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Lathrop Report On Newspaper Indexes
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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


How to erect your own water pumping windmill. Covers tower assembly, raising the tower, fan assembly, and attaching the governor and pull-out system.
COUNTRYSIDE Jun 1979 (v.63#6) pg. 66

Advice on protecting groundwater when servicing a windmill to prevent contamination when servicing oil-lubricated pumps.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1996 (v.80#2) pg. 29

A look at the Arusha Windmill, a water-pumping mill that can be built at home. Est. cost: $250.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #51 May-Jun 1978 pg. 100

Improve the efficiency of your windmill operated water pump by installing a large garage door spring to help lift the "sucker rod" or pumping rod during light breezes.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #68 Mar-Apr 1981 pg. 116

A look at how a wind-powered bubbler keeps a dock ice-free during the winter at Lake George, New York.
POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1979 (v.215#6) pg. 15

How a large, old wooden brake wheel (gear) found on a windmill was repaired and restored to working condition. Included in an article on restoring a 200 year old post mill in England.
WOODWORKER Jun 1987 (v.91#6) pg. 524
Added Info WOODWORKER Aug 1987 (v.91#8) pg. 744