Simple jig for sharpening planer and jointer blades on a belt sander.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #12 Jan-Feb 1990 pg. 8
Using an ohmmeter to determine when the edge of a planer or jointer knife is touching the knife gauge.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #36 Jan-Feb 1994 pg. 22
How to modify jointer and planer blades to reduce grain tear out on highly-figured hardwoods.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #50 Feb 1996 pg. 12
Technique for grinding planer and jointer knives uses a simple jig and a small (5") grinder.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #50 Feb 1996 pg. 24
Simple jig for sharpening jointer or planer knives on a drill press using a cup grinder wheel.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #77 Dec 1999 pg. 20
Tip on removing knots from No.2 pine boards before running through a thickness planer. This will help prevent blade nicking.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #89 Oct 2001 pg. 22
Sharpening knives for a jointer or thickness planer. Several techniques shown.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jun 1985 (v.8#9) pg. 41
Added Info CANADIAN WORKSHOP Nov 1985 (v.9#2) pg. 6
Time to sharpen. Similarities and differences in sharpening various wood-cutting tools.
CHIP CHATS Mar-Apr 1996 (v.43#2) pg. 108
Tip: Use a radial arm saw or table saw to sharpen planer knives.
FINE WOODWORKING #11 Summer 1978 pg. 21
Tip: Correct technique to use in sharpening planer blades using a medium-fine slipstone.
FINE WOODWORKING #21 Mar-Apr 1980 pg. 20
Two jigs for sharpening jointer or planer knives on a table saw.
FINE WOODWORKING #30 Sep-Oct 1981 pg. 14
Adapting Rockwell/Delta's in-place knife-grinding attachment for use off of the planer.
FINE WOODWORKING #78 Sep-Oct 1989 pg. 12
Tip on shifting knicked disposable planer knives to eliminate the ridge on the planed surface.
FINE WOODWORKING #105 Mar-Apr 1994 pg. 28
Getting peak planer performance. Using custom bases and a dial indicator to set knives and adjustments.
FINE WOODWORKING #107 Jul-Aug 1994 pg. 72
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #112 May-Jun 1995 pg. 28 (Leveling planer head on Parks planer)
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #114 Sep-Oct 1995 pg. 24 (Sears/Parks planer maintenance)
Simple jig for setting planer or jointer knives to the proper height.
FINE WOODWORKING #127 Nov-Dec 1997 pg. 32
Save money by sharpening your own jointer and planer knives using your drill press and this jig.
WOOD MAGAZINE #24 Aug 1988 (v.5#4) pg. 74
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #28 Apr 1989 (v.6#2) pg. 11
How to offset nicks on planer or jointer knives so a project can be completed before knives are pulled for sharpening.
WOOD MAGAZINE #62 Aug 1993 (v.10#5) pg. 12
Jig for honing planer knives by hand, two at a time.
WOOD MAGAZINE #112 Feb 1999 (v.16#1) pg. 34
Hand method to sharpen jointer knives uses a simple guide block, pushblock, sandpaper and plate glass.
WOOD MAGAZINE #117 Oct 1999 (v.16#6) pg. 34
Jig for sharpening planer knives on a belt sander.
WOODWORKER #1066 Sep 1982 (v.86) pg. 598
Added Info WOODWORKER #1068 Nov 1982 (v.86) pg. 720
Sharp practice. An assessment of the motorized horizontal wetstone grinder. Includes modifications to the planer jig so it can be used to sharpen chisels, plane irons, etc. Addition of a honing angle indicator and pointer to planer jig also shown.
WOODWORKER #1095 Feb 1985 (v.89) pg. 144
Jig for simultaneously sharpening two planer blades with one oil stone.
WOODWORKER Mar 1989 (v.93#3) pg. 241
Suggested bevel angle for power planer knives.
WOODWORKER Mar 1989 (v.93#3) pg. 255
Wooden jig for sharpening machine blades (like planer blades) using a flat whetstone.
WOODWORKER May 1991 (v.95#5) pg. 516
Build a jig to set the blades in a combination jointer and thicknesser.
WOODWORKER May 1994 (v.98#5) pg. 38
Jig for sharpening planer blades on a table saw.
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1968 (v.24#1) pg. 44
Wooden jig is used when sharpening planer blades on a table saw.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1982 (v.38#2) pg. 9