Tip on using "Pledge" furniture polish (not lemon) to clean Plexiglas. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Feb-Mar 1989 pg. 7
Tip on protecting Plexiglas from damage while machining, cutting, etc. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Jun-Sep 1989 pg. 3
How to install windshields. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Jun-Aug 1991 pg. 2
Tip on using steel blue layout fluid to locate the high spots when sanding out the waves in a windshield or canopy. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Dec 1992-Feb 1993 pg. 3
Design ideas for a secure canopy latch for the GP-4 homebuilt aircraft. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Fall 1993 pg. 5
Disadvantage of using Lexan for aircraft windshields noted. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Spring 1994 pg. 7
How to remove tape residue from Plexiglas without damage to the plastic. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1988 (v.10#2) pg. 17
A "Micro-mesh" advanced user's guide. Tips on using the KR-70 kit to polish scratches out of Plexiglas aircraft windows. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1988 (v.10#12) pg. 13
Tips for working with Plexiglas. Tips on replacing or repairing aircraft windows made of Plexiglas. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1989 (v.11#8) pg. 15
Cherokee side window replacement. How to fabricate a replacement window from sheet acrylic. How to cut, drill, and install. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1994 (v.16#5) pg. 6
Replacing the OmniVision rear window in a Cessna 172. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1994 (v.16#8) pg. 19
Tips on locating and sealing water leaks around windshield in Piper aircraft. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1995 (v.17#8) pg. 21
Cherokee windshield replacement. Advice on removing old glass, cleaning the channels, trimming the new unit to fit, and sealing. A related article looks at drilling holes and trimming edges of Plexiglas. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1998 (v.20#8) pg. 14, 16
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1998 (v.20#10) pg. 22
Suggested sealants which can be used to rainproof aircraft windows. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1999 (v.21#5) pg. 3
How to fabricate and install a good fitting windshield. SPORT AVIATION Jan 1984 (v.33#1) pg. 57
Canopy options. New shapes, new materials and new construction methods are viewed. SPORT AVIATION Feb 1984 (v.33#2) pg. 15
A few sliding canopy details. Tips on making and mounting canopy slides and tracks. SPORT AVIATION Mar 1984 (v.33#3) pg. 27
Laminated-wood bow for an airplane canopy is fabricated on this simple form which uses rubber bands as clamps. SPORT AVIATION Sep 1985 (v.34#9) pg. 67
How to form Plexiglas for an aircraft canopy by heating with a 100,000 BTU space heater. SPORT AVIATION Sep 1985 (v.34#9) pg. 68
Installing a canopy safety latch. SPORT AVIATION Mar 1987 (v.36#3) pg. 39
Weatherstripping for aircraft windows, canopies, doors, etc. SPORT AVIATION Nov 1987 (v.36#11) pg. 27
Installing replacement Plexiglas windows without using heavy rubber molding. This methods uses flathead machine screws, anchor nuts and clear silicone sealer. SPORT AVIATION Nov 1990 (v.39#11) pg. 66
Dimensions and tips for fabricating sliding canopy rails. SPORT AVIATION Oct 1991 (v.40#10) pg. 92
Working with Plexiglas (acrylic) canopies. How to drill, cut, fit, shape, etc. SPORT AVIATION Apr 1992 (v.41#4) pg. 52
Windshield trim work. Looks at typical Plexiglas installations and windshield or canopy trim strips. SPORT AVIATION May 1992 (v.41#5) pg. 70
What you should know about canopies. Looks at fixed, hinged, tilted, and sliding variations. SPORT AVIATION Oct 1992 (v.41#10) pg. 112
The ins and outs of canopies. Giving emergencies a little thought. Tips on canopy design, locks, and placards which will facilitate the opening of a canopy from both the inside and outside in an emergency. SPORT AVIATION Aug 1994 (v.43#8) pg. 60
Added Info SPORT AVIATION Oct 1994 (v.43#10) pg. 129
Cutting and installing a small vent window in the side of a canopy. How to cut cleanly through plastic using a hole saw and abrasive disc. SPORT AVIATION Jul 1995 (v.44#7) pg. 74
Electric lock for an aircraft canopy utilizes a MAC servo and two hidden switches. SPORT AVIATION Jan 1996 (v.45#1) pg. 100
Canopy mount. Fitting and mounting a bubble style sliding canopy on a two-place side-by-side aircraft. This canopy is the style that joins a fixed windshield when closed. SPORT AVIATION May 1999 (v.48#5) pg. 28