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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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How to make black-and-white slides from astrophoto negatives.
ASTRONOMY May 1982 (v.10#5) pg. 52

How to increase astrophoto contrast by copying slides. Tips on slide copying equipment, color balance, films, filters, etc.
ASTRONOMY Mar 1984 (v.12#3) pg. 51

The astrophotographer's gadget box. Handy gadgets can make guiding, tracking, accurate exposure, and copying slides easier.
ASTRONOMY Nov 1988 (v.16#11) pg. 107

How to turn astro-negatives into great astro-slides. An easy way to convert high-speed negatives into color slides.
ASTRONOMY Mar 1990 (v.18#3) pg. 66

Do-it-yourself imaging. To give your planetary images more "zing", use these two slide-duplicating techniques.
ASTRONOMY Feb 1993 (v.21#2) pg. 66

A study in contrasts. Adding visual interest to your photographs with litho film. High-contrast photography processes (posterization, bas relief, and tone line) which require only basic darkroom equipment. Includes a homemade copy stand for copying large transparencies onto 35mm slides.
CAMERA & DARKROOM Mar 1991 (v.13#3) pg. 34

Super slide dupers. What is available in slide duplicating equipment with capabilities ranging from casual basic duping to professional-caliber advanced special effects.
CAMERA & DARKROOM Aug 1992 (v.14#8) pg. 48

Tips on producing black and white slides from negatives using Kodak High Contrast Copy film and Blue Toner.
CAMERA 35 Feb-Mar 1974 (v.18#1) pg. 10

How to mask color slides so that they can be duplicated on Kodachrome.
CAMERA 35 Oct 1974 (v.18#7) pg. 20

Basic color course. Part 8. How to master the procedures of slide duplicating. Covers selection of film, equipment and filters.
CAMERA 35 Feb 1979 (v.24#2) pg. 44

The camera darkroom. Part 1. Equipping yourself for slide duplicating.
CAMERA 35 May 1979 (v.24#5) pg. 36

The camera darkroom. Part 2. The art and craft of slide duplicating.
CAMERA 35 Jun 1979 (v.24#6) pg. 48

Tips on recovering Ektachrome 400 slides that have been underexposed by four f/stops.

Image modification. Using lithographic copy films and slide duplication films to modify images. Looks at silhouettes, neon glow effect, overlays, posterization, etc.

Making color slides from color negatives on Kodak Vericolor Slide Film 5072 which is processed in C-41 chemistry. Equipment used includes a camera, extension tubes, and enlarger with a color head.

How to make high-contrast highlight masks for 35mm color transparencies using Wess peg registered mounts.

Filtration adjustments when using the Paterson (Philips) PCS-150 colorhead for slide duplicating.

Controlling color balance (when taking color slides). Part 2. Metering, consistency, duplication.

Procedure for making continuous-tone b&w slides from negatives using Kodak Technical Pan film.

Choosing flash or continuous light. Part 2. Multiple light sources and slide duplicating.

The ringaround method of exposure tests for slide duplicating explained.

Suggestions on black-and-white 35mm films and techniques for duplicating (copying) glass lantern slides.

Duplicate slides and transparencies. Part 1. Copying alternatives. Contact printing, enlarger and duplicating tube techniques.

Duplicate slides and transparencies. Part 2. Homemade light boxes and choosing duplicating lenses.

Duplicate slides and transparencies. Part 3. Film choices and metering.

Duplicate slides and transparencies. Part 4. Correcting errors. Producing special effects.

Tips on making the best duplicate color transparencies.

Tips on making color transparencies from Fujicolor print negatives.

Special slide duplicating techniques. How to make special effect slides using a bellows and slide copier. How to combine separate images using multiple exposures, a variable registration system, and a double exposure mask.

Tips on making black-and-white slides from either color or black-and-white 35mm negatives.
Added Info DARKROOM & CREATIVE CAMERA TECHNIQUES Jul-Aug 1993 (v.14#4) pg. 5

Tips on various films to use when making duplicate black-and-white slides.

