Correction POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1973 (v.139#3) pg. 8
Car Care Guide. How to service and maintain a battery.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1973 (v.139#5) pg. S5
Car Care Guide. Servicing the battery and charging system.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1974 (v.141#5) pg. S48 (168+)
Tip: Only use a battery puller to remove battery cables.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1975 (v.144#6) pg. 42
The proper five-step method to use battery jumper cables.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1976 (v.145#1) pg. 24
All about automobile batteries. How they work, how they're made, how to buy one and how to take care of it.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1976 (v.145#2) pg. 80
Tip: Check your battery's "pigtail" wire for a loose or dirty connection.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1977 (v.147#2) pg. 56
What you should know about the care, testing and recharging of maintenance-free batteries.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1979 (v.151#1) pg. 106
How to inspect and maintain a battery.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1979 (v.152#4) pg. 168
Tip: How to test for a good battery ground connection.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1980 (v.153#4) pg. 56
Prewinter car care. Cooling system, cold starting, engine tuneup, battery maintenance, suspension, tires and wheels, body and paint.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1983 (v.160#4) pg. 122
Getting the most from your automobile battery.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1983 (v.160#6) pg. 37
How to determine the state of charge in a maintenance-free auto battery.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1984 (v.161#6) pg. 20
Proper procedure for connecting booster cables when jump-starting a car.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1985 (v.162#1) pg. 36
Tip on the only safe way to use jumper cables to jump-start an automobile.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1986 (v.163#1) pg. 52
Use a plug-in strip heater and fiberglass insulation to keep your automobile battery warm during the winter and improve starting performance.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1986 (v.163#2) pg. 64
Preventing battery brownouts. Troubleshooting your automobile battery and charging system.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1987 (v.164#8) pg. 111
5 tips for safe handling of auto batteries.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1987 (v.164#10) pg. 24
Tip: Weekly wipe-down of an auto battery eliminates corrosion buildup and prolongs life.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1988 (v.165#2) pg. 27
Tip on maintaining batteries with side cable terminals.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1988 (v.165#5) pg. 40
Three wiring techniques for adding a second battery to a truck.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1990 (v.167#2) pg. 22
Added Info POPULAR MECHANICS May 1990 (v.167#5) pg. 42
Tip on using a 9-volt battery and a cigarette lighter adapter to keep the memory circuits of an automobile's computer and radio equipment "alive" while you are changing the auto's battery.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1990 (v.167#5) pg. 42
Replacing an auto battery. Some tips.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1993 (v.170#3) pg. 88
What to do when a car needs battery replacement too frequently.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1996 (v.173#6) pg. 108
Good service will lengthen battery life.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jan 1966 (v.188#1) pg. 120
Install a switch to prevent damage to alternator rectifier diodes when recharging a battery.
POPULAR SCIENCE Apr 1966 (v.188#4) pg. 212
A 16-page special report on auto storage batteries and what they do.
POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1968 (v.193#4) pg. 181
Tools and techniques for servicing auto batteries.
POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1971 (v.199#3) pg. 114
How to install an extra battery and battery mount in a truck or recreational vehicle to insure starting. Auxiliary battery is controlled by a switch on the dashboard.
POPULAR SCIENCE Feb 1974 (v.204#2) pg. 156
Tip on checking side-mount batteries for hidden corrosion.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jan 1988 (v.232#1) pg. 111
How to install a second 12-volt auto battery in a car or van which needs extra electrical capacity.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1986 (v.57#11) pg. 24
Automobile battery monitor circuit has three LEDs to indicate four voltage levels (11, 12, 13, and 14 volts).
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1988 (v.59#1) pg. 22
Cold weather car starter. This device automatically connects a separate, fully charged auxiliary battery to auto ignition when starting and then connects the car's battery when car is started. Est. cost: $9 (less battery).
RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER #772 Feb-Mar 1966 (v.20#1) pg. 51
Prepare your auto battery for winter.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Oct 1963 (v.34#10) pg. 94
Starting your car with a "dead" battery.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS May 1965 (v.36#5) pg. 68
Winterize your battery. Test and clean it.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Dec 1965 (v.36#12) pg. 63
Making your auto battery last longer.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #168 Jul 1990 (v.14#12) pg. 25
Setup for cleaning battery posts, terminals, and trays consists of a modified plastic jug, a brush and a baking soda solution.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #177 Apr 1991 (v.15#9) pg. 26
Making new battery cables.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #197 Dec 1992 (v.17#5) pg. 23
Added Info SKINNED KNUCKLES #199 Feb 1993 (v.17#7) pg. 33, 34
Lead-acid storage batteries. Design, operation, charging, etc.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #221 Dec 1994 (v.19#5) pg. 16
Servicing the postwar Volkswagen Beetle. Part 7. Battery and starter troubleshooting.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #239 Jun 1996 (v.20#11) pg. 20
Servicing lead-acid storage batteries.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #281 Dec 1999 (v.24#5) pg. 19