Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #52 May-Jun 1985 pg. 6
How to apply turquoise chips to the skull of a cow (or other animal) to form artwork with an "Indian" theme.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #554 Dec 1983 pg. 10
Bone, economical and versatile. Bone makes a good substitute for ivory and can be easily carved with the right methods.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1990 (v.44#7) pg. 97
Maori-style carved pendants. Intermediate-to-advanced bone-carving project.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Feb 1999 (v.52#11) pg. 76
Playing the bones. How to use dry beef bones as a rhythm-making musical instrument.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #74 Mar-Apr 1982 pg. 62
A dozen projects to make which utilize antlers from deer, elk, etc.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #74 Mar-Apr 1982 pg. 76
Bone craft. How to carve things from the bones of cattle. How to prepare the bone, saw, file, and finish the piece.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Spring 1980 (v.11#1) pg. 24
Tips on preparing the skull of longhorn bull or cow for painting.
TOLE WORLD #126 Jan-Feb 1994 (v.18#1) pg. 47
Netsuke carving. Part 1. The preparation of bone for carving.
WOODCARVING #27 Jun 1996 pg. 69
Netsuke carving. Part 2. Ukibori technique of using compression to create raised areas and Happonirami technique for carving amber eyes for animals and birds are described.
WOODCARVING #28 Jul-Aug 1996 pg. 56
Advice about turning bone and ivory for bobbins and cabinet knobs.
WOODTURNING #15 Jul-Aug 1993 pg. 14
Shake rattle and roll. How to turn a replacement bone handle for an antique silver rattle.
WOODTURNING #73 Mar 1999 pg. 47
Antler for turning. Selecting and turning antler material from various animals (elk, deer, moose, ...). Part 1.
WOODTURNING #76 Jun 1999 pg. 47
Antler for turning. Selecting and turning antler material from various animals (elk, deer, moose, ...). Part 2. Turning a natural-edge antler bowl.
WOODTURNING #77 Jul 1999 pg. 50
Soup bone jewelry. How to prepare the bone and decorate it with wire and rivets.
WORKBASKET Jun-Jul 1991 (v.56#5) pg. 52