Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #44 Jan-Feb 1984 pg. 18
Tip: Use a printers' brayer (a soft-rubber roller) to spread glue.
FINE WOODWORKING #44 Jan-Feb 1984 pg. 8
Tip: Use serrated plastic knives to spread glue.
FINE WOODWORKING #54 Sep-Oct 1985 pg. 12
Tip: Use a feeler gauge to work glue into a crack.
FINE WOODWORKING #59 Jul-Aug 1986 pg. 8
Improved glue spreader made from piece of hacksaw blade and a dowel.
FINE WOODWORKING #65 Jul-Aug 1987 pg. 8
Combine a mason jar, lid and a disposable foam paintbrush to make a good glue pot.
FINE WOODWORKING #70 May-Jun 1988 pg. 10
Tip: Use weather stripping and popsicle sticks to make disposable glue applicators.
FINE WOODWORKING #73 Nov-Dec 1988 pg. 8
Tip: Use antiseptic squeeze bottles from a veterinarian to apply glue or oil.
FINE WOODWORKING #74 Jan-Feb 1989 pg. 8
Spreading contact cement is easier with a spreader made from carpet scraps and a plastic ketchup bottle to dispense the glue.
FINE WOODWORKING #79 Nov-Dec 1989 pg. 14
Throwaway glue roller made from coat hanger wire, scrap wood block, and short paint-roller segment.
FINE WOODWORKING #88 May-Jun 1991 pg. 20
Tip on using the threads of a carriage bolt as a glue spreader when edge gluing.
FINE WOODWORKING #121 Nov-Dec 1996 pg. 22
Tip on using a section of old tape measure to force glue into cracks.
FINE WOODWORKING #123 Mar-Apr 1997 pg. 30
Tip on using a modified toothbrush to apply glue in biscuit slots.
FINE WOODWORKING #125 Jul-Aug 1997 pg. 30
Tip on using 3" paint rollers to apply glue.
FINE WOODWORKING #126 Sep-Oct 1997 pg. 32
Tip on using a plastic fork to spread carpenter's glue.
HOMEOWNER Oct 1989 (v.14#8) pg. 64
Tip: Use a paint roller and plastic tray (made from a plastic jug) to apply glue to large areas.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Mar-Apr 1981 (v.6#2) pg. 12
Tip: Use a Hot-Melt Glue gun in preparing wax models for casting. How to cast your own wax sticks from bulk wax.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #545 Mar 1983 pg. 30
Tip: How to improve the flow of "HOT STUFF" glue used in mounting rocks, etc. by modifying the spout of the bottle.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Apr 1981 (v.35#1) pg. 234
Tip on making your own bottles with built-in daubers for use when dyeing leather, applying cement, etc.
LEATHER CRAFTSMAN Mar-Apr 1990 (v.6#2) pg. 56
Tips for using glue guns.
POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1970 (v.134#3) pg. 188
Electric glue gun caddy. A holder for hot glue guns which catches the glue that oozes out. Has a built-in scraper and holds extra glue sticks.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1974 (v.142#2) pg. 152
Tip on making serrated adhesive spreaders from old hacksaw blades.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1976 (v.145#1) pg. 152
Tip: Cut old plastic credit cards with pinking shears to form notched glue spreaders.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1981 (v.155#3) pg. 102
Workshop minicourse. Using hot-melt glue. Some tips.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1985 (v.162#1) pg. 34
Simple guide fits around a glue bottle's spout and keeps glue from running off board when edge gluing.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1987 (v.164#2) pg. 142
Tip: Use a strip of felt, leather or cardboard as a disposable "brush" when applying paint, stain or glue.
POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1987 (v.164#9) pg. 51
Roll-on glue for more uniform gluing.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jan 1964 (v.184#1) pg. 109
Good jobs you can do with electric glue guns.
POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1969 (v.195#4) pg. 184
Glue-gun "shoot-out". What is available in glue guns and tips on their use.
POPULAR SCIENCE May 1984 (v.224#5) pg. 108
Glue guns. What is available in hot-melt glue guns and tips on their use.
PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER Nov-Dec 1988 (v.3#9) pg. 76
Tip on keeping a glue syringe operating smoothly and without any hesitation.
SCALE WOODCRAFT #7 Winter 1987 pg. 12
Tip on using a toothbrush as a glue applicator.
SHOPNOTES #7 Jan 1993 (v.2) pg. 29
Simple glue brush is made with manila rope threaded through a hollow dowel.
SHOPNOTES #28 Jul 1996 (v.5) pg. 29
Tip on making a glue applicator bottle to get the glue into cracks and tight spots.
SPEAKER BUILDER 2/1991 [Apr 1991] (v.12#2) pg. 53
Tip shows how to spread wood glue into splits and other narrow spaces.
TODAY'S HOMEOWNER #816 Jun 1997 (v.93) pg. 29
Tip shows how to make glue brushes from an old paintbrush.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #50 Mar 1996 (v.9#2) pg. 5
Tip: Use carpet scraps, fastened to a wooden block, to apply contact cement. Discard carpet scrap after use.
WOOD MAGAZINE #11 Jun 1986 (v.3#3) pg. 16
Tip: Use a dental probe to force glue into narrow cracks.
