped roof and base and decorative finials. The turning blank for the body of the house is formed using coopering techniques in order to minimize waste. Includes a chart of birdhouse dimensions for various species.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #13 Mar-Apr 1990 pg. 16
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #14 May-Jun 1990 pg. 4

Postmodern purple-martin birdhouse (33" high, 28" wide, 14" deep) has a main tower with 20 individual nesting boxes and two attached "wings" that contain 3 nesting boxes each.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #25 Mar-Apr 1992 pg. 48
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #27 Jul-Aug 1992 pg. 7

A look at growing gourds common in early America. Includes information on harvesting, drying and preparing gourds for use as containers and utensils. Sketches show how to make a bottle, a dish, a funnel, a wastebasket, a dipper and a birdhouse or feeder from gourds.
AMERICANA Sep-Oct 1977 (v.5#4) pg. 52

Photo shows how to make a bird house from two 2x4s for the post with a clay drain tile mounted in the top. Est. cost: $10.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1973 (v.51#7) pg. 78

How to build a ten-apartment birdhouse for martins or chickadees from ten quart-sized juice cans and some plywood, dowels and a length of 1x12. Est. cost: $6.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1975 (v.53#7) pg. 54

New England style saltbox birdhouse. Est. cost: $19.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1979 (v.57#7) pg. 56, 72

Victorian-style birdhouse has "gingerbread" trim around the roof line.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Dec 1988 (v.66#12) pg. 124, 122

"Country-style" wren house is designed to sit on a shelf or fence post.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Sep 1989 (v.67#9) pg. 98, 116

Barn-style birdhouse.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Sep 1990 (v.68#9) pg. 106, 104

Triangular bird house is covered with bark and mounted directly on a tree trunk.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1965 (v.55#3) pg. 68

Bird house made from a milk carton.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1966 (v.56#3) pg. 51

Birdhouse made a from tin can and milk carton.
BOYS' LIFE Apr 1968 (v.58#4) pg. 63

How to make a bird house from a plastic half-gallon bottle.
BOYS' LIFE Apr 1971 (v.61#4) pg. 46

How to build a wood-duck house.
BOYS' LIFE Jan 1972 (v.62#1) pg. 68

How to build a log birdhouse.
BOYS' LIFE Feb 1976 (v.66#2) pg. 70

Several styles of birdhouses and feeders you can make from scrap materials.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1976 (v.66#3) pg. 54

How to make nest boxes. Four styles shown and a chart of sizes for various birds.
BOYS' LIFE Oct 1976 (v.66#10) pg. 49

How to build a rustic birdhouse for mounting in a natural setting.
BOYS' LIFE Oct 1977 (v.67#10) pg. 44

Plans for a bluebird house.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1980 (v.70#11) pg. 58

Help save bluebirds by building one or more of these easy-to-make homes.
BOYS' LIFE Apr 1982 (v.72#4) pg. 22

Nesting box for a wood duck is made from cypress or fir and mounted on a metal pole with a sleeve to hinder predators.
BOYS' LIFE Sep 1986 (v.76#9) pg. D (34+)

Build a bluebird box.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1988 (v.78#12) pg. 67

Three of a kind. Ornate wooden bird houses for blue wren, bluebird, and blue warbler.
CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP May 2002 (v.25#7) pg. 38
Added Info CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Summer 2002 (v.25#9) pg. 6

Wren house features decorative scroll work.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP May 1989 (v.12#8) pg. 58

Nuthatch birdhouse features simple, decorative scrollwork.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1990 (v.13#7) pg. 64

Three-story Purple Martin birdhouse.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1992 (v.15#7) pg. 23

For the birds. How to attract birds to a backyard. Emphasis is on providing birdhouses. Chart gives basic dimensional guidelines for 20 cavity nesting birds.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1992 (v.15#7) pg. 51
Correction CANADIAN WORKSHOP Oct 1992 (v.16#1) pg. 9

Birdhouses (1) Cedar birdhouse for wrens or chickadees. Profiled like an elongated pentagon. (2) Robin's nesting box.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1994 (v.17#7) pg. 38, 45