Making color transparencies from color negatives.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY May-Jun 1982 (v.4#4) pg. 58

Slide duplicating. What equipment and techniques to use.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Mar-Apr 1983 (v.5#3) pg. 26

How to improve your chances of selling slide images by making 4x5 color transparencies which will attract the attention of the buyer.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Jul-Aug 1983 (v.5#5) pg. 56

Re-imagined images. Part 1. How one photographer salvages unsatisfactory color slides and fine-tunes better ones through duping.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1983 (v.5#7) pg. 33

How to make 8"x10" continuous tone b&w transparencies on Kodalith film and then display them with this specially designed light box which you can build.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1983 (v.5#7) pg. 62

Double duping. Using duping techniques to combine slide images can add new dimensions to your color work.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Jan-Feb 1985 (v.7#1) pg. 72

Tip: Salvage slightly underexposed Ektachrome slides by duping them with 1/2 to 1 stop more than normal exposure.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1986 (v.8#6) pg. 16

Making enlarged dupes from slides on Ektachrome 6121 Duplicating Film (available in 4"x5" up to 16"x20").
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Jul-Aug 1987 (v.9#4) pg. 50

Tip on making slides from B&W negatives by printing on Kodak Technical Pan film.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1990 (v.12#7) pg. 4

Helpful hints for color correction when making color slides from books and photos and when making duplicate slides.

How to make large format transparencies from small format negatives by making the print on Kodak Vericolor Print Film 4111. Requires only a standard color print drum to process.
DARKROOM TECHNIQUES Oct 1980 (v.1#3) pg. 52

Here is a way to duplicate 120 or 220 slides down to the "superslide" format.
DARKROOM TECHNIQUES Jun 1982 (v.3#2) pg. 32

Build your own slide copier light box.
DARKROOM TECHNIQUES Jun 1982 (v.3#2) pg. 35

How to generate "super" slide duplicates by using professional animation cameras. Tips on where to rent such equipment and representative costs are included.
DARKROOM TECHNIQUES Mar-Apr 1983 (v.4#2) pg. 14

How to produce color slides from color negatives. A look at the various films and equipment suitable to the task.
DARKROOM TECHNIQUES Jul-Aug 1983 (v.4#4) pg. 14

How to use a color analyzer to determine the filtration needed when making color slides from color negatives.
DARKROOM TECHNIQUES Sep-Oct 1983 (v.4#5) pg. 19

How to convert Tri-X negatives into black & white slides by exposing onto Kodalith film and developing in Dektol.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1977 (v.26#8) pg. 12

Creative duping techniques. How to produce high-impact images from ordinary slides using a slide duplicator.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1985 (v.34#7) pg. 20

Creating stock backgrounds for optical-effects slides.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1986 (v.35#11) pg. 14

Double or nothing: Duping 35mm slides. The procedure can be as simple or as complex as the equipment and techniques you use. Choosing equipment and duping tips.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1986 (v.35#11) pg. 31

Tip on making a black-and-white slide from a color transparency using Kodaline Reproduction Film Type 2566.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1987 (v.36#2) pg. 14

Tip on adding a "dream-like" quality to an existing slide.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1987 (v.36#2) pg. 14

Creating the exact duplicate of a slide or print. Tips on both color and B&W duping.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1987 (v.36#11) pg. 17
Correction INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1988 (v.37#3) pg. 53

Gadgets and ideas that make life easier in the professional photo lab. (1) Keeping orders together. (2) Scheduling boards. (3) Wash tanks built from plywood. (4) Film cleaners, dust prvention, etc. (5) Light switch guard. (6) Homemade slide-to-4x5 copy camera. (7) Test strip processing & checking.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY May 1988 (v.37#5) pg. 21

Making black-and-white slides from negatives.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1988 (v.37#10) pg. 20

Producing slides directly from color negatives with C-41 processed Vericolor Slide Film.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1989 (v.38#11) pg. 6

Steps towards easier duping of 35mm slides. Advice on balancing out the dupe film and controlling the processing.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1993 (v.42#10) pg. 8

Taking pictures of tranparencies projected through etched glass will produce unusual photographs.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1967 (v.31#6) pg. 74

Three simple ways to duplicate color slides.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1968 (v.32#6) pg. 99

How to save bad color slides by duplicating them on another type of color film.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1969 (v.33#7) pg. 86

How to make black and white slides of old photographs, color negatives or color slides using Pantomatic-X film.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1970 (v.34#1) pg. 38

Using Kodak Ektachrome-X film as a print film to make positive transparencies from color negatives.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1970 (v.34#6) pg. 84

Copying black and white or color slides and making slides from black and white negatives. Basic considerations and a look at some available equipment. Part 1.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1973 (v.37#7) pg. 54

Becoming familiar with your slide duplicating setup for both negatives and positives is easier by starting with black and white.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1974 (v.38#1) pg. 28

A guide to slide duplicators.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1974 (v.38#2) pg. 98

Tips on color slide duplicating using Kodak Ektachrome slide duplicating film 5038. Save money by processing and mounting yourself.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1974 (v.38#6) pg. 34
Added Info MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1974 (v.38#7) pg. 16

Hints on using the Testrite-Kingdon Illuminated Slide Copier (Illuminator).
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1974 (v.38#7) pg. 89

