Flexible mount for the elevator trim tab actuator cable. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Jun-Sep 1989 pg. 2
Tip on using a piece of wire attached to the top of a wing as a small spoiler to reduce lift and overcome a tendency to roll. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Jan-Mar 1990 pg. 9
Tips on using the trim tab should primary elevator control be lost. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Jun-Aug 1990 pg. 6
Technique for determining the amount of "play" in your elevator control rigging. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Jan 1995 pg. 6
Elevator control horn modification for the Lancair 320 and 360-MKII. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Summer 1995 pg. 9
Advice on aileron rigging and the effect of trailing edges on aileron forces. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Fall 1996 pg. 6
Aileron slave-strut stabilizer prevents wobbling from side-to-side during flight. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Winter 1997 pg. 8
Barn-door ailerons. How to utilize frise-type ailerons to eliminate wingtip stalls. HOMEBUILT AIRCRAFT Mar 1984 (v.11#3) pg. 54
Feeling good. A look at why the control response of an airplane singularly determines a pilot's degree of pleasure and confidence. A look at the tangible design features which contribute to this illusive personality trait. HOMEBUILT AIRCRAFT Jun 1984 (v.11#6) pg. 24
Fly-by-wire controls for homebuilt aircraft. Part 1. What it is and the advantages. KITPLANES Sep 1992 (v.9#9) pg. 22
Fly-by-wire controls for homebuilt aircraft. Part 2. Basic system design and reliability issues. KITPLANES Oct 1992 (v.9#10) pg. 35
Added Info KITPLANES Jan 1993 (v.10#1) pg. 2
Pitch sensitivity in homebuilt aircraft and very small airplanes. KITPLANES Jan 1994 (v.11#1) pg. 52
Correction KITPLANES Apr 1994 (v.11#4) pg. 4
Determining the source of longitudinal (pitch) stability problems. Part 1. KITPLANES Feb 1994 (v.11#2) pg. 58
Determining the source of longitudinal (pitch) stability problems. Part 2. KITPLANES Mar 1994 (v.11#3) pg. 56
Determining the source of longitudinal (pitch) stability problems. Part 3. KITPLANES Apr 1994 (v.11#4) pg. 56
Determining the source of longitudinal (pitch) stability problems. Part 4. Correcting the problems. KITPLANES May 1994 (v.11#5) pg. 82
Determining the source of longitudinal (pitch) stability problems. Part 5. Mechanical solutions to stick-force pitch sensitivity problems. KITPLANES Jun 1994 (v.11#6) pg. 70
Method for designing and modifying bellcranks using a simple plywood jig. KITPLANES Jul 1994 (v.11#7) pg. 82
Pushbutton electric flap controller for a homebuilt. KITPLANES Dec 1997 (v.14#12) pg. 12
Correction KITPLANES Mar 1998 (v.15#3) pg. 4
Balancing act. An explanation of the difference between static and dynamic balance in aircraft control surface design. KITPLANES Mar 1999 (v.16#3) pg. 76
Stop stalling. How to stallproof an airplane by limiting up-elevator travel without restricting nose-down control movement. KITPLANES Dec 1999 (v.16#12) pg. 108
Preflight control inspection tips. How to give your aircraft flight controls a really thorough preflight inspection, plus tips on lubricating hinges, pulleys, etc. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1987 (v.9#12) pg. 19
Troubleshooting tips for a Cessna 182 that requires strong right rudder in level flight. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1988 (v.10#11) pg. 20
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1989 (v.11#1) pg. 4
How to install gap seals on a Cherokee 140 and other light aircraft. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1990 (v.12#1) pg. 10
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1990 (v.12#3) pg. 4
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1990 (v.12#4) pg. 4
Cessna tail-feather inspection tips. Advice on three trouble spots involving the horizontal stabilizer and vertical fin that require careful inspection on older aircraft (2000+ hours). LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1990 (v.12#6) pg. 14
Common-sense control inspection tips. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1991 (v.13#3) pg. 7