Equip a coffee can with a shingled roof and plywood door to form a birdhouse.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Dec 1995 (v.19#3) pg. 12

Fly away home. Pine-and-plywood purple martin house.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1997 (v.20#7) pg. 40
Added Info CANADIAN WORKSHOP May 1997 (v.20#8) pg. 10

Simple wren house has a removable front wall that is held in place with a single screw. The 6"-square house is mounted on an angle and topped with a peaked roof.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Oct 1997 (v.21#1) pg. 94

Convert ceramic cats into bird feeders or bird houses by cutting a hole in the casting.
CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Sep 1994 (v.40#1) pg. 105

How to build special nestboxes for bluebirds. Includes information on setting up a bluebird trail in the proper habitat to attract bluebirds.
COUNTRYSIDE Feb 1978 (v.62#2) pg. 27
Added Info COUNTRYSIDE Jun 1978 (v.62#6) pg. 12

Raising gourds for use as birdhouses.
COUNTRYSIDE Apr 1980 (v.64#4) pg. 22

Build a bluebird nest box.
COUNTRYSIDE Dec 1982 (v.66#12) pg. 40

How to make birdhouses from gourds. Includes details on harvesting and drying the gourds.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1993 (v.77#2) pg. 75

Ten reasons why people fail to attract purple martins and how to avoid making these common mistakes.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1993 (v.77#5) pg. 56

How to establish a bluebird trail by installing nestboxes.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1997 (v.81#1) pg. 56
Added Info COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1997 (v.81#2) pg. 10

How to raise lagenaria gourds. Covers curing them and cutting them to make vases, a birdhouse and a bowl.
CREATIVE CRAFTS #69 Jun 1979 (v.6#9) pg. 48

Wren house may also be used as a door decoration.
CREATIVE CRAFTS & MINIATURES #96 Dec 1983 (v.8#12) pg. 30

How to build a better birdhouse. A look at the birdhouses built by Gene Binder of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, and instructions for building a ten-room Martin House that looks like a log cabin.
DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS May 1977 (v.8#4) pg. 53

Birdhouses you can make from scraps of lumber and logs.
DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS May 1979 (v.10#4) pg. 16

Invite the martin. Hints for enticing purple martins to your yard. Instructions for making a nesting site from a gourd and plans for a martin house that is a copy of an 1852 church.
EARLY AMERICAN HOMES Spring Gardens 1998 pg. 10

Pattern for building a bluebird house.
EARLY AMERICAN LIFE Apr 1983 (v.14#2) pg. 60

Birdhouses and other Christmas whimsies. (1) Wren house made from scrap wood. (2) Painted angels and star-shaped ornaments made from 1/4" Luan plywood. (3) Pomegranate and bay leaves are combined to make a tree ornament.
EARLY AMERICAN LIFE Christmas 1994 pg. 33, 70

Nineteen things you can make from coffee cans. Includes a birdhouse and a bird feeder.
FAMILY CIRCLE Oct 9 1979 (v.92#14) pg. 108, 158

Tip: Make birdhouses from hollowed-out lengths of logs.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #250 Jul-Aug 1984 (v.34#6) pg. 112

Build a Peterson bluebird nesting box.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #367 Apr 1996 (v.46#4) pg. 88

Tip on using a woven mail basket as a nest site for Carolina wrens.
FINE GARDENING #37 May-Jun 1994 pg. 10

Turning a rustic, natural-bark birdhouse which are simply branches hollowed out on a lathe and fitted with turned bottoms.
FINE WOODWORKING #92 Jan-Feb 1992 pg. 60

Bottle gourds make easy birdhouses.
FLOWER & GARDEN Feb-Mar 1983 (v.27#2) pg. 92

Bluebird nesting box.
FLOWER & GARDEN Dec 1992-Jan 1993 (v.36#6) pg. 30
Added Info FLOWER & GARDEN Feb-Mar 1993 (v.37#1) pg. 11
Added Info FLOWER & GARDEN Apr-May 1993 (v.37#2) pg. 8

Make a birdhouse from a bottle gourd.
FLOWER & GARDEN Apr-May 1995 (v.39#2) pg. 24