Tip: A piece of plastic sewer pipe, lined with velvet, is used to keep stray light off of a slide that is being copied.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1977 (v.41#6) pg. 186

Making the perfect duplicate slide. Which film, lighting, filtration and exposure will give the desired results. Includes tips on equipment and techniques.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1978 (v.42#2) pg. 104

Light box for duping transparencies up to 8"x10". Features incandescent lights for focusing and electronic flash for exposure.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1978 (v.42#9) pg. 116

Light box for 35mm slide copying. Features a 25-40 watt light for focusing, an electronic flash for exposure, a swivel mirror to select the light source, a condensor to concentrate the light source directly on the slide, and a sliding camera holder for focusing.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1978 (v.42#9) pg. 116

Tips on making slides from color negatives using the new Vericolor slide film.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1979 (v.43#7) pg. 68

How to make black & white slides or b&w negatives from color transparencies. The technique involves using a 35mm SLR and an enlarger both equipped with 135mm lenses.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1981 (v.45#7) pg. 102

Tip: Make duplicate slides at a slightly greater than 1:1 magnification to eliminate shadow from the mount.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1982 (v.46#10) pg. 61

Tip: Enlarge the opening of a plastic slide mount with a file so that you can duplicate slides at 1:1 without getting an "extra" border from the slide mount.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1983 (v.47#7) pg. 95

Odd coupling. Tips on how to make or modify your own camera equipment. Includes ideas for slide duplicating, adding bellows, light metering, etc.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1984 (v.48#4) pg. 84

Use an adjustable lens hood as a focusing platform in photomacrography or slide copying.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1985 (v.49#3) pg. 55

Cure your bad slides with corrective duping.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1986 (v.50#3) pg. 44

Put the moon in your photos for impact and mystery. Single exposure, double exposure, and slide duplicating techniques are viewed.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1986 (v.50#9) pg. 34
Added Info MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1987 (v.51#2) pg. 76

Duplicating slides. An inside look at how to get the most from your original. Looks at films, equipment and techniques used by professionals.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1988 (v.52#7) pg. 36
Correction MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1988 (v.52#9) pg. 86

One setup for refilming large color transparencies onto 35mm.
PHOTO METHODS FOR INDUSTRY Aug 1972 (v.15#8) pg. 48

Making large format duplicates (4x5 color transparencies) from 35mm slides or medium-format originals using an enlarger.
PHOTO TECHNIQUES Jan-Feb 1996 (v.17#1) pg. 21

How to make color corrections when using inexpensive slide duplicating techniques.
PHOTO TECHNIQUES Jan-Feb 1998 (v.19#1) pg. 24

Build a horizontal copy stand. Collapsible stand is built mostly of plywood. Uses two clamp-on flood lights for illumination. Can also be used for slide duplication.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Feb 1978 (v.6#10) pg. 49C

How to make a slide duplicating platform. Wooden platform, with adjustment scales, keeps camera and light source (flash unit) at a precise distance from each other, thus allowing consistent results.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Dec 1978 (v.7#8) pg. 45

Tricks with a Beseler 23CII enlarger. Attach a 35mm camera to enlarger for (1) slide copying by placing slide to be copied in the negative carrier and (2) copying documents and other objects onto 35mm film by using the enlarger as an adjustable copystand for the camera.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Aug 1979 (v.8#4) pg. 56

Tip: Use a glassine envelope taped to a window as a slide holder when you want to make a copy of the slide.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Oct 1979 (v.8#6) pg. 110

How to make 35mm black-and-white slides from either color negatives or b&w negatives by rephotographing the negative using a slide copying setup.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Dec 1981 (v.10#8) pg. 76

How to use the Mangum Sickles ChromaPro slide duplicator.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Jul 1983 (v.12#3) pg. 68

How to make "reverberated" slides. Done by rephotographing slides which have been illuminated with a pinhole light source.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Dec 1983 (v.12#8) pg. 106

Detail explosion. How to enlarge a small section of a color slide and produce a duplicate slide on High-Speed Ektachrome, Agfachrome 64, Fujichrome 400, or 3M Colorslide 1000 films.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Sep 1984 (v.13#5) pg. 58

Positive film and negative processing. Create special effect color photos by sandwiching and/or duplicating color slides onto negative and infrared color film and rephotographing. The processing can be done by any color lab.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Dec 1984 (v.13#8) pg. 30

Slide dupe composites. Some tips on making precise slide composites at home.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Sep 1985 (v.14#5) pg. 72

Build an easy slide duping platform from wood. The platform holds your flash unit and SLR camera in proper alignment for using a slide copying adaptor. The distance between flash and camera is adjustable.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Nov 1985 (v.14#7) pg. 76

