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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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Designing with crackle. An introduction to the weave structure and its threading and treadling variations.
HANDWOVEN Sep-Oct 1994 (v.15#4) pg. 36

Crackle patterns from twill profiles. (1) Three-point twill threading. (2) Treadled with a standard 2/2 tie-up. (3) Using 2/2 twills as profiles.
HANDWOVEN Sep-Oct 1994 (v.15#4) pg. 42

Crackle weave. An explanation of the threading draft and four samples. (1) Traditional squared blocks in twill succession. (2) Traditional blocks with Summer & Winter treadling. (3) Crackle blocks separated by bands of plain weave. Inlay is laid in on selected crackle blocks. (4) Crackle threading treadled as threaded with ornamental warp stripes.
SHUTTLE, SPINDLE & DYEPOT #97 Winter 1993-94 (v.25#1) pg. 44