Video Palette II. A low-cost stand-alone device which works with a single video source to create special video effects, including: (1) Input amplification. (2) Inversion (negative image). (3) Posterization. (4) Solarization. (5) Fadeout. (6) Contrast reduction. Est. cost: $88 (kit).
ELECTRONICS NOW Jan 1999 (v.70#1) pg. 29
Video Palette. Part 1. Build this video effects generator that works on any standard NTSC video signal. Use it to correct tint, boost or cut chroma, add special effects, etc. How it works.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1987 (v.58#9) pg. 41
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1988 (v.59#2) pg. 14
Video palette. Part 2. Construction.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1987 (v.58#10) pg. 48, 75
Video scene switcher. Make smooth transitions between scenes when editing two video inputs into one. Generates various fades, wipes and video effects. Part 1.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1989 (v.60#11) pg. 33
Video scene switcher. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1989 (v.60#12) pg. 42, 80
Video special-effects generators. What they are, a summary of available features and how to select an SEG.
VIDEOMAKER Feb 1996 (v.10#8) pg. 22
A look at the role special effects generators play in the editing process. Differences between full-fledged video mixers and SEGs discussed.
VIDEOMAKER Sep 1996 (v.11#3) pg. 55