Valve adjusting tips for VW engines used in aircraft. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Jun-Sep 1989 pg. 13
Tip on using a piece of rope to hold a valve fully extended during reassembly of the valve spring. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Oct-Dec 1989 pg. 7
Tips on diagnosing the ills and ailments of an aircraft engine. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Jan-Mar 1990 pg. 4
Tips on checking the crankshaft and crankshaft keyway in the event of a propeller strike. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Jan-Mar 1990 pg. 5
Need for flat washers on VW aircraft engine valve train noted. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Apr-May 1990 pg. 5
Tip on using rope inserted into the cylinders to aid in removing the cylinder head. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Sep-Nov 1990 pg. 11
Checklist for determining engine condition of high time piston powerplants. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Dec 1990-Feb 1991 pg. 6
Tip on using "Liquid Wrench" to loosen sticking piston rings. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Mar-Apr 1993 pg. 6
Technique for measuring the crankcase pressure of a Lycoming engine using an air speed indicator as a pressure gauge. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Mar-Apr 1993 pg. 7
How to determine the displacement volume of a combustion chamber (on a Volkswagen aero conversion engine) using a plastic syringe and cooking oil. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Fall 1993 pg. 3
Important tips for rotary engine conversion. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Summer 1994 pg. 7
Advice on selecting a Toyota automobile engine that is suitable for use in experimental aircraft. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Summer 1994 pg. 8
Flex-plate (flywheel) problems in Ford V-6 auto conversions for aircraft use. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Summer 1994 pg. 8, 9
Engine conversions. Should you try to tackle a powerplant project? HOMEBUILT AIRCRAFT May 1983 (v.10#5) pg. 26
Onan overhaul. A step-by-step guide to curing the problem of head stud pullout in the high-compression, aluminum Onan engine. HOMEBUILT AIRCRAFT Aug 1983 (v.10#8) pg. 67
Auto power. A prominent designer discusses the pros of automobile engines and the cons of aircraft power plants. HOMEBUILT AIRCRAFT Jul 1984 (v.11#7) pg. 20
Advice on choosing the correct engine for your homebuilt aircraft. HOMEBUILT AIRCRAFT Feb 1987 (v.14#2) pg. 52
Little wonder. A look at the design and operation of two-stroke engines and the reasons for their popularity in light aircraft. KITPLANES Nov 1992 (v.9#11) pg. 66
Catching runaway horses. How to correctly calculate the usable horsepower that will be available from an aircraft engine under various conditions. KITPLANES Feb 1993 (v.10#2) pg. 54
Gentlemen, choose your engines. Understanding the lingo is an important aspect of shopping for an aircraft engine. Part 1. Reciprocating engines. KITPLANES Aug 1993 (v.10#8) pg. 70
Gentlemen, choose your engines. Part 2. Choosing among the many aircraft engines or auto conversions currently on the market. KITPLANES Sep 1993 (v.10#9) pg. 48
Getting the most from your two-stroke aircraft engine. Effective maintenance tips to minimize engine-out risks. KITPLANES Aug 1995 (v.12#8) pg. 92
The powerplant installation decision. An overview of the pros and cons of various aircraft engine locations and configurations. KITPLANES Feb 1998 (v.15#2) pg. 28
Maintaining a certified engine in a homebuilt. Part 1. KITPLANES Mar 1998 (v.15#3) pg. 32
Maintaining a certified engine in a homebuilt. Part 2. KITPLANES May 1998 (v.15#5) pg. 30
Correction KITPLANES Jul 1998 (v.15#7) pg. 4
Determining power. How to measure the horsepower your aircraft engine produces. KITPLANES Aug 1999 (v.16#8) pg. 80
Troubleshoot a turbo or wastegate problem by performing a "part-throttle critical altitude check." LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1987 (v.9#5) pg. 19
Twenty questions to ask your aircraft-engine overhauler. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1987 (v.9#6) pg. 11
Engine profile of the Continental IO-520. Looks at design, problems, repairs, overhaul costs, etc. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1987 (v.9#7) pg. 9
Troubleshooting valve burning problems in aircraft engines. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1987 (v.9#7) pg. 19
The engine clinic. Troubleshooting an engine that has been subjected to overspeeding. Looks at the special procedures which should be performed if an engine has gone 5% or more beyond redline. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1987 (v.9#7) pg. 23
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1988 (v.10#1) pg. 19
Engine profile of Lycoming O-320. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1987 (v.9#9) pg. 8
