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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


How to make faux flocking by clipping bristles from cotton pipe cleaners or chenille stems.
DOLLHOUSE MINIATURES Oct 1998 (v.28#10) pg. 73

Flocking a box. Simple, inexpensive method for adding a velvety lining.
FINE WOODWORKING #95 Jul-Aug 1992 pg. 86

Applying a coat of ground up velvet to objects. Coat objects with glue, subject them to an electrostatic charge, and then let the velvet be attracted to the surface. A new kit has everything needed to do this type of finishing.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1974 (v.142#5) pg. 158

How to apply Suede-Tex (a spray-on suede flocking) to small box interiors.
WOOD MAGAZINE #66 Dec 1993 (v.10#9) pg. 76

Tip on various ways to apply "Suede-Tex" flocking material to the inside of jewelry boxes, etc.
WOODSMITH #46 Aug 1986 pg. 23