How to use wood gel stains and graining tools to transform stained, scarred, scratched tables into faux marquetry and inlay designs. CRAFTS Mar 1992 (v.15#3) pg. 24
A look at the "tromp-l oeil" decorations by Peter Hunt that replicate early folk art used to decorate furniture. DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Feb 1976 (v.6#4) pg. 61
Principles and techniques of Trompe l'oeil. Includes description for painting faux birdseye maple paneling below a chair rail. DECORATIVE ARTIST'S WORKBOOK Jan-Feb 1991 (v.18#1) pg. 14
Carved in stone. How to add a three-dimensional look to faux stoneware with stencils. Includes full-sized stencil patterns for numerals, wave and beading. DECORATIVE ARTIST'S WORKBOOK Jan-Feb 1992 (v.19#1) pg. 12, 37
Trompe l'oeil treasure. Center of a dresser-top tray is painted with a faux marble finish and topped with trompe l'oeil images of a porcelain heart, silver pendant with a jewel stone, and a cloth. Tray's edges are spatter-painted, with roses and scrolling on the handles. DECORATIVE ARTIST'S WORKBOOK Jan-Feb 1998 (v.25#1) pg. 58, Insert
Values in trompe l'oeil. A method for developing a design, points on composition, tips on creating the illusion and the three stages of painting. TOLE WORLD #118 Sep-Oct 1992 (v.16#5) pg. 18
Top of a small wooden table is painted to look like it is covered with a doily, a love letter and envelope, and a rose with a bow tied around its stem. TOLE WORLD #128 May-Jun 1994 (v.18#3) pg. 50, Insert