The engine clinic. Correct procedures to prepare your aircraft engine for shutdown after landing. Looks at turbocharged, fuel-injected, and convenional engines. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1987 (v.9#9) pg. 23
Inflight powerplant emergencies. How to respond to engine problems including roughness, turbocharger run-down, engine fire, low oil pressure, high temperatures, etc. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1987 (v.9#10) pg. 13
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1988 (v.10#2) pg. 2
Pros-and-cons of chrome cylinders and a look at alternatives. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1987 (v.9#10) pg. 19
Upgrades for the Lycoming O-320 engine. A review of available options and associated costs. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1988 (v.10#1) pg. 10
Causes and cures for piston-ring "flutter." LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1988 (v.10#2) pg. 7
Teledyne Continental Motors IO-520 cylinder breakage revisited. Latest information on the cause and cure for this problem. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1988 (v.10#2) pg. 9
An inactivity checklist. Maintenance considerations for an airplane that is flown less than once a week. Looks at engines, rubber products, brakes, and electrical system. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1988 (v.10#2) pg. 15
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1988 (v.10#6) pg. 20
Causes and cure for cylinder "washboarding" in aircraft engines. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1988 (v.10#2) pg. 17
Test to check for "detonation" in a Lycoming O-320-E2D engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1988 (v.10#2) pg. 18
The engine clinic. Common types of aircraft-engine compression rings are explained. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1988 (v.10#2) pg. 23
Engine rebuilder shares recommendations on using the new steel-belted pistons for Continental engines. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1988 (v.10#3) pg. 2
Tip on curing pushrod wear on the rod shank by adjusting the shroud clearance with a shim. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1988 (v.10#3) pg. 2
Differential compression testing. How to properly run and interpret a differential compression test on an engine cylinder. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1988 (v.10#3) pg. 8
Continental O-200 engine modifications to improve power. A discussion of engine and propeller options. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1988 (v.10#3) pg. 18
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1988 (v.10#5) pg. 2
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1988 (v.10#6) pg. 3
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1988 (v.10#7) pg. 17
Advice on installing replacement cam and lifters in a Lycoming TIO-541-E engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1988 (v.10#3) pg. 19
Tips on locating the cause of annoying engine vibrations which occure at specific rpm settings. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1988 (v.10#3) pg. 20
Valve erosion in Lycoming engines. A look at causes and solutions. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1988 (v.10#4) pg. 8
Advice on determining when a well-maintained engine should be overhauled. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1988 (v.10#4) pg. 18
The engine clinic. Status of crankcase-retention-dowel usage on Lycoming engines is reviewed. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1988 (v.10#4) pg. 22
Three styles of main-bearing retention dowels used in Lycoming engines are reviewed. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1988 (v.10#4) pg. 23
A formula for calculating how much power (percent power) an engine will deliver at a given altitude, under a given set of conditions (rpm, OAT, etc.). LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1988 (v.10#5) pg. 9
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1988 (v.10#7) pg. 4
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1988 (v.10#8) pg. 4, 5
Troubleshooting tips for the Continental C-145/O-300 family of engines which experiences "rumbles and stumbles" in the 2,200 rpm range. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1988 (v.10#5) pg. 18
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1989 (v.11#1) pg. 5
Rocker shaft wear in large Continental engines (O-470, IO-520, ...) which use the P/N 539740 rocker shaft. A look at the causes and cures. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1988 (v.10#5) pg. 20
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1988 (v.10#11) pg. 5
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1989 (v.11#3) pg. 4
Cylinder cracking. Causes and cures. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1988 (v.10#6) pg. 10
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1988 (v.10#12) pg. 4
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1989 (v.11#6) pg. 8