How to make black-and-white slides from black-and-white negatives by making contact sheets on high-contrast litho film.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Dec 1985 (v.14#8) pg. 30

Great grain. Explore your slides magnified 40X by viewing and re-photographing them through a microscope.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Jan 1986 (v.14#9) pg. 20

Creating the illusion of a mirror-image in the slide duping process.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Jan 1986 (v.14#9) pg. 50

Playing with posterization. Part 1. How to make posterized color transparencies. Includes ideas for making your own light box, registered printing easel, processing equipment, etc.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Mar 1986 (v.14#11) pg. 56

Playing with posterization. Part 2.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Apr 1986 (v.14#12) pg. 66

Slide duplicating. How you do it. Why you do it. How to do it well.
PHOTOGRAPHIC May 1986 (v.15#1) pg. 64

Using basic slide duplication techniques to add clouds to empty skies.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Oct 1986 (v.15#6) pg. 22

Reflections where you want them. How to rephotograph a slide image and make it appear that the image is reflected in a body of water or other reflecting surface.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Apr 1987 (v.15#12) pg. 50

Color film transformations. Shooting color negatives as slides. How to reverse color negative film into slides using a slide duplicator and Kodak Vericolor Slide Film (SO-279).
PHOTOGRAPHIC Apr 1988 (v.16#12) pg. 54

Color print film to large-format transparencies. Some tips on printing color negative stock onto a print film.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Apr 1988 (v.16#12) pg. 56

Macromasking. Special effects photographs are created using a technique known as "masking" or "photocomposition". Multiple transparencies are combined into one final image. Kodalith film masks eliminate double exposures in overlapping areas. The process is described and illustrated step-by-step.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Aug 1988 (v.17#4) pg. 24

Making perfect slide duplicates. What is available in color duping films and how to best use them.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Oct 1991 (v.20#6) pg. 46

Convert your negatives. Using Kodak Vericolor Slide Film SO-279 to turn color or black-and-white negatives into slides. Also used to reverse type for slide shows and generate special effects from ordinary transparencies.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Mar 1996 (v.24#11) pg. 40

Making black and white transparencies from negatives in a short time. Use a roll-film camera back and an enlarger.
PHOTOMETHODS Dec 1974 (v.17#12) pg. 39

Slide duplicating. A look at available films and equipment tailored to fit your needs.
PHOTOMETHODS Jul 1976 (v.19#7) pg. 37

Tips on making duplicates of color slides and some problems in both exposure and processing you should be aware of.
PHOTOMETHODS Jul 1977 (v.20#7) pg. 19

Use a Chromega B Dichroic Lamphouse as the light box for a slide duplicating setup. Use an existing copy stand, bellows and SLR camera to simplify construction.
PHOTOMETHODS May 1978 (v.21#5) pg. 60

Convert an old desk into a slide copying setup.
PHOTOMETHODS Jul 1978 (v.21#7) pg. 63

Rothschild on slide copying. The dean of inveterate picture-experimenters gives some guidance and evaluates a new accessory.
PHOTOMETHODS Jan 1979 (v.22#1) pg. 45

Experiment with reverse color for your AV slides by making copies of both color and b&w negatives onto Vericolor Slide Film Type 5072. Filters may be used to add color to copies of b&w negatives.
PHOTOMETHODS Oct 1980 (v.23#10) pg. 56

Slide duplicating: A look at the options. Four photographers tell how and why they duplicate slides.
PHOTOMETHODS Mar 1982 (v.25#3) pg. 56

Copying colored slides with infrared film can result in duplicates with strikingly different colors.
PHOTOMETHODS Aug 1982 (v.25#8) pg. 36

How to use a 4x5 camera to duplicate 35mm slides.
PHOTOMETHODS May 1985 (v.28#5) pg. 9

Tips on making the best slide duplicates.
PHOTOMETHODS Jul 1985 (v.28#7) pg. 40

Automated slide duplicating. Tips on combining a Carousel slide projecter with an automatic camera to make duplicates of slides without removing them from the slide trays.
PHOTOMETHODS Jul 1985 (v.28#7) pg. 43

Slide duplicating the easy way. Reducing the trial and error involved in establishing a new filter pack.
PHOTOMETHODS Aug 1987 (v.30#8) pg. 18

A 35mm slide copier will duplicate positive transparencies, reduce from larger transparencies, correct for under or over exposure when copying, produce title slides, and make color or black and white negatives from original tranparencies.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1967 (v.127#2) pg. 182

How to copy your slides at home and improve them through cropping, filtering and enlarging. A review of available equipment and techniques.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1975 (v.144#2) pg. 64

