Heat pumps. How they work to produce three units of heat for every unit of electricity used to run them. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Dec 1981 (v.5#3) pg. 27
Ground-source heat pumps. How they work, typical costs, etc. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Sep 1987 (v.10#12) pg. 25
Three new ways to heat water. Looks at solar water heating, heat-pump water heaters, and tankless water heaters. FAMILY HANDYMAN #254 Dec 1984 (v.34#10) pg. 50
Home heating with a heat pump. Updated refrigeration technology gleans low-cost heat from an air, water or ground source. What is available and tips on choosing your system. FINE HOMEBUILDING #26 Apr-May 1985 pg. 66
Three updated alternatives to replace or add to your present home heating system. (1) Radiant floors. (2) Ground-source heat-pump system. (3) Thermal-mass heat storage. HOME MECHANIX #751 Dec 1990-Jan 1991 (v.86) pg. 48
A look at the factors to consider before installing a heat pump. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Jan-Feb 1979 (v.4#1) pg. 93
Heat pump water heaters, a new way to cut energy costs. What is available, plus tips on their installation and use. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Jan-Feb 1982 (v.7#1) pg. 72
A look at heat pumps, how they work, their limitations and economic factors to consider before installing one. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #589 Jun 1977 (v.73) pg. 56
How to duct solar-heated attic air to your outdoor heat pump during the winter. NEW SHELTER Feb 1984 (v.5#2) pg. 6
Build a cover for your heat pump to keep snow from collecting on top. POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1982 (v.158#6) pg. 148
Solar systems and heat pump combine to cut energy bills. Three alternative ways of heating water are investigated. POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1983 (v.159#1) pg. 92
Would heat pumps be the best system for heating and cooling your home? A look at various cities in the U.S. to determine if it fills a need. POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1976 (v.209#3) pg. 92
A look at how a New York couple heat their home with a home-built solar-assisted heat pump. POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1977 (v.211#4) pg. 84
A look at a ground-heat-assisted heat pump system developed by Jim Bose. POPULAR SCIENCE Feb 1979 (v.214#2) pg. 98
Heat-pump water heaters. How do they work, what is available and how much money you can expect to save. POPULAR SCIENCE May 1982 (v.220#5) pg. 62
Simple home-built evaporative precooler lowers outside air temperature 8-degrees before it is used to cool a heat-pump. Est. cost: $15. POPULAR SCIENCE Apr 1988 (v.232#4) pg. 37
Added Info POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1988 (v.232#6) pg. 6
A look at how a heat pump heats and cools, how they can be joined to standard solar energy collection systems and regional factors to be considered by people living in the Pacific Northwest, California, and the Rockies. SUNSET Nov 1977 (v.159#5) pg. 126
A look at how heat pumps work. WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1978 (v.34#6) pg. 16
Added Info WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1981 (v.37#6) pg. 76
Tip: Enclose the outdoor unit of a heat pump in a simple "lean-to" style solar collector to improve its efficiency during the winter. WORKBENCH May-Jun 1981 (v.37#3) pg. 10
Solar assisted heat pumps. Update of an article originally published in Nov-Dec 1978. WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1981 (v.37#6) pg. 76
Home heating. Part 3. Heat pumps. WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1988 (v.44#1) pg. 16
Added Info WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1988 (v.44#5) pg. 10