The engine clinic. Reasons for honing cylinder walls and valve guides is explained. Looks at the degree of roughness being sought and a device for measuring surface finish. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1988 (v.10#6) pg. 21
Suggested order of priorities (for best cost-effectiveness) to improve the takeoff performance of a homebuilt equipped with a Lycoming O-320-E2D engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1988 (v.10#7) pg. 17
Overhaul advice for the Continental O-470-L engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1988 (v.10#7) pg. 18
Cylinder coatings for the 21st century. Pros and cons of plain-steel, chrome-plated and Cermichrome coated cylinders. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1988 (v.10#8) pg. 9
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1988 (v.10#10) pg. 2
Troubleshooting a Continental O-470-520 KAH modified engine which experiences engine roughness under reduced power whenever OAT is below minus-4 Celsius and altitude is above 12,000 feet. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1988 (v.10#8) pg. 18
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1988 (v.10#9) pg. 5
Tip on checking engine through-bolts, cylinder base bolts, and similar items at regular intervals. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1988 (v.10#8) pg. 20
Tips on determining if an engine teardown is called for following a low rpm blade strike. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1988 (v.10#8) pg. 20
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1988 (v.10#10) pg. 5
The engine clinic. Valve and seat grinding, one of the most critical top-end operations. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1988 (v.10#8) pg. 22
Common-sense compression tips. How to discover valve and ring problems during a routine pre-flight. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1988 (v.10#9) pg. 13
Causes and cures for glazing on chromed cylinders. Some tips. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1988 (v.10#9) pg. 18
Troubleshooting a Lycoming IO-360-A1B6D engine which has one chromed cylinder operating 100 degrees hotter than the other three. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1988 (v.10#9) pg. 21
Advice on overhauling a well-operating Lycoming O-320-E2D engine at 2,000 hours while the oil pump A.D. is complied with. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1988 (v.10#9) pg. 21
The engine clinic. How and when crankcases can be repair by welding. A description of the process. A look at Lycoming case cracking. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1988 (v.10#9) pg. 22
Continental O-470 top overhaul. Tips, tricks and traps. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1988 (v.10#10) pg. 11
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1989 (v.11#2) pg. 20
E-225 piston scuffing. Advice on choosing a piston for an O-470 or E-series Continental engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1988 (v.10#10) pg. 14
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1989 (v.11#2) pg. 2
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1989 (v.11#5) pg. 5
Tips on overhauling and caring for a Continental O-470-U engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1988 (v.10#10) pg. 19
Reasons for overhauling a 23-year-old Lycoming IO-320 engine are noted. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1988 (v.10#10) pg. 19
Tips on using OMC's "Storage Fogging Oil" to protect an aircraft engine over the winter. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1988 (v.10#10) pg. 20
Pros and cons of converting an O-235 engine from 115 to 125 horsepower by increasing the compression ratio. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1988 (v.10#10) pg. 21
Cautions against installing chrome rings in a chromed cylinder are repeated. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1988 (v.10#10) pg. 23
Tips on determining if a minor prop strike is grounds for an engine teardown. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1988 (v.10#11) pg. 18
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1989 (v.11#1) pg. 4
Points to consider when determining how best to correct a critical-area crack in a Continental IO-520-BB engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1988 (v.10#11) pg. 21
The engine clinic. Conventional coil-spring expander/dual-ring oil rings are compared with the improved wavy oil-ring expanders. Includes tips on engine oil maintenance which will improve the effectiveness of the older style rings. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1988 (v.10#11) pg. 23
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1989 (v.11#2) pg. 5
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1989 (v.11#5) pg. 4
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1989 (v.11#6) pg. 5
Reasons for camshaft scuffing in a new Lycoming IO-360 engine are explored. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1988 (v.10#12) pg. 17
