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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   BRUSH

Make rotary wire brush for drill from screening.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #78 Feb 1964 (v.14#1) pg. 64

Tip on using steel wool to revitalize a wire brush used to clean the inside of copper plumbing fittings.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #111 Aug-Sep 1997 pg. 30

Tip on sharpening a wire wheel.
FINE WOODWORKING #38 Jan-Feb 1983 pg. 16

Tip on sharpening hand-held wire brushes.
FINE WOODWORKING #79 Nov-Dec 1989 pg. 14

Backpack paint removing machine. An electric motor mounted on a plywood frame which you carry on your back, a flexible shaft and a circular wire brush, make an effective paint removal system for large areas, like the side of a house.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1974 (v.141#5) pg. 152

Tip: Restore a wire brush by cutting off the worn-out bristles on the end of the brush.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1987 (v.164#3) pg. 61

Sheet metal bracket helps to maintain straight bristles on a wire brush.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #212 Mar 1994 (v.18#8) pg. 30

How to re-sharpen a wire brush.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1990 (v.46#3) pg. 20