Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1985 [Jan 1985] (v.16#1) pg. 55
How to calculate impedance in electronic circuits.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Mar 1981 (v.37#3) pg. 48
How to build a cheap and easy r.f. noise bridge. It is used to measure the impedance of an antenna.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL May 1984 (v.40#5) pg. 56
The concept of "negative resistance" and a negative impedance converter (NIC) are explained and illustrated.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jul 1996 (v.67#7) pg. 12
Simple circuits to measure impedance. (1) Measure impedance of any device driven by a signal generator. (2) Measure output impedance of any signal source.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jun 1997 (v.68#6) pg. 8
Understanding source impedance. Measuring a battery cell's internal resistance.
ELECTRONICS NOW Aug 1997 (v.68#8) pg. 63
Using an audio oscillator, resistance-substitution box, and audio voltmeter to perform some basic audio electronic tests. (1) Measuring frequency response. (2) Determining input impedance. (3) Determining output impedance.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jan 1998 (v.69#1) pg. 28
Determining the impedance of various strip-line materials using graph and formulas.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Sep 1970 (v.84#3) pg. 31
How to measure audio amplifier output impedance (which varies as loudspeaker impedance varies).
GLASS AUDIO 5/1995 (v.7#5) pg. 50
Circuit-impedance measurements. A comparison of the most popular technique with a more accurate alternative.
GLASS AUDIO 4/1996 (v.8#4) pg. 46
Correction GLASS AUDIO 5/1996 (v.8#5) pg. 60
Clarification of the effects of negative feedback upon the output impedance of an amplifier.
GLASS AUDIO 4/1996 (v.8#4) pg. 72
Single-ended amplifier output impedance. Part 1. Includes advice on interfacing the amp with loudspeakers.
GLASS AUDIO 3/1997 (v.9#3) pg. 42
Single-ended amplifier output impedance. Part 2. Effects at low frequencies.
GLASS AUDIO 6/1997 (v.9#6) pg. 28
Brief overview for laymen about the factors considered in tapping output transformer (OPT) primaries.
GLASS AUDIO 1/1998 (v.10#1) pg. 60
Method for determining the impedance of tube-type output transformers.
GLASS AUDIO 5/2000 (v.12#5) pg. 56
Added Info AUDIOXPRESS Apr 2001 (v.32#4) pg. 84, 86
Loudspeaker impedance. A hi-fi hassle that won't go away. What is impedance and how does it impact loudspeaker design and hi-fi systems.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Mar-Apr 1986 (v.3#2) pg. 49
Speaker "Z" Tester is a simple bridge circuit that can determine the impedance of an unmarked speaker.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Mar 1988 (v.5#3) pg. 82
A simple impedance bridge. This two-component project lets you measure impedance, determine resonate frequency, calculate input/output impedance ratios, etc. Used with an oscillator and an AC voltmeter.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1985 (v.2#5) pg. 50
Build an impedance meter that measures from 1 ohm to 1 megohm. Battery powered. Est. cost: $35.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1972 (v.2#4) pg. 68
How to measure the impedance of a loudspeaker.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1986 (v.57#4) pg. 6
Finding faults in cables (transmission lines) using time-domain reflectometry. How it works and tips on its uses.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Mar 1987 (v.58#3) pg. 66
Measure the effective AC impedance of a circuit using this simple test circuit and a VOM meter.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Mar 1990 (v.61#3) pg. 21
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1990 (v.61#5) pg. 16