Troubleshooting tips for a Continental O-300-A engine which is producing aluminum shavings in the oil. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1989 (v.11#1) pg. 20
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1989 (v.11#2) pg. 6
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1989 (v.11#4) pg. 4
Advice on leaning, oil selection, and cam/lifter considerations which may affect cylinder cracking and cam damage in a Lycoming O-360-A1F6 engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1989 (v.11#1) pg. 21
Reasons to install the redesigned camshaft in Lycoming IO-360 engines are noted. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1989 (v.11#1) pg. 22
The engine clinic. An explanation of the proper way for a camshaft to be reground. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1989 (v.11#1) pg. 23
Tips on operating the Continental GO-300 engine includes advice on power management, cylinder limits and oil selection. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1989 (v.11#2) pg. 5
The Piper Turbo Lance: Up close and personal. Maintenance tips for the Lycoming TIO-540-S1AD engine to improve cooling, aid wastegate operation, replace vacuum pump, etc. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1989 (v.11#2) pg. 7
TBO busting. Advice on when you should or should-not consider operating an aircraft engine beyond the manufacturer's recommended TBO. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1989 (v.11#2) pg. 11
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1989 (v.11#4) pg. 21
The engine clinic. Special maintenance and operating needs of geared engines (such as the Continental GTSIO-520 series). LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1989 (v.11#2) pg. 23
Common engine overhaul mistakes and how to survive them. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1989 (v.11#3) pg. 14
Troubleshooting tips for a Lycoming O-235-C engine which exhibits lean behavior and poor power output. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1989 (v.11#3) pg. 20
Troubleshooting tips for a Continental O-300-D engine that exhibits engine roughness and large EGT differences at full throttle. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1989 (v.11#3) pg. 21
Troubleshooting a Lycoming O-320 engine which "stumbles" on power reduction focuses on a leaky riser connection. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1989 (v.11#4) pg. 21
Comprehensive look at the three types of Lycoming wrist pin plugs. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1989 (v.11#4) pg. 22
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1989 (v.11#6) pg. 4
Recommendations to help protect engines of inactive aircraft. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1989 (v.11#5) pg. 20
Troubleshooting a Lycoming O-320-E3D where the EGT on two cylinders are significantly higher and lower than the other two cylinders. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1989 (v.11#6) pg. 19
Four simple checks to make on an aircraft engine which is showing erratic aluminum counts during oil analysis. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1989 (v.11#6) pg. 21
The engine clinic. Using an old airspeed indicator to measure "crankcase pressures" on Continental engines. May help detect a broken piston ring or defective crankshaft seal. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1989 (v.11#7) pg. 23
Poor break-in after a major overhaul, and high oil consumption, leads into a discussion of service limits for barrel I.D. on the Lycoming 320/360/540 family of aircraft engines. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1989 (v.11#8) pg. 16
The engine clinic. Dimensional checks for connecting rods at major overhaul time are explained. Replacement and installation of connecting rod bolts also explained. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1989 (v.11#8) pg. 22
Tips on shutting down an engine to minimize the "shudder" or vibration that occurs as the engine goes through a critical rpm. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1989 (v.11#9) pg. 20
Tips on break-in oil and ring replacement on "Cermichrome" cylinders. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1989 (v.11#10) pg. 8
How piston ring rotation can affect cylinder compression-test results. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1989 (v.11#10) pg. 18
Classic symptoms of preignition (detonation) are described. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1989 (v.11#10) pg. 20
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1989 (v.11#12) pg. 4
Black magic for the Continental TSIO-360 engine. A product review of the controllable wastegate modification for TSIO-360-E/F/G engines. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1989 (v.11#11) pg. 10
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1990 (v.12#1) pg. 4
Tip on piston options for the Continental IO-470-K engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1989 (v.11#11) pg. 17