Backyard nesting sites. Advice on features that will attract birds to a yard and general information how to build nest boxes and site them so they are fortified against predators.
FLOWER & GARDEN Apr 1999 (v.43#2) pg. 7

Patriotic birdhouse. Pre-assembled wooden birdhouse is painted with red, white and blue color washes. Wooden stars, painted white, are affixed to the roof.
FLOWER & GARDEN [CRAFTS EDITION] Jun-Jul 1996 (v.40#3) pg. 85

Tip describes how to incorporate a waterproof site for a bird's nest into a hanging planter.
GARDEN GATE #21 Jun 1998 pg. 6

Tips on growing and curing birdhouse gourds (Lagenaria siceraria).
GARDEN GATE #22 Aug 1998 pg. 38

How to make a wren house from a coconut shell.
GARDEN GATE #30 Dec 1999 pg. 5

Four birdhouses to build. (1) A martin house built from gourds. (2) A six-compartment martin house. (3) A flicker log house, and (4) A bluebird house. Includes suggested dimensions for 15 other birdhouses.
HANDY ANDY Oct 1978 (v.3#1) pg. 57

Affordable housing for purple martins and bluebirds. Plans for each type of house and suggestions on sites and materials to provide for the birds.
HARROWSMITH #67 May-Jun 1986 (v.11#1) pg. 80

Carving nesting boxes in dead tree stubs for birds and mammals. Chart shows dimensions for different species.
HARROWSMITH #78 Mar-Apr 1988 (v.12#6) pg. 12

Tips to thwart a woodpecker from boring in house siding. Includes dimensions for a birdhouse designed to attract flickers.
HARROWSMITH #115 Apr-May 1994 (v.18#7) pg. 83

Mission-style apartment house for purple martins.
HOMEOWNER Apr 1985 (v.10#3) pg. 46

How to build a purple martin house that mounts on a TV mast.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO May-Jun 1978 (v.3#3) pg. 45

Room for birds. A general look at the birds that can be attracted to a garden by a birdhouse. General dimensions and architecture described.
HORTICULTURE Feb 1993 (v.71#2) pg. 50

Building for birds. All you should ever need to know when it comes to building birdhouses. Includes a chart of dimensions for 18 different species.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Feb 1981 (v.70#2) pg. 38

Decorative bird houses made from stone slabs covered with tumbled gems embedded in concrete.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #567 Jan 1985 pg. 24

How to make a birdhouse from a pair of plastic pots.
KITCHEN GARDEN #16 Aug-Sep 1998 pg. 14

How to incorporate bird feeders and nesting boxes into your garden so they will attract insect-eating birds.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #64 Jul-Aug 1980 pg. 32

Pattern for building bluebird houses and tips on their placement.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #80 Mar-Apr 1983 pg. 80

Purple martin "apartment" is made from a 27" length of 6" diameter PVC pipe.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #92 Mar-Apr 1985 pg. 81

Bluebird bungalow is made from cardboard tubing with a slanted cedar shake roof.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #104 Mar-Apr 1987 pg. 40

Bird housing. Advice on building bird houses. Includes an "earth-sheltered" birdhouse made from mulch, topsoil, sod, etc.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #123 May-Jun 1990 pg. 76

Wooden birdhouse features a thatched-roof of grass or straw. Dimensions are given for eight different species of bird.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Feb 1978 (v.9#1) pg. 24

Bluebird nesting box.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Apr 1986 (v.14#3) pg. 137

How to build a bluebird nesting box.
ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1978 (v.25#3) pg. 138

Bluebird house to build has a skylight that imitates a hollow fencepost.
ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1978 (v.25#12) pg. 88

Purple martin house.
ORGANIC GARDENING Oct 1988 (v.35#10) pg. 79
Added Info ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1989 (v.36#2) pg. 9

Simple method for using gourds as birdhouses without removing the seeds.
ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1990 (v.37#8) pg. 69

Tip describes how to make bluebird houses from discarded half-gallon cardboard milk cartons.
ORGANIC GARDENING May-Jun 1993 (v.40#5) pg. 81

