Added Info BOATING WORLD #123 Nov 1996 pg. 12
Tip on using a piece of PVC pipe to keep your boat from bumping into a mooring buoy while tethered to the buoy.
BOATING WORLD #122 Sep 1996 pg. 54
Tip on using a plastic laundry basket to store an anchor and rode (rope).
BOATING WORLD #128 Apr 1997 pg. 121
Preventing line chafe on mooring and anchor lines. Tips on using cleats, chocks and other means to prevent chafe.
BOATING WORLD #130 Jun 1997 pg. 75
Tip on outfitting an anchor with chain and rope for use on a muddy bottom.
BOATING WORLD #142 Sep 1998 pg. 72
Crunchless docking. Tips from Chapman School of Seamanship on docking a power boat in a protected slip or dock.
BOATING WORLD #145 Jan 1999 pg. 22
How to install an anchor windlass.
BOATING WORLD #152 Sep 1999 pg. 81
Docking make easy. Learning the basics.
BOATING WORLD #158 Apr 2000 pg. 32
Tip on attaching and using a Danforth-style anchor.
BOATING WORLD #165 Jan 2001 pg. 40
Savvy anchoring. Sixteen expert tips will help any boater master the art of anchoring.
BOATING WORLD #167 Mar 2001 pg. 24
Four basic steps to docking a motorboat.
BOATING WORLD #172 Sep 2001 (v.22) pg. 26
Anchoring your boat. Four basic rules reviewed.
BOATING WORLD #173 Nov 2001 (v.22) pg. 68
How to anchor a boat to keep it from swinging from side to side.
BOATING WORLD Jul 2002 (v.23#7) pg. 31
Using spring lines to dock and undock like a professional skipper.
BOATING WORLD Dec 2002 (v.23#10) pg. 36
Rafting up. Technique for correctly tying up several boats alongside each other to create a floating island where people circulate from boat to boat.
BOATING WORLD Jan 2003 (v.24#1) pg. 50
Anchoring big boats. Rethinking your anchoring techniques.
BOATING WORLD Feb 2003 (v.24#2) pg. 22
Camping tips. (1) Pocket-sized boat anchor. (2) Duct tape for repairs. (3) Velcro to bug-proof shirt cuffs. (4) How to keep lettuce and other veggies fresh for three days. (5) Pizza to make on a campstove.
BOYS' LIFE Sep 1991 (v.81#9) pg. 59
Tip on using old cast-iron machines to anchor a boat mooring chain.
FINE WOODWORKING #82 May-Jun 1990 pg. 116
Automatic mooring light turns on at night and off during the day. Made from a quart-size plastic freezer container. Operates from a 6- to 12-volt DC power source.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Feb 1987 (v.4#2) pg. 87
Tip: Build an anchor holder from PVC pipe to keep anchor from rolling around and causing damage.
HOME MECHANIX #719 Mar 1988 (v.84) pg. 84
Non-scratching concrete anchor made from a plastic bleach bottle.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #434 Jul 1964 (v.60) pg. 114
How to anchor successfully.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #443 Apr 1965 (v.61) pg. 80
What you should know about lines and anchors.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #535 Dec 1972 (v.68) pg. 50
Make your own anchor from a large coffee can, some flat iron and electrical conduit. Iron pushed through the can and filled with concrete forms the flukes and the conduit forms the neck.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #563 Apr 1975 (v.71) pg. 95
The ABCs of anchors.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #574 Mar 1976 (v.72) pg. 22
The ABCs of anchoring.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #580 Sep 1976 (v.72) pg. 22
Anchors and anchoring techniques.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1963 (v.119#5) pg. 142
Drift sock sea anchor cuts drift speed.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1963 (v.119#6) pg. 146
Make a mushroom anchor from a water tank.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1963 (v.120#2) pg. 157
No-snag anchor.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1964 (v.121#3) pg. 155
How to enter and leave a dock with a power boat without bumping the dock.
POPULAR SCIENCE Feb 1965 (v.186#2) pg. 118
Bump-proof docking rig for your boat.
POPULAR SCIENCE Aug 1965 (v.187#2) pg. 90
Tips and tricks for anchoring. Includes a guide to anchors and basic hardware needed to moor a boat.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1966 (v.188#6) pg. 112
The Slip-away. A technique for getting out of a tight mooring position single-handedly.
POPULAR SCIENCE Apr 1967 (v.190#4) pg. 136
Ocean grabber. Simple sea-anchor design consists of 90 or more 5"-diameter cones of sailcloth attached every 20" along a long length of line. Pattern for the cones included.
POPULAR SCIENCE Mar 1989 (v.234#3) pg. 110
Added Info POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1989 (v.235#1) pg. 104
Use a second line equipped with a carabiner or snap hook to facilitate pulling anchor singlehandedly.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #51 Oct-Nov 1986 pg. 70
Tip: How to anchor a day sailer from the boweye without the need for "acrobatics" to reach the boweye and without the need to play out all the anchor rope.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #52 Dec 1986-Jan 1987 pg. 71
Tip: Use rock climbers hardware to moor a canoe or other small craft to a rocky shore.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #52 Dec 1986-Jan 1987 pg. 72
Tip: Always throw the "spliced loop" end of a mooring line in order to maintain control of the boat being moored.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #53 Feb-Mar 1987 pg. 7
Tip: Portable mooring hook. This galvanized ring and S-hook device lets you moor a boat to almost any dock.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #53 Feb-Mar 1987 pg. 86
Rollers for pulling the anchor are made from rounds of hardwood plywood laminated together and waterproofed with epoxy.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #56 Aug-Sep 1987 pg. 76
How to modify a Bruce anchor so that it will cut through thick turtle grass.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #57 Oct-Nov 1987 pg. 70
Sea anchors and drogues for the safety-minded skipper. Advice on selection and use. Using a sail as an emergency sea anchor.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #58 Dec 1987-Jan 1988 pg. 48
Correction SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #61 Jun-Jul 1988 pg. 5
Added Info SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #62 Aug-Sep 1988 pg. 6
Getting a sailboat under way without power. How to escape a dock, mooring, or anchorage under sail alone.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #61 Jun-Jul 1988 pg. 12
Added Info SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #63 Oct-Nov 1988 pg. 8
Docking and anchoring under sail.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #63 Oct-Nov 1988 pg. 12
Tip on mooring an outrigger-equipped boat to a dock.
SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #67 Jun-Jul 1989 pg. 10
Staying put. A look at permanent moorings, including bottom chains, staples, mooring pennants, etc.
WOODENBOAT #117 Mar-Apr 1994 pg. 72
Improve the handling of a large sailboat by moving heavy anchors and anchor chains away from the bow toward the center of the boat.
WOODENBOAT #119 Jul-Aug 1994 pg. 47
Simple work barge (12x16-ft.) is fitted with an A-frame and hoist to facilitate setting and hauling moorings.
WOODENBOAT #142 May-Jun 1998 pg. 94