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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Clean spark plugs by boiling in water mixed with baking soda.
DIRT RIDER #91 Jun 1990 pg. 31

Tip on using oven cleaner to clean spark plugs.
DIRT RIDER #95 Oct 1990 pg. 95

How to make a spark tester from a new spark plug, cord and alligator clip.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #337 Apr 1993 (v.43#4) pg. 59

Preventive maintenance. Spark plug do's and don'ts. Tips on removal, cleaning and gaping.
HOME MECHANIX #710 Jun 1987 (v.83) pg. 16

Tip on adapting your shop vacuum to suck out debris from spark plug wells prior to removing the plugs.
MOTORCYCLIST #1166 Jun 1994 pg. 116

The truth about spark plugs. How they work, how to identify problems, modern designs, installing new plugs, etc.
MOTORCYCLIST #1177 May 1995 pg. 73

Tip: New sparkplugs must be gapped before using.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1987 (v.164#1) pg. 37

Tip: Use Freon to cool off sparkplugs before removing them from an aluminum engine.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1987 (v.164#5) pg. 24

Sandblaster to clean sparkplugs. Est. cost: $1.
POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1969 (v.195#3) pg. 146

Tip on correct tightening for sparkplugs without a torque wrench.
POPULAR SCIENCE Feb 1986 (v.228#2) pg. 119

Tip: Use a hose clamp and electrical clip to hold a spark plug on a grounded surface when testing.
POPULAR SCIENCE Mar 1986 (v.228#3) pg. 112

Make this simple tool to do spark testing or confirming on snowblower, lawnmower, and automobile engines.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #188 Mar 1992 (v.16#8) pg. 26

Make a clip to hold a sparkplug against the motor frame when checking for spark.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #52 Dec 1986-Jan 1987 pg. 72
Correction SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #53 Feb-Mar 1987 pg. 5