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Detailed entries for one subject from the INDEX TO HOW TO DO IT INFORMATION.
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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Mini-dynamics. How to build a table-top wind tunnel to test your miniature mock-ups.
HOMEBUILT AIRCRAFT May 1984 (v.11#5) pg. 18

Wind tunnels. Part 1. A brief history and the design of a simple open-circuit tunnel.
KITPLANES Oct 1995 (v.12#10) pg. 80

Wind tunnels. Part 2. Design of a closed-circuit or closed-return tunnel.
KITPLANES Nov 1995 (v.12#11) pg. 58

Wind tunnels. Part 3. Mounting test models in a wind tunnel and collecting test data.
KITPLANES Jan 1996 (v.13#1) pg. 6

Wind tunnels. Part 2. Design of a closed-circuit or closed-return tunnel.
KITPLANES Dec 1996 (v.13#12) pg. 4

Inexpensive smoke tunnel to study aerodynamics of air-supported vehicles.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jan 1964 (v.210#1) pg. 135

Wind tunnel for growing snowflakes.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Aug 1965 (v.213#2) pg. 104

Build a wind tunnel that achieves supersonic speeds (1500 mph) with a vacuum system.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Oct 1966 (v.215#4) pg. 120

Homebuilt wind tunnel to study the vortexes that form around a cylinder (Aeolian effect). Project placed 31st in the Science Talent Search.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jul 1972 (v.227#1) pg. 106

Make your own wind tunnel. Built from cardboard, wood, and plastic. Powered by a household fan.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Nov 1997 (v.277#5) pg. 106