Advice on topping an older Continental O-470 engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1989 (v.11#11) pg. 18
Pros and cons of engine porting and flowing are noted. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1989 (v.11#11) pg. 19
The engine clinic. Troubleshooting the inability to achieve normal power output (poor static power). LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1989 (v.11#11) pg. 23
An overview of the Lycoming 320/360 families of four-cylinder engines from the homebuilder's point of view. Includes charts showing the major differences between various models of these engines. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1989 (v.11#12) pg. 10
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1990 (v.12#2) pg. 4
Tips on resetting the fixed wastegate of a Continental TSIO-360-FB to reduce back-prssure on the engine, thus reducing the tendency to overheat. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1989 (v.11#12) pg. 17
Pros and cons of using sodium-filled valves in aircraft engines. Includes history, overhaul tips, etc. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1990 (v.12#1) pg. 7
Advice on checking a Lycoming engine cylinder with compression of 30/80. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1990 (v.12#1) pg. 15
Pros and cons of converting a Lycoming IO-360-B1E engine to a 200-hp equivalent. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1990 (v.12#1) pg. 15
Cylinder choke specifications for Continental O-470/IO-470 engines are explained. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1990 (v.12#1) pg. 16
Tips on modifying a Continental O-470 series engine for best power, fuel burn and longevity. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1990 (v.12#1) pg. 17
Tip on converting a Rolls-Royce TSIO-360-D engine to a US-approved TSIO-360-C engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1990 (v.12#1) pg. 17
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1990 (v.12#4) pg. 3
Tips on what to check if the engine on a Piper Super Cub is not developing 150-hp. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1990 (v.12#2) pg. 4
Cylinder safetying. Proper assembly and tightening sequence for cylinder and crankcase hardware is required in order to eliminate the need for safety wire or lock nuts on critical engine parts. Some tips. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1990 (v.12#2) pg. 8
Aftermarket camshafts. A comparison between the camshafts available from Air Support International and Superior Air Parts Inc. Includes tips on avoiding "scams" when purchasing a replacement camshaft. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1990 (v.12#3) pg. 12
The rebarrel alternative. Advice on replacing aging steel barrels on aircraft-engine cylinders. An alternative to chrome-plating or oversize regrinding. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1990 (v.12#3) pg. 17
Troubleshooting an early pressurized Cessna Centurion P210 which is unable to maintain adequate manifold pressure. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1990 (v.12#3) pg. 19
Troubleshooting a bent intake pushrod in a Lycoming O-320-E2D engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1990 (v.12#4) pg. 17
Troubleshooting a Continental O-200-A engine with dry tappet clearance which is outside of limits. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1990 (v.12#4) pg. 18
Understanding and avoiding the causes of detonation in aircraft engines. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1990 (v.12#4) pg. 23
Piston scuffing, the problem what won't go away. A review of the causes and possible cures. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1990 (v.12#5) pg. 9
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1990 (v.12#8) pg. 4
Troubleshooting advice for a Continental O-470-R engine with high crankcase pressures. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1990 (v.12#5) pg. 18
Accepted industry practices when grinding and honing aircraft cylinders are explained. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1990 (v.12#6) pg. 18
Regrinding (or refacing) of intake and exhaust valves. Industry practices explained. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1990 (v.12#6) pg. 23
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1990 (v.12#8) pg. 6
Tip on unsticking "stuck" piston rings using a penetrant-soak procedure. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1990 (v.12#7) pg. 6
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1990 (v.12#9) pg. 5
Advice on the relatively good chances of big Continental IO-470 engines reaching TBO without the need for frequent cylinder changes. What symptoms to look for. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1990 (v.12#7) pg. 19
Troubleshooting a Lycoming O-540-B4B5 engine that is showing degraded performance. Tips on checking for alcohol-blended fuel, poor mixture, etc. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1990 (v.12#7) pg. 20
