Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #105 Mar-Apr 1994 pg. 6
Honing knives into perfect alignment after they are sharpened and reinstalled on a jointer.
FINE WOODWORKING #109 Nov-Dec 1994 pg. 24
Simple jig for setting planer or jointer knives to the proper height.
FINE WOODWORKING #127 Nov-Dec 1997 pg. 32
Portable grinder sharpens jointer knives while still on machine.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1964 (v.121#3) pg. 188
Magnetic jig for aligning jointer knives.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1972 (v.137#6) pg. 162
Jointer blade sharpening jig for use on a table saw equipped with a grinding wheel.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1982 (v.157#3) pg. 66
Jointing with accuracy. Tips on adjusting the machine, depth of cut, jointing end grain, surfacing, grinding knives on a drill press or disc sander, making a pusher hold-down, shop built magnetic knife resetting jig, etc.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #105 Nov 1998 (v.18#5) pg. 16
Changing and adjusting jointer knives requires only a straightedge and some patience.
SHOPNOTES #12 Nov 1993 (v.2) pg. 14
Low-speed grinding jig for sharpening jointer knives and plane irons attaches to the table on a drill press. Carriage that slides back and forth under the stone allows a consistent angle to be maintained. Micro-adjustable stops allow fine tuning the position of the knife. Grinding stone is mounted to an arbor adapter that's chucked in the drill press.
SHOPNOTES #31 Jan 1997 (v.6) pg. 16
Tuning up a jointer. Adjusting tables, setting knives, honing knives, etc.
SHOPNOTES #48 Nov 1999 (v.8) pg. 20
Hollow-grind sharpening. How to put a razor-sharp edge on your chisels, plane irons, jointer knives, and lathe chisels. Includes instructions for building a jig to precisely control the removal of steel from the cutting edge.
WOOD MAGAZINE #11 Jun 1986 (v.3#3) pg. 67
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #13 Oct 1986 (v.3#5) pg. 7
Save money by sharpening your own jointer and planer knives using your drill press and this jig.
WOOD MAGAZINE #24 Aug 1988 (v.5#4) pg. 74
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #28 Apr 1989 (v.6#2) pg. 11
How to install jointer knives.
WOOD MAGAZINE #52 Jun 1992 (v.9#4) pg. 56
How to offset nicks on planer or jointer knives so a project can be completed before knives are pulled for sharpening.
WOOD MAGAZINE #62 Aug 1993 (v.10#5) pg. 12
Poor man's dial indicator is used to accurately set jointer knives.
WOOD MAGAZINE #123 Apr 2000 (v.17#3) pg. 12
Tip on using a putty-like adhesive to temporarily hold the knives while replacing jointer knives.
WOODSMITH #70 Aug 1990 pg. 5
Simple method for sharpening the knives of a small jointer involves placing the jointer on the table of a drill press and chucking a sharpening wheel in the drill press.
WOODWORK #24 Nov-Dec 1993 pg. 16
Build a jig to set the blades in a combination jointer and thicknesser.
WOODWORKER May 1994 (v.98#5) pg. 38
Setting jointer knives. How to build a jig to save time and ensure accuracy.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1996 (v.20#2) pg. 16
Tuning a jointer. How to balance, sharpen and install the knives. Includes a shop-made jig for holding a jointer knife while sharpening.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1997 (v.21#1) pg. 32
Sharpen jointer knives on a table saw using this simple jig.
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1985 (v.41#1) pg. 30