Tip on installing a drain valve on the gasoline tank of larger garden tools. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL May-Jun 1998 (v.82#3) pg. 50
Tip on improving a five-gallon gas can's vent and pour spout. DIRT RIDER #129 Aug 1993 pg. 24
Tip on installing a grounding strap inside a plastic fuel container. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS May-Aug 1993 pg. 10
What you need to know about gasoline and gasoline additives. FAMILY HANDYMAN #259 May-Jun 1985 (v.35#5) pg. 117
Tip on checking the quality of "old" gasoline in outdoor power equipment. FAMILY HANDYMAN #295 Feb 1989 (v.39#2) pg. 90
Tips on problem-free use of gasohol in your automobile. FAMILY HANDYMAN #298 May 1989 (v.39#5) pg. 98
Tip on the life of treated gasoline in standby or low-use gasoline powered devices. FAMILY HANDYMAN #354 Jan 1995 (v.45#1) pg. 84
Tip: Do not use unleaded gasoline in air-cooled mower, tiller, chainsaw, and similar garden engines. FLOWER & GARDEN Feb-Mar 1982 (v.26#2) pg. 66
A discussion on the impact of ethanol and methyl tertiary butyl ether gasoline additives on power lawn equipment. FLOWER & GARDEN Aug-Sep 1993 (v.37#4) pg. 60
What you can do about bad fuel. Advice on selecting and buying gasoline for your automobile. Tips on fuel additives. Tips on alcohol/gasoline mixtures. Tips on using less gasoline. HOME MECHANIX #710 Jun 1987 (v.83) pg. 76
How to determine the amount of alcohol, if any, that is present in gasoline. This test is designed for field use, where time and simplicity are important factors. HOMEBUILT AIRCRAFT Feb 1986 (v.13#2) pg. 18
Preventing gas pains. How to do a field test of a gasoline's properties (either avgas or auto gas). LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1992 (v.14#1) pg. 16
Buying the right gasoline for your car. The meaning of octane ratings and the choice between leaded and unleaded. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #560 Jan 1975 (v.71) pg. 54
How to pick the right gasoline for your car. POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1971 (v.135#2) pg. 122
Tips on gas and oil to use in today's two-cycle engines. POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1972 (v.137#4) pg. 93
How to strech your gasoline dollar. Retune your car to use regular gasoline instead of high-octane premium fuel. POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1975 (v.144#6) pg. 64
Troubleshooting fuel systems and gasoline questions. PM 1976 Car Care Guide. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1976 (v.145#5) pg. 196
Tip: Use powdered BHT (butyl-hydroxytolune), a common food preservative, to keep gasoline fresh. POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1986 (v.163#2) pg. 66
How to test gasoline to determine the amount of alcohol that has been blended in. POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1990 (v.167#7) pg. 22
Special 16-page report on auto gasoline. A discussion of additives, octane, lead and detergents. POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1968 (v.192#6) pg. 115
Should you use lead-free gas in small engines? Results of a comparative test. POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1971 (v.199#1) pg. 83
How to test for alcohol in your fuel. POPULAR SCIENCE Apr 1987 (v.230#4) pg. 116
Technique for testing auto fuel for the presence of alcohol. SPORT AVIATION Aug 1993 (v.42#8) pg. 98