Troubleshooting steps for a Continental IO-520-K engine which has experienced a near-loss of one cylinder and a crack in the cylinder-deck. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1990 (v.12#9) pg. 18
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1990 (v.12#10) pg. 5
Advice on keeping a Continental C-85 engine "happy" when flown only 50 to 100 hours per year. Tips on fuel additives, oil and oil additives, mag timing, etc. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1990 (v.12#9) pg. 19
Tips on increasing the power from a Lycoming O-235-L2C engine by installing higher-compression pistons. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1990 (v.12#9) pg. 20
Advice on increasing the compression of a Lycoming AEIO-320-E1B engine by installing different pistons. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1990 (v.12#10) pg. 19
Causes of fluctuating cylinder compression measurements are explained. Includes advice on when to consider pulling a cylinder because of low compression. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1990 (v.12#11) pg. 19
Oil control rings. What is available, breaking-in new rings, etc. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1990 (v.12#11) pg. 23
Tip on the proper installation of valve rockers in a parallel-valve Lycoming engine (O-320, some O-360s, etc.). LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1990 (v.12#12) pg. 5
Troubleshooting the camshaft on a Lycoming O-360-A3B6D engine to determine if it is the source of magnetic metal particles in the oil. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1990 (v.12#12) pg. 18
Technique for determining if a leaking front engine seal is causing increased crankcase pressure and forcing oil out. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1991 (v.13#2) pg. 18
Troubleshooting engines that are not delivering full power or RPM. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1991 (v.13#3) pg. 23
Technique for relocating a slipped bushing on the master link rod of a Jacobs 275 engine without extensive disassembly. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1991 (v.13#5) pg. 18
How to keep your Lycoming O-320 engine running strong. Understanding the special needs of this engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1991 (v.13#6) pg. 12
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1991 (v.13#8) pg. 4
Proper technique for performing and interpreting a compression test. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1991 (v.13#8) pg. 23
Hose jobs. Taking the mystery out of replacing aircraft engine hoses. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1991 (v.13#9) pg. 7
Checking for excessive pressurization of the crankcase which can result in erratic oil consumption. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1991 (v.13#10) pg. 23
Checking Lycoming exhaust valve wobble. Includes a drawing and dimensions to make your own version of ST-71, the Lycoming gauge fixture. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1991 (v.13#12) pg. 8
Tip on examining a cylinder that has been removed for service in order to determine the sources and causes of wear. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1992 (v.14#1) pg. 23
Checking hydraulic tappet clearance and operation. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1992 (v.14#6) pg. 15
Checking connecting rod twist. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1992 (v.14#11) pg. 9
Advice on making a periodic inspection of exhaust valves. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1992 (v.14#12) pg. 21
Procedure for borescoping engine cylinders on a regular basis in order to locate deposit buildups which will cause problems. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1993 (v.15#1) pg. 21
Rocker box gasket replacement. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1993 (v.15#5) pg. 17
The mid-life crisis avoidance inspection. How to perform a detailed inspection of an aircraft engine that goes beyond the normal annual inspection. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1993 (v.15#5) pg. 21
Troubleshooting run-up roughness which may or may not be caused by spark plug fouling. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1993 (v.15#6) pg. 6
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1993 (v.15#8) pg. 7
Compression testing realities. What cylinder compression testing can and can't tell you. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1993 (v.15#7) pg. 16
Beyond redline. Advice on checking an engine and propeller which have been subjected to operation beyond the redline. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1993 (v.15#11) pg. 21
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1994 (v.16#2) pg. 4
Tip on a cheap way to repair a cylinder stud that is pulling out by using a Helicoil to bring the hole back to proper size. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1994 (v.16#1) pg. 21
