Portable electric cut-off saws. Versatile remodeling tools that cut concrete, masonry, metal and stone. What is available and tips on their use and maintenance.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #62 Aug-Sep 1990 pg. 80
Correction FINE HOMEBUILDING #64 Dec 1990-Jan 1991 pg. 12
Low cost swing cutoff for metal.
POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1963 (v.120#3) pg. 179
Portable abrasive cutoff machine. Consists of a 1-hp motor, arbor, and a hinged pivot arm.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1967 (v.127#2) pg. 190
A pivoting bracket allows a portable circular saw to be used as an abrasive cutoff machine. Bracket fastens to a vise which grips the work being cut.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1967 (v.128#5) pg. 184
Make an abrasive cutoff machine from a 1/4 hp motor, a 12"x12" steel base mounted on casters, and a set of shafts and pillow blocks used as mandrels for buffing.
POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1971 (v.136#3) pg. 166
A portable circular saw, equipped with a metal cutting blade, and installed in this special jig, becomes a cutoff machine for handling metal cutting. Jig provides a means of pivoting the saw and protecting the operator from flying sparks. You will be able to cut through metal rods, pipe, angle iron and hardened steel.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1974 (v.142#5) pg. 150
Tip: Friction-cut stainless steel on a table saw using an old, dull fine-tooth plywood blade.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #46 Dec 1985-Jan 1986 pg. 68
Homemade grinding or abrasive cutoff disk is made by applying rock tumbling grit to fiberglass using epoxy cement. The resulting disk is very thin and flexible. Tips on using this disk to cut Plexiglas are included.
SPORT AVIATION Sep 1985 (v.34#9) pg. 68
Cutting metal (iron or steel) using a friction-cutting circular saw blade which burns its way through metal faster than a toothed blade can cut.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1969 (v.25#6) pg. 54
Tips on selecting and using hacksaws and other metal sawing tools.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1980 (v.36#4) pg. 45