Two dresses for little girls. (1) Floor-length cotton dress with puffed short sleeves and waffle-weave accent stripes. (2) Jumper woven in cottolin with tattersall checks. HANDWOVEN Mar 1982 (v.3#2) pg. 54, 84, 86
Weave a woman's jumper with deep armholes and slightly dropped waistline in texture and plain weave on a four shaft loom. HANDWOVEN Sep-Oct 1985 (v.6#4) pg. 52, I-8
Toddler's jumper. Striped bodice, woven in plain weave, is complemented with a plaid skirt woven in 2/2 basket weave. Instructions are for weaving fabric for a child's size 2. Commercial pattern is used. HANDWOVEN Mar-Apr 1987 (v.8#2) pg. 43, I-3
Girl's jumper is sewn from handwoven summer and winter fabric. Hem and pocket are embellished with rows of frogs and turtles. Jumper is sewn from a commercial pattern. An alternative project is dish towels with the turtle motifs woven on the end. HANDWOVEN Nov-Dec 1999 (v.20#5) pg. 58
A woman's simple dress or jumper in plain weave. SHUTTLE, SPINDLE & DYEPOT #58 Spring 1984 (v.15#2) pg. 42
Handwoven jumper and matching cap has tulip design created by laying in pattern weft. Weave is spot-Bronson which allows design to be loom controlled. Requires six harnesses. Warp width is 28". WEAVER'S JOURNAL #19 Winter 1981 (v.5#3) pg. 28