Troubleshooting tip on cause for alternately flat and pumped-up hydraulic lifters on one bank of a Continental IO-520 engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1994 (v.16#3) pg. 21
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1994 (v.16#4) pg. 7
Troubleshooting tip to locate an obstructed upper-deck reference shroud line on a Turbo Saratoga engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1994 (v.16#3) pg. 21
Rope tricking the Continental GO-300 engine. How to deal with simple valve sticking problems without pulling the cylinder. Involves the use of homemade tools to snag and manipulate the valve and other parts. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1994 (v.16#5) pg. 16
The sick engine blues. How to identify the likely source of problems when your engine isn't performing up to par. Looks at induction leaks on turbocharged engines, fuel flows, exhaust, turbo wastegate, etc. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1994 (v.16#5) pg. 19
Advice on upgrading a 1975 Cessna 210L (non-turbo) from an IO-520L engine to an IO-550 engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1994 (v.16#6) pg. 26
Make your own jigs for checking exhaust valve wobble on Lycoming engines. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1994 (v.16#8) pg. 14
Basic engine troubleshooting strategies. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1994 (v.16#10) pg. 4
Tip on using a cold compression test to locate a cylinder which is burning excess oil. (2 articles) LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1994 (v.16#11) pg. 21
"Armstrong" method for a quick test of cylinder compression. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1994 (v.16#12) pg. 20
Tip on using "Pro-Seal" to help seal dents in a crankcase at the base of a cylinder. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1994 (v.16#12) pg. 20
Troubleshooting tips for a Lycoming O-235-L2C that isn't outputting maximum power. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1994 (v.16#12) pg. 21
Diagnosing and fixing sticking piston rings. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1995 (v.17#1) pg. 16
Of rings and springs. Function of the piston ring, oil control ring, and oil-ring expanders are explained. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1995 (v.17#5) pg. 19
The Continental O-200 examined. An in-depth look at the most populous engine in the world, and some insights for its maintenance. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1995 (v.17#7) pg. 4
Elementary engine troubleshooting tips for aircraft owners to perform prior to calling in a mechanic. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1996 (v.18#4) pg. 3
Lycoming O-320 engine. An overview of the various models, AD notes, mechanical components, etc. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1996 (v.18#4) pg. 8
Repair of leaking intake or exhaust valves by staking or lapping a valve in place. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1996 (v.18#6) pg. 15
Continental's O-470 series engines. An overview of the various models, AD notes, mechanical components, etc. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1996 (v.18#7) pg. 9
Tip on checking for a shifted connecting rod bushing without having to totally remove the cylinder. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1996 (v.18#7) pg. 21
The Lycoming lifter debate. An in-depth look at the role of engine oil in cooling the exhaust valve guide. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1996 (v.18#8) pg. 11
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1996 (v.18#10) pg. 4
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1996 (v.18#11) pg. 3
Correction LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1996 (v.18#11) pg. 4
Lycoming O-360 engine. An overview of the various models, AD notes, mechanical components, etc. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1996 (v.18#11) pg. 9
Continental IO-520 engine. Part 1. History and sensitive 520 issues. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1997 (v.19#4) pg. 12
Continental IO-520 engine. Part 2. Cylinders, accessories, and important information related to the normally aspirated engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1997 (v.19#5) pg. 14
Detonation in aircraft engines. A look at the causes and tips on prevention. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1997 (v.19#8) pg. 5
Failure of silicon-carbide chrome barrels. How to spot the pending failure of a silicon-impregnated cylinder barrel. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1997 (v.19#9) pg. 9
Adjusting valve dry clearance. Taking the slop out of your valve train for better engine operation. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1997 (v.19#10) pg. 8
Lycoming's O-540 and IO-540 six cylinder engine. Part 1. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1997 (v.19#10) pg. 14