WOOD MAGAZINE #17 Jun 1987 (v.4#3) pg. 16
Glue caddy. Circular caddy with a handle and holes for supporting bottles of glue, brushes, etc.
WOOD MAGAZINE #25 Oct 1988 (v.5#5) pg. 68
Tip: Use aluminum foil to keep contact cement from collecting in the rim or running down the sides of the can.
WOOD MAGAZINE #26 Dec 1988 (v.5#6) pg. 16
Tip: Electrical connectors (wire nuts) make excellent replacement caps for plastic glue bottles.
WOOD MAGAZINE #32 Dec 1989 (v.6#6) pg. 22
How to get glue into dowel holes without a mess.
WOOD MAGAZINE #42 Apr 1991 (v.8#3) pg. 16
Tip recommends rolling on glue for better coverage when laminating or edge-gluing stock.
WOOD MAGAZINE #48 Dec 1991 (v.8#9) pg. 16
How to slip glue into a tight spot using a folded piece of paper.
WOOD MAGAZINE #49 Jan 1992 (v.9#1) pg. 14
Shop vacuum helps suck glue into a tight spot.
WOOD MAGAZINE #52 Jun 1992 (v.9#4) pg. 15
Tip on using old toothbrushes as glue applicators for biscuit joints.
WOOD MAGAZINE #81 Sep 1995 (v.12#6) pg. 15
Spray adhesive drawer. A shallow drawer, fitted with a hardware cloth insert, is used to trap overspray from using spray adhesives.
WOOD MAGAZINE #111 Winter 1998 (v.15#9) pg. 20
Using a sponge applicator to apply adhesive to the small segments being glued up to form a turning blank.
WOOD MAGAZINE #142 Jun-Jul 2002 (v.19#4) pg. 28
Tip: Make several small glue brushes from a single inexpensive paint brush.
WOODSMITH #7 Jan 1980 pg. 3
Tip: Use a high quality artist's brush to spread glue.
WOODSMITH #32 Mar-Apr 1984 pg. 23
Tip: Use a feeler gauge to push glue into tight spots, under veneer, etc.
WOODSMITH #50 Apr 1987 pg. 3
Tip: Replacement stopper for a plastic glue bottle is made from vinyl tubing.
WOODSMITH #59 Oct 1988 pg. 3
Tip: How to glue a handle (dowel) into a hole without smearing glue on the end as it goes into the hole.
WOODSMITH #65 Oct 1989 pg. 3
Tip: Use a pencil-style typewriter eraser with bristles on one end to insert glue into grooves and other small places.
WOODSMITH #66 Dec 1989 pg. 3
Improved glue applicator uses PVC pipe in place of shortened paint rollers.
WOODSMITH #116 Apr 1998 (v.20) pg. 4
Tip: Use ice scrapers to spread glue.
WOODWORK #4 Winter 1989 pg. 24
Tip on using sponge brush handles as glue spreaders.
WOODWORK #17 Sep-Oct 1992 pg. 10
Tip on making a glue roller from PVC pipe.
WOODWORK #21 May-Jun 1993 pg. 14
Tip on restoring a brush that has become stiff from dried white or yellow glue.
WOODWORK #37 Feb 1996 pg. 6
Tip on using flexible rubber spatulas to apply wood glue.
WOODWORK #44 Apr 1997 pg. 10
Tip on filling smaller bench-sized bottles from 1-gallon jugs of glue.
WOODWORKER Sep 1988 (v.92#9) pg. 780
Tip: Use plastic shampoo bottles with built-in hooks to store glues.
WOODWORKER Dec 1988 (v.92#12) pg. 1163
Tip on using a glue gun to join bowl-turning blanks to a scrap piece of wood.
WOODWORKER Aug 1989 (v.93#8) pg. 740
Tip on keeping glue in large containers fresh. Tips on filling smaller squeeze bottles and keeping their contents fresh and usable.
WOODWORKER Nov 1989 (v.93#11) pg. 1076
Tip: Make a glue dispenser for dowel holes.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL May-Jun 1977 (v.1#3) pg. 16
Tip: Use an artist's pallet knife for spreading glue.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1984 (v.8#2) pg. 7
Tip: Use short paint rollers to apply glue.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1984 (v.8#2) pg. 58
Added Info WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1984 (v.8#4) pg. 7
Tip: Soften "white glue" brushes by soaking in vinegar.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL May-Jun 1984 (v.8#3) pg. 50
Tip: Use plastic forks for speading yellow glue.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1987 (v.11#5) pg. 60
Tip on using custom-shaped foam brushes to apply adhesive to several surfaces of a box joint or dovetail joint at one time.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1994 (v.18#2) pg. 10
How to make a simple holder for a hot-glue gun.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1977 (v.33#2) pg. 93
Tip: Make a roughing plane to improve the glue surface between smooth-surfaced hardwoods (such as birch and maple). Made from wood and a piece of hacksaw blade.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1980 (v.36#5) pg. 11
Tip: Use a rubber kitchen spatula to spread glue.
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1982 (v.38#1) pg. 9
Make glue applicators from baling twine and masking tape.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1990 (v.46#6) pg. 69