Great gourds. Growing guidelines for hardshell gourds (Lagenaria siceraria). How to harvest, cure, clean and make them into craft items. Plans for birdhouses made from gourds included.
ORGANIC GARDENING Nov-Dec 1997 (v.44#8) pg. 48

Barrel becomes a house for purple martins.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1963 (v.119#3) pg. 154

Two-level bird house cupola.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1963 (v.120#2) pg. 128

Small insulated bird house stays cool on hot days.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1965 (v.123#4) pg. 169

A five-story, 20-apartment bird house made from metal dishpans. Ideal for martins.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1966 (v.125#3) pg. 170

Rugged mast for TV antenna, bird house or anything else is built from thinwall electrical conduit. Spacers are either bolted-on wood or welded-on tubing.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1972 (v.138#6) pg. 186

Circular, two-level bird house made from two old tires and some plywood.
POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1967 (v.191#3) pg. 16

Elegant wren house is made from scraps of crown molding.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #67 Jul 1992 (v.12#1) pg. 97

Hollow birdhouses appear to be made from solid 4x4 stock.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #71 Mar 1993 (v.12#5) pg. 81

Storybook bird house features decorative chimney, windows, door, unique roof shape, etc. Built mostly of wood.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #73 Jul 1993 (v.13#1) pg. 60, Insert

Octagonal birdhouse. Roof is painted to resemble a wedge of watermelon.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #92 Sep 1996 (v.16#4) pg. 36

Purple Martin house with 24 apartments. There is a central ventilation shaft and simple cleaning access.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #96 May 1997 (v.17#2) pg. 32

Photos of interesting birdhouses built by Hugh Wayne of San Mateo, California.
SUNSET Mar 1977 (v.158#3) pg. 138

Slippery, claw-resistant aluminum flashing nailed around a tree trunk protects a birdhouse from cats.
SUNSET Jan 1988 (v.180#1) pg. 76

Barn-shaped birdhouse features kerfed siding, beveled shingle roof, and a "rooster" cutout on the roof.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #9 May 1989 (v.2#3) pg. 16

Wooden birdhouse is sized for chickadees, wrens, titmice and other small birds. Features a removable floor for cleaning.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #26 Mar 1992 (v.5#2) pg. 10

Birdhouse in the shape of a lighthouse features a hexagonal base, sloping pyramid-like sides, and a baby food jar "lamphouse" that also serves to admit light into the birdhouse.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #39 May 1994 (v.7#3) pg. 24

Redwood wren house.
WOOD MAGAZINE #10 Apr 1986 (v.3#2) pg. 68

House for a wren or chickadee is shaped like a large acorn.
WOOD MAGAZINE #28 Apr 1989 (v.6#2) pg. 70
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #37 Sep 1990 (v.7#5) pg. 8

What birds look for when they go "house hunting." Includes a chart of critical dimensions for various birds.
WOOD MAGAZINE #28 Apr 1989 (v.6#2) pg. 78

Housing guidelines for the birds. Birdhouse dimensions and styles for a bluebird, robin, wren, and wood duck.
WOOD MAGAZINE #77 Feb 1995 (v.12#2) pg. 70

Tip on mounting bird feeders or birdhouses which makes them easy to detach for filling or cleaning.
WOOD MAGAZINE #149 Jun-Jul 2003 (v.20#3) pg. 17

Log cabin birdhouse is built from "Lincoln Log" style pieces which you make. Includes dimensions for houses for various species of birds.
WOODSMITH #57 Jun 1988 pg. 16

Octagonal birdhouse features elegant styling (cupola, finial, V-grooved siding, multiple paint colors) and one or two stories.
WOODSMITH #117 Jun 1998 (v.20) pg. 24, 23, 31, 32

How to turn a bird box from a length of log. Project is a lesson in learning to turn green wood.
WOODTURNING #45 Sep 1996 pg. 66

Let fly. How to prepare the laminated blank and turn a large hollow sphere for use as a birdhouse.
WOODTURNING #74 Apr 1999 pg. 16

