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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Satellite TV. Overview of the equipment and installation needed to receive quality signals from television broadcast satellites.
HOME MECHANIX #748 Sep 1990 (v.86) pg. 78
Correction HOME MECHANIX #751 Dec 1990-Jan 1991 (v.86) pg. 86

A consumers guide to satellite television.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #663 Aug 1983 (v.79) pg. 53

Simple switching arrangement for satellite television receivers helps decode stereo or SAP for enhanced audio.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1990 (v.7#11) pg. 25

Guide to selecting satellite TV receivers.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1986 (v.163#10) pg. 138

Build this backyard satellite TV receiver. Part 2. Several different approaches to making a front end that will work.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Mar 1980 (v.51#3) pg. 38

Build this backyard satellite TV receiver. Part 3. Receiver-system hardware.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1980 (v.51#4) pg. 47
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1980 (v.51#8) pg. 22

Build this satellite TV receiver. Part 1. Goes with the 8-ball antenna presented in 1981. Est. cost: $495.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1982 (v.53#5) pg. 49

Build this satellite TV receiver. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1982 (v.53#6) pg. 61

Build this satellite TV receiver. Part 3. Alignment and troubleshooting.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1982 (v.53#7) pg. 77

SPECIAL SECTION: Receiving satellite television.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1984 (v.55#6) pg. 45

Build this satellite stereo demodulator for your TVRO (television receive only) home satellite system. Est. cost: $79.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1984 (v.55#10) pg. 51
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1985 (v.56#5) pg. 22

SPECIAL SECTION. A buyer's guide to satellite-TV reception equipment.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1984 (v.55#10) pg. 63

Satellite TV receiving station. Installing your TVRO and what to know before you buy. Part 1.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1985 (v.56#6) pg. 45, 49

Satellite TV receiving station. Installing your TVRO and what to know before you buy. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1985 (v.56#7) pg. 47, 51

Build a high-performance satellite-TV receiver. Requires only a TV and a voltmeter to align. It accepts a standard 70-MHz input and features continuous transponder-tuning, tunable audio subcarrier with switchable bandwidth, a polarization control circuit, defeatable AFC, and an integral crystal-controlled RF modulator for output on TV channel 3 or 4. Est. cost: $99. Part 1.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1986 (v.57#1) pg. 45

Build a high-performance satellite-TV receiver. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1986 (v.57#2) pg. 57, 89

Satellite-TV descrambler. Learn about the "Telease-Maast" scrambling system and build a decoder for this medium-security system. Est. cost: $110.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1986 (v.57#10) pg. 50, 77, 78
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1986 (v.57#12) pg. 8