Lycoming's O-540 and IO-540 six cylinder engine. Part 2. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1997 (v.19#11) pg. 7
Nose case (or crankshaft) seal replacement in Lycoming or Continental engines. Looks at both split and solid seal options. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1998 (v.20#4) pg. 10
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1998 (v.20#6) pg. 24
Continental IO/TSIO-360 series engine. An overview of the history and special maintenance required by this engine. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1998 (v.20#10) pg. 5
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1999 (v.21#1) pg. 3
Procedures for removing pipe fittings and plugs from an engine case. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1999 (v.21#7) pg. 5
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1999 (v.21#9) pg. 3
Wire standoffs. A overview of various ways to keep wires and hoses from chafing inside the engine compartment. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1999 (v.21#10) pg. 14
How to perform a differential compression test of an aircraft engine. SPORT AVIATION Apr 1983 (v.32#4) pg. 22
Tips on converting a Ford Escort automobile engine for aircraft use. SPORT AVIATION Aug 1983 (v.32#8) pg. 22
Tips on converting a General Motor's car engine for aircraft use. SPORT AVIATION May 1984 (v.33#5) pg. 31
Design criteria when using drive shafts in light aircraft. SPORT AVIATION Dec 1985 (v.34#12) pg. 53
Engine installation in a sportplane. Covers choosing an engine, power loading, weight and balance, motor mounts, etc. SPORT AVIATION Mar 1986 (v.35#3) pg. 54
Fixing crankshaft seal leaks on aircraft engines. SPORT AVIATION Feb 1987 (v.36#2) pg. 57
Homebuilt powerplant precertification inspections. Suggested engine checklist for an A&P technician to follow before the first flight of any new homebuilt aircraft. SPORT AVIATION Feb 1987 (v.36#2) pg. 59
Tip on installing stiffer valve springs in a VW engine used for aircraft powerplant. SPORT AVIATION Jun 1987 (v.36#6) pg. 41
Cockpit classroom. Winter operations. Engine considerations to be addressed when operating aircraft during the winter months. SPORT AVIATION Jan 1988 (v.37#1) pg. 30
Added Info SPORT AVIATION Apr 1988 (v.37#4) pg. 4
Added Info SPORT AVIATION Jun 1988 (v.37#6) pg. 63
Installing the engine on your homebuilt aircraft. Collecting the needed hardware, firewall preparation, preping the engine, etc. SPORT AVIATION Jul 1989 (v.38#7) pg. 27
Aircraft engine hook-up tips. Looks at electrical grounding, ignition system, engine controls, fuel system, etc. SPORT AVIATION Aug 1989 (v.38#8) pg. 27
What engine? Bigger is not always better. How to select an appropriate engine for your homebuilt aircraft. Selecting an engine mount (dynafocal or conical). Automobile engine conversions. SPORT AVIATION Jan 1990 (v.39#1) pg. 29
Plexiglas jig fits over the cylinder hold-down flange bolts and supports the piston and connecting rod while a cylinder is removed or installed. SPORT AVIATION Mar 1990 (v.39#3) pg. 42
Engine compartment tips. (1) Oil breather/separator installation. (2) Coping with a fuel system vapor problem. (3) Preventing exhaust system failures. (4) Engine breather installation. (5) Cooling magnetos and alternators. SPORT AVIATION Dec 1990 (v.39#12) pg. 29
Looking for an engine. Advice on selecting and locating a suitable engine for a homebuilt aircraft. SPORT AVIATION Apr 1991 (v.40#4) pg. 65
Automotive-based V-type aircraft power plants. What is the current status of converting automobile engines for experimental aircraft use. SPORT AVIATION Jul 1991 (v.40#7) pg. 38
Engine compartment notes. Looks at the clearances needed between engine and firewall to accommodate such items as oil filter, prop governor, etc. Solutions illustrated include a firewall recess made from a stainless steel mixing bowl and a firewall air vent shut-off in case of an engine fire. SPORT AVIATION Aug 1991 (v.40#8) pg. 54
Installing that new Lycoming engine. Part 1. SPORT AVIATION Feb 1992 (v.41#2) pg. 77
Installing that new Lycoming engine. Part 2. SPORT AVIATION Mar 1992 (v.41#3) pg. 84
Aircraft engine reduction drives. An engineering perspective on their design and suitability for aircraft. SPORT AVIATION Nov 1992 (v.41#11) pg. 74
Converting auto engines for aircraft applications. An introduction. SPORT AVIATION Apr 1993 (v.42#4) pg. 52
Flying truck engines. An automotive engineer looks at aircraft use of automotive engines. SPORT AVIATION Aug 1993 (v.42#8) pg. 78
A few engine compartment notes for homebuilders. Looks at firesleeves, support brackets, baffling, tie-wraps, harmonic dampeners, etc. SPORT AVIATION Nov 1996 (v.45#11) pg. 77
Hints for maintaining the Curtiss OX-5 engine. Includes tools you can fabricate to handle special tasks. VINTAGE AIRPLANE Dec 1992 (v.20#12) pg. 7
Using a drill press as a valve spring compressor when working on parallel valve cylinders. VINTAGE AIRPLANE May 1994 (v.22#5) pg. 20
Thirteen ways to increase piston engine life. VINTAGE AIRPLANE Dec 1994 (v.22#12) pg. 4