Pigeon cote. Large birdhouse, styled like a cupola, serves to house pigeons. It is mounted on a post about 7-ft. above the ground. Both roof and interior partitions are removable for cleaning.
WOODWORKER #1012 Mar 1978 (v.82) pg. 114

Nesting box for wild birds is a good woodworking project for young teenagers.
WOODWORKER #1037 Apr 1980 (v.84) pg. 238

Striking design for an octagonal dovecote (birdhouse for doves) with eight compartments.
WOODWORKER Jul 1988 (v.92#7) pg. 592

Birdhouse is turned from a piece of log not suitable for other applications (except firewood).
WOODWORKER Jan 1992 (v.96#1) pg. 59

A simple and practical birdhouse. Dimensions are given for 15 different species of birds.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1977 (v.1#2) pg. 16

Birdhouse is decorated like an English tudor cottage. Bottom removes for cleaning.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL May-Jun 1978 (v.2#3) pg. 16

Greek temple design for a birdhouse. Includes a chart showing entrance diameter and height above ground for various species.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1989 (v.13#2) pg. 48

Birdhouse is mounted directly on the outside of window glass. A one-way mirror film allows viewing inside the house without disturbing the birds.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1991 (v.15#2) pg. 59

Rustic Lincoln-log style birdhouse for the chickadee.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1999 (v.23#4) pg. 44, Insert

The cat birdhouse. The front of a simple wooden birdhouse (for swallow, small woodpecker and bluebird) is shaped and painted to represent the face of a cat with its mouth open.
WORKBASKET Mar 1990 (v.55#5) pg. 37

A backyard bird retreat. A chart of birdhouse and shelf nest dimensions for 23 different birds.
WORKBASKET Mar 1990 (v.55#5) pg. 48

Easy-to-make wren house.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1964 (v.20#3) pg. 49

A 24-apartment martin house. Wooden construction and case-shaped roof.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1967 (v.23#3) pg. 26

Wren house.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1970 (v.26#3) pg. 65

Boston martin house has 24 apartments.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1971 (v.27#2) pg. 30

How to build a bluebird house and set up a "Bluebird Trail".
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1974 (v.30#2) pg. 42

How to make wren houses from gourds and coconut shells.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1976 (v.32#3) pg. 22

How to build a barn-shaped birdhouse. Roof is covered with shake shingles and it sports a miniature weathervane.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1977 (v.33#2) pg. 124

Wren house has 12 sides and a cone-shaped metal roof.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1979 (v.35#2) pg. 28

Circular wooden disk serves as a barrier to keep squirrels from climbing a pole up to a birdhouse or bird feeder.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1981 (v.37#4) pg. 10

Natural-wood wren house is built from cedar.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1986 (v.42#2) pg. 120

Unique martin house is based on three 29"x31" wooden frames. Winner in the "Basic Box" contest.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1989 (v.45#5) pg. 62

Two "natural" birdhouse designs. Includes a chart of the important, average measurements for birdhouses.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1990 (v.46#3) pg. 34
Correction WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1990 (v.46#4) pg. 4

Chickadee nesting box. Both a simple butt-joint version and a decorative dovetailed version are described.
WORKBENCH Jun-Jul 1992 (v.48#3) pg. 70

Wren house is turned from a freshly cut tree limb.
WORKBENCH Aug-Sep 1993 (v.49#4) pg. 56

Decorative birdhouse sized for wrens. A simple support system requires only a single nail to hang the birdhouse.
WORKBENCH Jun-Jul 1994 (v.50#3) pg. 48

Nesting shelf is an attractive home (or feeder) for robins, barn swallows, phoebes and song sparrows.
WORKBENCH Aug-Sep 1995 (v.51#4) pg. 32
Correction WORKBENCH Dec 1995-Jan 1996 (v.51#6) pg. 4

Gazebo style bird feeder and matching bird house.
WORKBENCH Feb-Mar 1996 (v.52#1) pg. 22

A cottage birdhouse. How to construct a basic nesting box (suitable dimensions for various species are included) and add decorative exterior elements (roof, siding, ...).
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1998 (v.54#1) pg. 41, 45