Preflight control inspection tips. How to give your aircraft a thorough flight control inspection which looks at trim-tab free play, cable tension, control deflection, rod ends, etc. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1991 (v.13#8) pg. 16
Control surface rigging. Part 1. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1992 (v.14#7) pg. 21
Control surface rigging. Part 2. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1992 (v.14#8) pg. 8
Elevator trim tab inspections. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1992 (v.14#9) pg. 18
Tip on cleaning, checking and lubricating a sticking elevator trim mechanism on a 1963 Cherokee 180 (PA28-180). LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1994 (v.16#10) pg. 21
Trimming the electric way. Like all things with moving parts, your electric trim system needs to be periodically checked and tweaked. A look at three electric trim installations (Beech, Mooney, Cessna). LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1996 (v.18#8) pg. 16
Bendix/King autopilot. Troubleshooting autotrim anomalies in the KFC 200 pitch servo system. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1999 (v.21#4) pg. 10
Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1999 (v.21#7) pg. 23
Flutter and the aircraft craftsman. What causes flutter in control surfaces and how to prevent it. SPORT AVIATION Nov 1986 (v.35#11) pg. 66
Design and installation of an aileron spade. SPORT AVIATION Oct 1987 (v.36#10) pg. 66
Hand control system for an aircraft replaces rudder pedals. This conversion for a light plane allows a handicapped pilot to fly the aircraft. SPORT AVIATION Jun 1988 (v.37#6) pg. 34
Added Info SPORT AVIATION Sep 1988 (v.37#9) pg. 4
Bearing basics. Proper use and installation of bearings in flight control systems. SPORT AVIATION May 1989 (v.38#5) pg. 56
Control system savvy. Topics covered include control system options, rigging, differential aileron travel, connections, flaps, balance, correct hardware, gap seals, etc. SPORT AVIATION Sep 1993 (v.42#9) pg. 82
Electronic indicator for electrically actuated flaps, trim system, ... etc. uses LEDs to show the angle or position of the device. SPORT AVIATION Dec 1993 (v.42#12) pg. 76
Jig for precisely locating and drilling the rivet holes used to secure rod ends to control tubes. SPORT AVIATION Feb 1994 (v.43#2) pg. 92
A precision control quadrant (side-wall mounted) is made of aluminum and incorporates a throttle control, elevator trim, and an adjustable "friction" knob. SPORT AVIATION Apr 1994 (v.43#4) pg. 104
What's up with downsprings? How springs are incorporated into an airplane's control system. SPORT AVIATION Aug 1996 (v.45#8) pg. 89
Added Info SPORT AVIATION Sep 1996 (v.45#9) pg. 117
Control stick considerations focus on choice between center stick and side stick. SPORT AVIATION Oct 1996 (v.45#10) pg. 46
Control surface balancing in homebuilts. Includes flutter precaution basics and making lead balance weights. SPORT AVIATION Dec 1996 (v.45#12) pg. 76
An easy-to-make protractor to check control surface movements (in degrees) of ailerons, elevators, flaps, control tabs, and the rudder while rigging an airplane. SPORT AVIATION Jan 1998 (v.47#1) pg. 114
Control cable assemblies. Looks at cable, hardware, fabrication, installation, and inspection. SPORT AVIATION May 1998 (v.47#5) pg. 92
Trim speed band. How to determine the range of airspeeds which an airplane will maintain with no force on the stick applied by the pilot. This information will help determine the impact of control-system friction in trimming any given aircraft. SPORT AVIATION Jun 1998 (v.47#6) pg. 100
Proper use of a clevis bolt, thimble, and shackle to form an aircraft fitting which rotates. SPORT AVIATION Aug 1998 (v.47#8) pg. 113
Control lock attaches between the under-seat framework and the control stick. VINTAGE AIRPLANE Jan 1994 (v.22#1) pg. 24
Tip on maximizing the contact area between screw head and aileron horn on Cessna 120/140 ailerons. VINTAGE AIRPLANE Mar 1996 (v.24#3) pg. 5
Tabletop trainer shows airplane control. WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1963 (v.19#4) pg. 27