A look at a variety of uses for a propane torch including plumbing and electrical work, backing out rusted nuts and bolts, removing putty and ice, making wood-burned signs, laying floor tile, raising wood grain and repairing furniture. FAMILY HANDYMAN #159 Dec 1974 (v.24#10) pg. 38
How to finish wood with a propane torch. FAMILY HANDYMAN #209 May-Jun 1980 (v.30#5) pg. 122
Propane torch holder made from scrap materials will keep you from accidently knocking over the torch. FAMILY HANDYMAN #231 Sep 1982 (v.32#7) pg. 113
How to use the new soldering and brazing torches that use MAPP gas. Safety tips and choosing the right rods for MAPP torches. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO #4 Winter 1976 (v.1#4) pg. 102
A look at all the things you can do with propane and MAPP gas torches. Includes a chart of soldering and brazing rods. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Mar-Apr 1979 (v.4#2) pg. 92
How to strip paint the fast way, with a propane torch. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Mar-Apr 1982 (v.7#2) pg. 13
Tip for determining the amount of propane in a small cylinder. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #550 Aug 1983 pg. 32
Tip: Use exhausted "Bic" lighters to light propane torches. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #550 Aug 1983 pg. 33
Make your own alcohol torch. Ideal for soldering gold jewelry. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #570 May 1985 pg. 42
Convert a regular propane torch into one that delivers a pinpoint flame for delicate work. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #512 Jan 1971 (v.67) pg. 92
Tips on using a blow torch to apply a burnt finish to wood. NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Feb 1977 (v.8#1) pg. 4
Wooden stand for a propane torch provides a handy resting place for a lit torch as well as a convenient storage stand. POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1971 (v.135#1) pg. 174
Tip: Make an adjustable stand for a propane torch from a large strap hinge and a large hose clamp. POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1980 (v.154#3) pg. 23
Tip: Fire-extinguisher holder can also hold a propane torch. POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1981 (v.155#1) pg. 32
Mini torches. Can you really weld with them? A review of the hotter small torches, some of which use MAPP gas and/or oxygen. Smaller and less expensive than gas outfits, they can be used for light welding. POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1976 (v.209#6) pg. 110
Brazing torches focus the flame for jobs beyond soldering. Comparison of propane, Mapp gas and oxy-propane torches. POPULAR SCIENCE Jan 1981 (v.218#1) pg. 121
Enlarged base for a propane torch is made from wood. POPULAR WOODWORKING #78 May 1994 (v.13#6) pg. 8
Using an inexpensive propane or butane torch for household and auto repair. SCIENCE & MECHANICS Jun 1965 (v.36#6) pg. 70
Description of the uses of small propane gas torches. WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1964 (v.20#1) pg. 32
A roundup of what's available in inexpensive, hand-held torches for the home shop. Charts show how to choose the right brazing and soldering rods. Sketches show how to make joints correctly. WORKBENCH May-Jun 1977 (v.33#3) pg. 48