Slide-copy illuminator built from a cardboard box. It uses a small electronic flash unit for the light source.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1976 (v.145#1) pg. 69

Tips on duplication of color slides.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1969 (v.64#4) pg. 71

Some simple ways for budget-priced slide duplicating.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1970 (v.66#1) pg. 75

Using the inexpensive Polaroid Colorpack Land Camera to do close-ups, slide copying, multiple exposures and photomicrography.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1970 (v.67#2) pg. 98

Copy your own slides. Hang an SLR camera on an enlarger, pointing up through a lens board. The slides to be duplicated are placed in the negative carrier.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1972 (v.70#4) pg. 74

How to copy slides with infrared color film.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1974 (v.75#2) pg. 102

Rephotographing slides using a lot of filtering, plus deliberate overheating, scratching, etc. can produce interesting results.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1975 (v.77#3) pg. 64

Copying slides through an inexpensive cylinder lens produces images that are "stretched" along one axis. Est. cost: $6.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1976 (v.79#4) pg. 118

A new way to dupe your slides with electronic flash using the Spiratone Dupliscope Calibrated-Exposure Scale.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Dec 1976 (v.79#6) pg. 34

The power of negative thinking. Transform your slides by copying them in complementary colors, filtered to your taste, and in bas-relief if you like.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1979 (v.85#5) pg. 126

How to duplicate your slides. By copying them you can improve their color, rescue faded images and reframe them.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1982 (v.89#4) pg. 102

How to shoot color-negative (print) films and still end up with slides for projection. Tips on copy color slides made on Kodak Vericolor slide film from original color negative.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1984 (v.91#6) pg. 22

The aperture-priority advantage. How versatile automatic SLRs can handle fascinating lenses and attachments with a minimum of fuss. Includes tips on using the soft-focus lens, long telephotos, mirror lenses, reverse rings, and slide copiers.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1985 (v.92#3) pg. 60

How to make large display transparencies from color slides or color negative.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1985 (v.92#6) pg. 25

How to make abstract mirror-image slides using both the "flip-flop" and "sandwiching" technique.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1986 (v.93#8) pg. 7

Image building slide-by-slide. Create a new reality for your old slides by combining several of them on a single frame of film.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1988 (v.95#3) pg. 54
Correction POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1988 (v.95#6) pg. 96

Simple chart indicates which 35mm film you can use to make both a slide and negative from an existing color slide, color negative, or b&w negative.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1991 (v.98#1) pg. 154

Tip on using a flash to illuminate slides with a tube-type, camera-mounted slide duplicator.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1994 (v.58#9) pg. 168

How to duplicate slides using your SLR and an inexpensive attachment.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1994 (v.58#10) pg. 42

How to duplicate and improve slides.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1995 (v.59#10) pg. 57

Best how-to tips to duplicate your slides using simple equipment.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1998 (v.62#10) pg. 79

Slide duping tips and techniques.
SHUTTERBUG #258 Mar 1992 (v.21#5) pg. 28

Making enlarged dupes of color slides on sheet film using an ordinary enlarger equipped with a colorhead.
SHUTTERBUG #259 Apr 1992 (v.21#6) pg. 20

Two basic methods to correct your faded slides. (1) Make an internegative followed with a new transparency. (2) Dupe the slide using color-correction filters.
SHUTTERBUG #261 Jun 1992 (v.21#8) pg. 64

Duplicating transparencies. An introduction to the four ways to make dupes and typical equipment.
SHUTTERBUG #265 Oct 1992 (v.21#12) pg. 62

Making color internegatives on Fuji film using the Beseler 45A Color Head.
SHUTTERBUG #265 Oct 1992 (v.21#12) pg. 106

Copying slides. Various methods for creating quality dupes.
SHUTTERBUG #313 Oct 1996 (v.25#12) pg. 148

Slide duplicating. Advice on film stock, procedures, and equipment from an experienced duplicator.
SHUTTERBUG #337 Oct 1998 (v.27#12) pg. 138

Making duplicate color negatives and slides.
SHUTTERBUG #355 Apr 2000 (v.29#6) pg. 219

Enhance astronomical photographs (color slides) by making duplicate slides in which you color correct, do masking, etc. Some tips.
SKY & TELESCOPE Aug 1979 (v.58#2) pg. 184

How to enhance astronomical photographs with a slide copier by making enlargements, reversals, etc.
SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1983 (v.66#6) pg. 574

Improve astrophotos by copying and duplicating the images onto a different film. Tips on selecting equipment, film, lighting, etc.
SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1987 (v.74#3) pg. 326