The standard data encryption algorithm. Part 1. An overview. BYTE Mar 1979 (v.4#3) pg. 66
The standard data encryption algorithm. Part 2. Implementing the algorithm on a KIM-1 computer. BYTE Apr 1979 (v.4#4) pg. 110
Text compression. Using Huffman code to save up to 50% storage space in text. Other methods also noted. BYTE Dec 1979 (v.4#12) pg. 106
An introduction to data compression. Techniques to transfer and store information using fewer data bits. Emphasis is on the use of Huffman code. BYTE Apr 1981 (v.6#4) pg. 218
An effective text-compression algorithm. Reduce the size of text files about 25% by identifying common pairs of letters. BYTE Jan 1982 (v.7#1) pg. 397
Binary-coded text. A text-compression method. Trim text size by encoding common character strings. BYTE Apr 1982 (v.7#4) pg. 398
A BASIC program that produces a Huffman code for a set of characters and phrases. BYTE Jul 1982 (v.7#7) pg. 441
Dictionary compression and decompression. An elegant algorithm. BYTE Sep 1984 (v.9#10) pg. 457
Compression and decompression methods. What is available in hardware and software produycts that increase your hard disk capacity. Includes tips on using PKZIP and PKUNZIP. COMPUTERCRAFT Nov 1991 (v.1#8) pg. 42
Cyber Key. Cybernetic key attached to the serial port on your computer performs several functions (limits outside access, provides data encryption, generates CRC and FEC codes for long-distance and wide-area networks, and converts printer control codes). Est. cost: $70. COMPUTERCRAFT Aug 1993 (v.3#8) pg. 10
Encryption decyphered. How encoding locks your data away from anyone not possessing the key. COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS Jun 1984 (v.22#6) pg. 64
Data compression techniques. Using easily understood principles of coding and information theory, you can reduce the space your data takes by at least 40%. COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS Dec 1984 (v.22#12) pg. 67
Correction COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS Mar 1985 (v.23#3) pg. 6
Hashing revisited. Turn alphabetic data into numbers and store and retrieve with ease. KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #41 May 1980 pg. 78
CP/M encryption prescription. File encryption program uses Vernam's algorithm with three keywords. KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #47 Nov 1980 pg. 42
Efficient data storage for Microsoft BASIC. Pack most single- and double-precision numbers into three- or four-byte strings instead of four- or eight-byte strings. KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #47 Nov 1980 pg. 68
Hashing it out. Demonstration of code hashing which will save time and memory in storing and retrieving information. KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #47 Nov 1980 pg. 198
Protect your files from prying eyes. Data encryption program written in 6800 assembler language. KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #51 Mar 1981 (v.5#3) pg. 106
Numeric storage programming technique for BASIC will let you store integers from 0 through 255 in a single byte or integers from 0 through 65279 in two bytes. MICROCOMPUTING Jul 1982 (v.6#7) pg. 58
Added Info MICROCOMPUTING #73 Jan 1983 (v.7#1) pg. 30
Speech-scrambling techniques as used in many RTTY transmissions. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Mar 1982 (v.53#3) pg. 74
Data compression. A look at the fundamentals of data and image compression, text compression, fax compression, hardware considerations, etc. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1990 (v.61#8) pg. 67
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1990 (v.61#12) pg. 73
Building electrical circuits that can synchronize chaos. Building two systems that exhibit exactly the same chaotic behavior. May be useful for encrypted communications. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Aug 1993 (v.269#2) pg. 120